Her Bossy Yet Naive CEO Chapter 234 – 236

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Chapter 234

“Your man has really let me down a bit, my dear, he doesn’t even have you in mind, he won’t even give you a real name.”

Jasmine Tong turned her face away.

“I don’t want an open relationship myself.”

“But at that point, you were actually silently hoping that he would make your relationship public, right?”

Leng Lords poked at Jasmine Tong’s soft spot at once, seeing through Jasmine Tong’s mind.

Jasmine Tong took a deep breath.

“Baron, there’s no point in talking about it, he and I are married and I love him very much now and I want you to stop asking about my marriage, okay?”

The Leng Lords heard the phrase “I love him”, also is really stunned.

“Honey, it’s not good that you’re falling into it so quickly.”

“I don’t care if it’s good or bad, I just know it’s the truth, Baron, and I appreciate a lot of what you’ve taught me, but we’re both destined for each other after all, so just let it go, okay?”

Jasmine Tong’s tone was very definite.

The Cold Lords covered their chests.

“Darling, are you rejecting me completely? Do you know how sad I am?”

“Cold Lords,”

Jasmine Tong raged.

“Can you be serious while I’m talking to you?”

The Cold Lords spread their palms and shrugged their shoulders.

“Honey, I’m getting down to business with you, too.”

Jasmine Tong was so angry that she couldn’t speak.

Why is it that all the men she meets are the ones who talk like that and can kill you?

Albert Ou is the same way.

Seeing that Jasmine Tong was a little unhappy, the Leng Lords immediately laughed.

“Ok, ok, honey, since you’re already in love with him, let me have nothing to say about it, we’ll still be friends.”

Jasmine Tong saw the Leng Lords change so quickly, some can’t believe it.

“Baron, are you serious?”

“You don’t believe me.”

Jasmine Tong looked Leng Lords up and down and didn’t answer the question.

“Ok, you don’t believe me if I say anything, so how about we sit down and talk like friends.”

The man is ever so unpredictable and never follows a pattern.

Jasmine Tong’s phone immediately rang with a video invitation.

Jasmine Tong immediately hung up, this time food, so that Albert Ou saw, the cold baron appeared in the screen, I think he will immediately kill it!

“Big baby, the director called me for something, I’ll finish as soon as I can and I’ll send you a video later.”

Jasmine Tong sent a quick message to Albert Ou.

“Oh, honey, you lied, yo.”

At some point the Cold Lords had appeared behind her and saw what she was sending on her phone.

The man’s always in the dark.

Jasmine Tong immediately put the phone away.

“If it’s up to you, it’s not gentlemanly to peek at someone else’s messages.”

The cold lord had a carefree expression.

“I was never a gentleman in the first place.”

Jasmine Tong sat on the bed and the cold lord sat on a chair in her house.

“What did you want to talk to me about?”

“Is he good to you?”

“Of course.”

“Do you have a good sex life?”

When I heard the second question, Jasmine Tong was embarrassed.

Jasmine Tong’s face was a little red.

“Baron, that’s a bit much to ask.”

The cold lord shook his head.

“Since you call me a baron, it shouldn’t be too much of a stretch for me to ask about my sister’s sex life I’m just worried about you, honey, and that you’ll get hurt.”

I’m afraid she’ll get hurt.

What the hell kind of question is that?

“I don’t want to talk about it, I think it’s personal and part of my marriage.”

“That seems incongruous.”

“Of course harmony.”

Jasmine Tong got out of her mouth and regretted it afterwards, her face immediately flushed red.

The Cold Lords couldn’t help but laugh.

“You’re not hurt?”

“How could I be hurt?”

Jasmine Tong found the question funny, even having a sex life can hurt, then she herself is paper thin right?

“That’s strange,” the cold lord’s pupils shrank and his brows furrowed.

Jasmine Tong found the Cold Lords even more incomprehensible.

Is it weird that the sex hasn’t hurt?

“Brother baron, you have no end ah always ask some messy questions”

The cold lord suddenly changed his face.

“Darling, there’s a serious question I need to tell you.”


Does this man have any serious moments?

“Albert Ou, he’s not human.”


Jasmine Tong felt that today’s Leng Lords is really too abnormal.

“Baron, I know you have a strong opinion of him, but he is my husband after all, isn’t it a bit too much to call him a non-person in front of me.”

“I’m telling the truth, he’s really not human.”

Jasmine Tong rolled her eyes toward the ceiling.

“Well, since you say he’s not human, tell me what kind of immortal ghost he is.”

Since he was so prudish, Jasmine Tong had no choice but to be prudish with him.

