Her Bossy Yet Naive CEO Chapter 345 – 347

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Chapter 345


In the Rolls-Royce, Albert Ou, wearing a headset, was taking debriefing messages from various detachments.

Jasmine Tong has been kidnapped for three days.

In the past three days, we haven’t found a single clue, let alone a person.

How could he not be in a hurry?

Russel Cheng sat in the passenger seat, waiting for Albert Ou’s orders.

Albert Ou’s brow was furrowed in a tight frown, and if he could find even a hint of a clue, even just a hint, it might not be so hard.

I’m afraid we’ve met our match this time.

Albert Ou took off his headphones.

“Mr. Ou, what’s our next step?”

“Carpet search. Don’t give me any corners to miss.”

Albert Ou said through clenched teeth.

Russel Cheng pondered for a moment and turned his head.

“Mr. Ou, our brothers have been looking for three days and three nights, we are all tired, this is not the way to go, why don’t we take a break”

“Rest. You haven’t found a single clue and now you’re telling me to rest.”

Albert Ou growled with his eyes red.

Russel Cheng was shocked by Albert Ou’s voice, but he forced himself to say it.

“Mr. Ou, the brothers are really too tired, and this is not very efficient, so you might miss something important and lose more than you gain, and you yourself haven’t closed your eyes for three days and nights, so it’s time to take a good rest, and maybe the ideas will open up.”

Russel Cheng’s words had calmed Albert Ou down, though.

Russel Cheng was right, if this continued, everyone’s energy was being consumed, they were just ordinary people not having as much energy as themselves.

It didn’t matter if they were exhausted, but they would definitely miss a lot of things in their state of extreme fatigue, in case they missed Jasmine Tong

“Take all the teams, divide them into three groups, work shifts every eight hours, prepare the best meals for them, be sure to focus on finding the men for me, don’t miss a thing, a little detail”

Albert Ou narrowed his eyes.

“Yeah, I’ll get right on it, you need to rest yourself.”

“I don’t need it,”

Russel Cheng sighed, his arm hadn’t fully recovered yet, and he had been sleepy a while ago, so I was afraid he wouldn’t be able to carry it.

“Mr. Ou, I don’t think Mrs. Ou will be kidnapped for no reason, either Mrs. Ou has offended someone or you have offended someone, you should go home and carefully comb through this period of time to see what traces there are.”

Albert Ou’s pair of blue eyes flashed with suspicion.

“Also, Mr. Ou, don’t forget that your arm hasn’t fully recovered and was in bad shape some time ago, and your wife will definitely be angry again if she comes back and sees you like this.”

“Why are you talking so much?”

Albert Ou stared at Russel Cheng fiercely.

But he’s telling the truth.

Albert Ou gently rubbed his temples, if Jasmine Tong knew that she hadn’t closed her eyes for three days and nights now, she would definitely be furious again.

“Back to Rainbow City.”

Hearing Albert Ou say that, Russel Cheng was relieved.

The car soon took Albert Ou back to Rainbow City.

As soon as he stepped through the door, Albert Ou heard voices coming from the kitchen.


Albert Ou immediately walked quickly to the kitchen.

“Jasmine, you’re back.”

The sudden noise made all three men in the kitchen look at the kitchen door together.

The moment O Zeno saw Qin Jianlian, his heart sank.

“How are you,”

Qin turns out to be wearing an apron and is cooking with Aunt Fang and Pearly.

“Oh, I heard that Manny was kidnapped and you’re busy as hell, so I came over to see if I could help in any way.”

Albert Ou was like a frosty eggplant, so it wasn’t Jasmine Tong.

He didn’t say anything, and went back into the living room alone and sat on the couch in silence.

He closed his eyes and rested his head on the couch, still unable to relax his brow.

“Jasmine, where the hell are you.”

Last time he had vowed to never let Jasmine Tong out of his sight again, but he hadn’t expected to lose her again so soon.

Then Qin turned around and gently walked over and sat next to Albert Ou, pouring him a glass of water on the way.

“Look at your dry lips, drink some water to moisten your throat.”

Only then did Albert Ou open his eyes.

“Manny still hasn’t been found?”


“It’s strange how a good thing can be kidnapped.”

Qin turned around and said this like he was talking to himself.

“Asawa, you shouldn’t be too anxious, Lucky has his own way, I’m sure Manny will be able to turn it around this time.”


When Qin turned around, he didn’t know how to comfort Albert Ou.

“If you want to find Manny, you have to take care of yourself first, you have also just recently recovered, you can’t strain yourself like that, only if you keep yourself very energetic and in good shape, you can find Manny faster.”

Qin turned suddenly and patiently to persuade her.

“I’m hungry.”

Qin was immediately overjoyed.

“Dinner’s ready to be eaten right away.”

A table full of food.

“I made these dishes, so taste if they’re good.”

When Qin turned around and immediately offered Albert Ou a dish like an offering, Albert Ou frowned for a moment.

Seeing Albert Ou’s displeasure, Qin turned around and immediately stopped his actions.

Albert Ou is a germaphobe and never accepts extra dishes.

“Sorry, I forgot, Aunt Fang, please change another bowl of rice.”


Auntie Fang immediately re-did a bowl of rice for Albert Ou.

That’s when Albert Ou started eating.

“This, this, this, I made it, it’s not good, will eat it.”Qin turned around and counted the dishes he had made one by one.

Ever since she knew that Jasmine Tong cooked well and knew how to bake, Qin turned around and felt left behind.

She was so busy, though, that she hired a private cooking teacher to teach herself how to cook.

Her cooking skills have improved greatly during this time.

But except for Jasmine Tong’s cooking, anyone’s cooking was the same in Albert Ou’s eyes.

“Asawa, do you think Little Man could have offended someone in the circle? It’s never possible to kidnap her for no reason Since it’s a kidnapping, the kidnapper should have made a demand, but there’s been no movement so far.”

Qin turned around and analyzed as he ate his meal.

Albert Ou’s eating stopped immediately.

It would have been a normal kidnapping, but the other party should have contacted him for a ransom or made some kind of offer long ago.

Three days have passed and nothing’s happened. Why?

Albert Ou immediately took out his cell phone and called Russel Cheng.

“Go to the communications department immediately and check your wife’s recent phone records, I want the most detailed information possible.”


Since they didn’t ask for a ransom, or make any other demands, that means they only have one goal in mind.

They want Jasmine Tong.

Albert Ou suddenly opened up, why would the other party choose to take the highway, it was obviously just stalling for time!

Chapter 346

Soon Albert Ou received a reply.

“Mr. Ou, it’s checked, I’ve checked all the inbound and outbound calls made by the wife during the filming, and only one phone number couldn’t be traced.”

“Where is the place of belonging” Albert Ou frowned tightly, it was probably the only clue he could get hold of.

“There is no place of attribution, this call was inbound for a total of more than two minutes, so it is evident that the wife and the other party should have had a brief conversation, but the number cannot be traced to a place of attribution or any information.”

“Send this number to my cell phone immediately.”


At the side, Qin suddenly looked like he had thought of something.

“Asawa, I suddenly remembered.”

When Qin turned around and stopped talking, he looked at Aunt Fang and Pearly.

Albert Ou also understood Qin Yanyan’s intentions, so the two of them went upstairs together to the study.

“Reminded of what?”

“Do you remember, the last time I came back in the mountains, I mentioned to you that someone had quietly called Mandy and asked Mandy to test you, I thought it would be the same person.”

Albert Ou’s pupils burst with intense hatred.

His hand gripped the phone tightly.

“Cold Lords,”

“You know,”

“Don’t know him, but I know him.”

Albert Ou received that phone number from Russel Cheng and immediately called it.