Although Jasmine Tong thought the conversation between the two of them was simply hilarious.


There was no smile on Leng Lords’ face, and the serious expression seemed to tell Jasmine Tong that he wasn’t joking.

Jasmine Tong was stunned for a few seconds and was actually shocked by the Cold Lords’ expression.

Then she laughed.

“Baron, I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt, with such a serious joke, you’re probably the only person I know.”

The cold baron’s smile was very, very cold.

He had expected from the start that Jasmine Tong would not believe it.

“Honey, do I look like I’m joking?”

Jasmine Tong suddenly put away her smile, then leaned closer to the Leng Lords and stared into his eyes for several seconds.

Then nodded solemnly towards the Cold Lords.


Jasmine Tong laughed once more.

“Baron, you’ve been messing around with movies and TV shows lately aren’t you watching too many ah or reading too many novels.”

“I’m not kidding you, remember the last time the two of us dueled I cut him with my dagger and his blood was blue.”

Jasmine Tong heard this even more ridiculously.

“In the movies, vampire blood is red.”

“There really are vampires in this world, and their blood is blue.”

The company’s main business is to provide a wide range of products and services, including a wide range of products and services, and a wide range of products and services.

“It’s really a pity you’re not an actor, Baron.”

“Whatever, believe it or not, I’m sure you’ve spent so much time with him that you’re aware of the strange things about him.”

The Cold Lords knew he would definitely fail the first time.

He pulled a collar out of his pocket, a faded collar that was originally white in color.

The pendant was a giant tooth, sharp as a tack.

Chapter 235

The first time Jasmine Tong saw this pendant, it looked familiar.

She thought carefully, the girl from the flower store she met the last time she shot the sound of blossoms, whose name was Poppy, I think, was wearing one of those necklaces around her neck.

“Take this with you, this is something that will ward off evil.”

The Cold Lords’ expression was still very serious.

If he hadn’t been worried about Tong’s comfort, he probably wouldn’t have told Tong that fact in such a direct way.

“I’m not a superstitious person.”

If she brought this back, Albert Ou would definitely question her again, and then she wouldn’t be able to explain it.

The Leng Lords went directly to Jasmine Tong, and forcefully put the pendant on Jasmine Tong’s neck.

“If you really can’t bring it outside, at least you have to take it with you wherever you go, it’s something that can save your life at a critical moment.”

Jasmine Tong took a step backwards.

“Lords, I never thought you’d be so superstitious.”

“I’m telling you, my dear, it’s definitely not superstition, and one day you’ll find out that what I’m saying is true.”

Watching Lengæž­ so serious serious expression, Jasmine Tong also did not dare to play fun again.

“Honey, did you delete my phone number and my tweets?”

“Uh that hey.”

Asking it so directly made Jasmine Tong somewhat embarrassed.

The cold lord smirked and shook his head.

“It’s okay, it would simply not be too easy for me to find you.”

Jasmine Tong was startled.

Yes, the Leng Lords is too mysterious a person, no matter where she is, he can find her.

“Baron, you’re not going to install a tracking system on me too or anything like that,”

The cold lord raised his eyebrows lightly.

“I’m not going to use that kind of dirty tricks like some guy, oh no, he’s not human.”

Jasmine Tong was silent.

She said her husband was a bad man.

“Well, I should go, don’t miss me too much.”

The Leng Lords smiled brightly towards Jasmine Tong and went to the window.

Just as he was about to open the window, he stopped abruptly again.

The cold lord seemed to have made up his mind and turned around again.

“Darling, can I ask you a few questions?”

“What do you want to ask?”

“Do you have a brother or sister above you?”

Jasmine Tong found the question somewhat baffling.

“I’m the boss of the family.”

“No, not being born counts.”

The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you’re looking for.

“This really isn’t.”


The Leng Lords were thoughtful, and then raised their eyes to look at Jasmine Tong.

“What’s your mother’s name?”

“Ha baron brother, are you on the wrong medication today are you a cold baron?”

Jasmine Tong even brainstormed, wondering if the man in front of her had come in a human skin mask.

“Of course I am, answer my question, my dear.”

“My mother’s name is Tong Yu.”

Jasmine Tong had no choice but to answer the question with a hard scalp.

“Tong Yu, your father and your mother have the same last name.”


In the meantime, the Cold Lords have knitted their brows.

If the surname of Jasmine Tong’s family is a very common one, such as Zhang, Wang, Li and so on, probably the Leng Lords would not have any doubts.

The surname Tong would have been uncommon, two couples even surname the same surname, which is too strange.

“My mom always felt like it was meant to be between her and my dad.”