“But it’s no use calling him, I guess the number is already void.”

The moment Qin turned around and spoke, the phone got through!

“Hey, I’ve been waiting for your call for three days and three nights, Albert Ou, and it seems like you’re no more than that, but it took three days and three nights to check me out.”

The provocative voice of the Leng Lords came from the other end of the phone.

“Where’s Jasmine?”

“Mandy does have me now, don’t worry, I won’t let you find her.”

“Cold Lords, what the hell”

Before Ouzeno finished his words, the cold lord hung up the phone.

When he calls the phone again, they don’t answer or even just turn off their phones.

Albert Ou clenched his fist in resentment.

Why didn’t he think of the Cold Lords?

“Is Mandy in this man’s possession?”


Then Qin turned around and let out a sigh of relief.

“That’s great, it’s good to know who has it, just check the person in, at least it won’t go on like this without a clue.”

“But it’s just that this guy can’t be found no matter how hard I try, I’ve been tracking him for a long, long time, but I don’t know anything about him.”

Qin turned around and looked at Albert Ou incredulously.

“It’s amazing how well anyone can hide before you.”

Qin Liyuan had always thought that Albert Ou was omnipotent, but he didn’t expect that this time he was really running into an opponent.

But it was the Leng Lords

Albert Ou has actually not given up on the Cold Lords’ investigation all this time.

But there was nothing.

The reason why Leng Lords dared to answer Albert Ou’s phone call in a dignified manner was that they expected Albert Ou to know nothing about him.

And this cold lord seemed to know his methods like the back of his hand.

Albert Ou had wanted to stall for time to be able to find out where one of the Cold Lords belonged, but the Cold Lords had accurately mastered the time, and in that short amount of time, there was no way to inquire about the place of belonging.

This man is horrible, he’s like a roundworm in his stomach.

s city

“The young master is back.”

With a shout from the maid, Chu Runzhi immediately came out of the room.

I saw Hosiji returning from outside with a huge backpack on his back.

“Ouch, Jay, you’re back.”

Huo Sijie had just been a freshman in college, and this was his first time away from home, where Churunzhi had been away from his son for so long.

“Mom, what do you think you’re always calling me back for?”

Huo Sijie was a hundred times unwilling to leave home so easily, and every Friday Chu Runzhi had to give him a call to come back for the weekend.

“You brat, you went back to school after the New Year, you haven’t been back every time I call you and you say busy, you’re a student what’s so busy.”

Chu Runzhi said as she gently patted Huo Sijie’s head.

“Students are the busy ones, I’m a freshman this year, I’m even busier, and Z and S city still have to fly, so you can toss me.”

Hosiji complained as he went into the house and took off his backpack.

“I shouldn’t have agreed to let you go to college in Slivestopol in the first place you yourself still have to go to this well, a trip home is a lot of work”

Hoshi sat down on a chair and poured himself a glass of water.

“I just want to get away from you guys.”


Chu Runzhi was really angry enough by this son, the family one does not let her save heart.

“You couldn’t say anything to cheer me up after all your trips back.”

“Gee, Mom, I just got off the plane and I’m tired, I’m going to go back to my house and take a nap.”

Said Hosiji and was ready to go.

“Hey hey, I’m not done talking to you yet I’m telling you to come back to your cousin.”

“Where did my cousin I pop up” Huo Sijie was very puzzled.

Huo’s family is thin, and Huo Yulong’s parents only gave birth to Huo Yulong and Huo Yuzhen, but Huo Yuzhen ran away from home again, leaving the Huo family with some distant relatives who don’t usually move around much.

“Do you remember your father telling you once that she has a sister and you have an aunt.”

Hosiji carefully tried to fathom it.

“Oh, like that’s what’s going on.”

“That aunt of yours is dead, but she left two children, a boy and a girl, and your father got your cousin back, so go ahead and check it out.”


Huo Sijie didn’t care, it didn’t matter to him that there was just one more cousin in the family.

Chu Runzhi brought Huo Sijie to Jasmine Tong’s room.

“Your cousin lives in this room, so go in, there’s a surprise.”

Chu Runzhi was also aware that her son liked Jasmine Tong very much.

Hosiji and Hosiya both liked Jasmine Tong.

“Just have a surprise don’t be a shock.”

Huo Sijie stood at the door and knocked on it.


Jasmine Tong was reading a book in her room when she suddenly heard someone calling for her cousin.

“Manny, Kit’s back,” shouted Churunji.

Jasmine Tong immediately got up and went to the door and opened it.

At that moment.



Both men froze.

Chu Runzhi took a look at these two people.

“You two have met before.”

“Seen,” Hosier answered immediately.

“Oh my gosh, that’s so meant to be you guys talk you talk.”

Chu Runzhi left happily.

Hosiji walked into the house.

“Manny-san, you’re my cousin oh my god, this is incredible.”

Huo Sijie suddenly frowned.

“Then Yarwen Tong is not my cousin”

“I don’t know which of you two is older.”Jasmine Tong looked at Huo Sijie with quite a bit of interest.

“He’s older than me, we’re both the same year, his birthday is older.”


Jasmine Tong’s eyes were fixed on Huo Sijie.

It’s like a lifeline.

Chapter 347

Jasmine Tong did not immediately speak to Huo Sijie about her house arrest, the straw has come, this matter cannot be rushed.

In the evening, Jasmine Tong came directly to Huo Sijie’s bedroom to find him.

“Kit, are you there?”

There was no sound.

“My lady, the gentleman just called the young master away, you go in first and wait for him.”A maid happened to be passing by.


Jasmine Tong pushed the door straight open and walked in.

Hosier’s bedroom was a bit cluttered, with pictures of basketball stars on the walls and sandbags hanging from it, it was more like a boy’s room.

Jasmine Tong saw the computer on the table in a flash.

She was smart and immediately walked away.

With a shake of the mouse, the computer screen lit up.

Jasmine Tong suddenly became nervous and looked around

It’s the best chance we’ve got, and the computers are networked.

She knew that WeChat was also available on the computer and she quickly opened the webpage to find the login address.

Enter your own account number and password.

The page is jumping, and soon she’ll be able to log in to her MySpace and tell Albert Ou where she is!

Just at that moment, the door suddenly opened.

Tong looked to the doorway, and the man at the door looked to Tong

“Cousin, what are you doing?”

“I’m just playing with the computer.”

Huo Sijie immediately saw the WeChat that Jasmine Tong had logged in.

She only needed to type a few words as the webpage showed that she had successfully logged in.

“Cousin, you quit right now.”

“Kit, help me this once, for cousin please.”

Jasmine Tong is holding the computer and won’t let go, but she can’t type even if she’s frozen like this.

Huo Sijie immediately turned off the router in his room.

There was no need to struggle as Jasmine Tong saw the computer screen showing that it was offline.

“Cousin, you don’t want to hurt me.”

“You know all about it.”

Tong sat down in her chair and put her computer back in its place.

“If you know that, then you should know that your father is putting me under house arrest, and you should know that he has no reason to.”

Huo Sijie had just been called out, and this was for Jasmine Tong.

Huo Yulong had already told Huo Sijie about the cause and effect, also because he was worried that Jasmine Tong would use Huo Sijie.

Jasmine Tong regretted that she should have been the first to see Huo Sijie.

“My dad says Albert Ou is,”

He found this fact absurd, but he had no way of disobeying his father.

“It’s a vampire, you’re a college student, you should know that’s nonsense.”

Huo Sijie scratched his head in frustration and sat down.

“Then I can’t disobey my dad, you don’t know my dad, if I help you, my dad would have to kill me.”

Jasmine Tong lowered her head in disappointment.