Jasmine Tong said slowly.

Sometimes she wondered if the family name had dragged her mother through life.

“So, did your mom ever mention that you don’t have any family on your grandparents’ side of the family?”

Once again, Jasmine Tong shook her head.

“No, I’ve never been to my grandparents’ house, but I’ve heard my mom talk about them.”

Jasmine Tong thought back carefully.

“She said something.”

Jasmine Tong scratched her head.

“Said my grandparents loved her and that she had a younger brother who was always fighting with her when she was little.”


“I can’t remember, I was too young at the time.Why are you asking about our family?”

“Nothing, just asking, wouldn’t it be nice to get to know the dear family a little better?”

Does it really help that he knows this?

After thinking about it, the Cold Lords once again walked in front of Jasmine Tong.

“Darling, if you’re in danger and want to find me, here’s this.”

The cold lord spread out his palm, which was a bullet-like object.

“Oh, baron, I don’t think, I don’t need it, he’s assigned me two bodyguards, so I shouldn’t be in danger.”

“It is he who is afraid of the danger.”

Leng Lords took Jasmine Tong’s hand and placed the bullet-like object in Jasmine Tong’s hand.

“Point this end up and smash it hard into the ground, and it’ll send a signal to me, and I’ll come to your rescue.”

Afterwards, the Cold Lords really left this time.

Jasmine Tong walked over and closed the window, and then looked out the window, has disappeared the cold lord’s shadow.

The man was forever coming and going, so fast that it was doubtful he wasn’t human.

Jasmine Tong put that bullet-like object away, in case she really needed it later, it was also a defensive item.

There was also the tooth-like collar that she had put away.

She suddenly remembered something.

Immediately look to your phone.

“It’s not over yet?”

“How much longer?”

“Little baby little baby little baby.”

A whole dozen messages.

From these messages, Jasmine Tong could sense how impatient Albert Ou was.


The man must be angry.

She sent a quick message to Mo Yiang.

“Send me some funny emojis right now.”

Mo Yiang, an Internet addict, basically kept his phone on him and replied to the message at the first opportunity.

“What do you need emojis for I thought you didn’t like this stuff?”

He was usually the one who gave her love packets, and Jasmine Tong was never very cool about it.

“Your brother-in-law’s angry. I have to coax him.”


Mo Yiang thinks he shouldn’t ask.

He quickly sent some funny emojis to Jasmine Tong.

“No, no, no, it needs to be that particularly ambiguous one, preferably with a bit of lust.”


Mo Yiang was literally hit by 10,000 points of violence.

These two are so affectionate with each other.

Mo Yiang had to take out his treasured emoticon and send it to Jasmine Tong.

Jasmine Tong saw that it was fine and immediately sent it to Albert Ou.

“Big baby, don’t be mad at me. I’m coming back.”

Albert Ou was originally very angry.

We agreed on a video, and all of a sudden this woman wants to talk to some director about something.

There wasn’t much time for them to video.

And it’s always occupied by random people.

But when he looked at the emoji on his phone screen, he burst out laughing

Chapter 236

One of the expressions is a moving picture.

A very cute little girl holding back her tears, the text above is: The Lun family did not mean it, this time let people go, light abuse, okay?

“Where did all this stuff come from?”

“Asking Black Earth for it, and still angry?”


“Don’t be mad, I didn’t mean to make you wait so long, go back and be nice to you.”

Sending these out, Jasmine Tong felt something wasn’t quite right.

Shouldn’t it be a man saying this to a woman? Why should she, a woman, say this to her husband?

“The abuse is bound to be abusive, and for the sake of the trouble you’ve taken to please me, it will be light.”

Jasmine Tong pouted at this arrogant man

“It’ll be a lot lighter.”

“A little bit dot dot dot.”

When she saw Albert Ou’s reply, Jasmine Tong was about to vomit blood.

That child, O’3.

Because and the cold owl delayed too long, apparently there is no time for video, Jasmine Tong still have to shoot tomorrow, Albert Ou also have to go to work tomorrow.

“Okay, no more chatting, I’m going to go home soon.”

“I’ll pick you up when you get back.”

I’ve been waiting for the stars and the moon, and finally this day has come.

Albert Ou felt like he’d been home alone for simply too long.

“We’re scheduled to shoot in two days, soon, soon.”

“Come back to me first thing when you’re done. Be a good boy and stay home.”

Albert Ou sent a wicked grin in passing.

For the emoji section, Albert Ou didn’t like to play either, and all of his expressions came with the system.

He never even used to talk about WeChat before, and it was only after he met Jasmine Tong.