I thought that Huo Sijie’s arrival would bring a glimmer of hope, but I didn’t expect that hope to be dashed so soon.

No, this wouldn’t work, she had to fight for it.

It had been four days, and Albert Ou must have been frantic at home.

“So you were so scared of your dad that you helped him along with the bad stuff?”

Huo Sijie hung his head, not saying a word.

“Kit, I know you’re a good kid, do you believe this nonsense too? If Albert Ou is a vampire, what about Xin Xin?”

At the mention of Mo Yi Xin, Huo Si Jie finally had some reaction.

“What does this have to do with Xin Xin?”

“Of course it’s related Xin Xin is Albert Ou’s young niece, they’re relatives ah, if Albert Ou is a vampire, then how did they get this relative.”

Huo Sijie pondered it carefully and couldn’t figure it out.

“I can’t figure it out, but my dad says he is.”

“Your father says he is, that’s because he doesn’t know him, Xin Xin is Albert Ou’s niece and gets along with Albert Ou a lot, if Albert Ou was a vampire, then Xin Xin would have known by now”

It wasn’t unreasonable to say so, once Hoshi Jie thought about it.

“Will you help me?”

Huo Sijie was very torn at the moment.

“Oh cousin, don’t give me a hard time, I’m stuck in the middle of you guys you know what my dad just warned me about”

“What did he say?”

“He said the one thing he regretted doing the most in his life was letting my aunt go he said he told me not to go his way or I would regret it for the rest of my life you but my cousin I don’t want to regret it like my father.”

Huo Sijie was extremely frustrated.

Having just been properly warned by Huo Yulong, he was also a little scared.

“You won’t regret your dad letting my mom go back then until you help me now, he’ll regret it because my dad is scum but Albert Ou is different, he’s good to me, he loves me so much”

Hosiji was wavering again.

He bit his teeth.

“Cousin, stop it, I have to listen to my father.”

Jasmine Tong could sort of tell that the boy had probably been obedient since he was a child.

Plus some intimidation from Huo Yulong.

But Huo Sijie is her only hope. She can’t let go of him.

I’m sorry, Kit.

“So you’ll blame Xin Xin for you?”

“Yan Yan She”

Every time Mo Yi Xin was mentioned, Huo Sijie would be a little shaken.

“I can see that you like Xin Xin very much, Albert Ou is Xin Xin’s youngest uncle, and Xin Xin also likes me as his youngest aunt, do you think Xin Xin won’t blame you”

The last time in the hospital, Jasmine Tong could see that Huo Sijie was very good to Mo Yi Xin, and his eyes were full of affection.


Huo Sijie bit his own lip and remained silent.

Tong Mann was waiting for him.

“Blame it on her, then I can’t betray my dad, not with her anyway”

Hosiji had a great sense of brokenness.

“Why not?”

“Cousin, don’t you know that Xin Xin likes Yarwen Tong, almost everyone in our school knows”

It’s still a little sad to mention this, Hosier.

“But, it’s impossible for Xiaolei and Xin Xin.”

Jasmine Tong said it very absolutely.

“Why is it impossible that Xin Xin likes Yarwen Tong very much you’re not going to disagree just because you’re Xin Xin’s little aunt, are you?”

Huo Sijie was very puzzled.

“Of course not, k!ssing on top of k!ssing, I like that kind of thing too, but the two of them just can’t, because of little Lei”

Speaking of which, Jasmine Tong looked a little lonely.

“Xiaolei had been sentenced to death by doctors a long time ago, he had congenital heart disease, and the doctors had said before that he wouldn’t live to be 17, but now he’s over 17 and his health is deteriorating, and he doesn’t know which day,”

The following words Jasmine Tong did not say further.

And Jack Hawthorne understands.

Jasmine Tong steadied herself.

“I will never allow Little Lei to fall in love, falling in love will affect his emotions, and the mood swings will affect his heart and shorten his life span.”

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