“Go to sleep, good night.”

“No k!sses.”

Jasmine Tong immediately sent over a k!ssy expression.

Albert Ou replied to her one as well.

The two days of filming soon came to a close, and the romantic journey finally killed off, with everyone crossing half of the South.

The crew had a killing banquet together, and Jasmine Tong and Xing Chaoyang got on a plane back to Slivestopol together.

The first thing I noticed was the fact that there was a lot of people in the world who were not aware of this.

Two people on the plane were seated next to each other.

“Manny, do you have time to come to my house today at noon?”

Yesterday afternoon killed the banquet last night, and two people didn’t really need to take the first flight back this morning.

But the two men coincidentally chose the first flight, and perhaps were eager to get home.

“Ah” faced with Xing Chaoyang’s sudden invitation, Jasmine Tong was also at a loss.

She promised Albert Ou that she would return at the first opportunity.


“You have a work schedule.”


She doesn’t have a job, but she has a husband.

“Then come home with me, but I promised my wife that I would make sure to bring you home at noon today, she’s a big fan of yours and likes you a lot.”

It’s a lot easier for you to get the best out of the company.

In fact, in private, Jasmine Tong really wants to communicate more with Xing Chaoyang.

“How is it embarrassing? Even if it is embarrassing, you have to promise me, I’m swearing to my wife that if I don’t bring you back at noon today, I’ll probably get down on my knees scrubbing.”

This has made Jasmine Tong laugh. I didn’t think Xing Chaoyang was still a wife and disciplinarian in private.


“But we’ll leave together when we get off the plane.”

Jasmine Tong agreed.

Xing Chaoyang was finally relieved that he had completed the big task.

“You know what actually, my wife was very reluctant to let me take on Director Yan, I’ve worked with him before, and after seeing the movie, my wife was all over me saying that it was too perverted and she was determined not to let me take it in the future.”

“Then why did you pick it up later?”

In fact, the two times Jasmine Tong worked with Yanke, she knew that Yanke was too demanding.

She might not work with harsh next time either.

“Because when my wife heard you were going to play a woman, she immediately had me sign a contract, without even considering that the woman was very unruly and sold me on it.”

The two men laughed together.

“She liked you very much and said from the time you shot Huma Red World, look, this little girl is going to be a hit, and when Blossom was released, she painted it a total of six times and asked her studio to watch it.”

Jasmine Tong didn’t even know she had such a rabid fan base.

It can’t hurt to make an extra friend.

Since Albert Ou had a meeting this morning, he wasn’t prepared to pick up Jasmine Tong, but sent Russel Cheng over.

As soon as she got off the plane, Jasmine Tong immediately called Russel Cheng and said that she was going over to her friend’s place.

Xing Chaoyang’s agent came to pick up the plane and dropped them both off at Xing Chaoyang’s house.

Meng Jiajia had been waiting at home for a long time, and the moment the door opened, she was so excited that she hugged Jasmine Tong and almost cried out.

Xing Chaoyang was twelve years older than Meng Jiajia, so there wasn’t much of an age difference between Meng Jiajia and Jasmine Tong.

When they first got married, the world wasn’t very optimistic about the couple, but I didn’t think they’d always be in love.

Meng Jiajia’s grinning personality soon made Jasmine Tong remove the feeling of constraint.

“Mandy, I even cooked a couple of dishes myself to welcome you.”

Xing Chaoyang, who was next to him, had a lifeless expression.

“I say wife, people have come a long way, are you trying to make this trip the last one”

This words Jasmine Tong also heard that Meng Jiajia’s cooking skills were not very good.

And it’s Xing Chaoyang who is the top man in the family kitchen.

“I’m telling you, I’ve been learning these two dishes for days for Manny, I promise they’re delicious.”

As the three men were talking, the sound of a child crying came from the room.

Munchael went into the room and came out with a cute little girl in her arms.

Xing Chaoyang and Meng Jiajia’s daughter, who is now two years old, is a big-eyed adorable baby.

Xing Chaoyang has also had photos of his daughter on Weibo, but they are all mosaic or just a back view.

This time Jasmine Tong finally saw the real thing.

“This is my daughter, her nickname is Yaya, Yaya, you see we have a guest in the house, this is mommy’s idol, Sister Manny.”

Xing Chaoyang was not happy to hear the name.

“You told YaYa to call Mandy sister, what about me”

Meng Jiajia immediately glanced at Xing Chaoyang.

“Who called you old,”

“Then you had to marry me.”

The two couples’ daily grudge screen is also to make fun of Jasmine Tong, and then look at their daughter Ya Ya, a really happy family of three.

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