Fade With Time and Love Chapter 406

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Chapter 406

Several people talked and laughed and rushed to Kristine’s villa together.

I don’t know if it was because of the good exercise before, Kristine’s palace gate opened very quickly, not long after, it was already halfway open.

As experienced, Laura and Sara naturally went in to help. Outside, Lewis and Shi Yanyan stood at the door, chatting with Leon.

In the room, the women were comforting Kristine and cheering her on, while Norris was feeding her chocolate and melt-in-mouth snacks to help her replenish energy.

Finally, when the doctor said that she could prepare to give birth, the men outside really began to get nervous.

After a while, a loud baby cry sounded, and Leon was shocked. His niece was born!

In the room, Norris was stunned for a few seconds when he heard the cry, his eyes were a little hot.

One of his little princesses came out.

The doctor continued to cheer on Kristine, and Laura also said next to her: “Kristine, hold on again, you will be out soon, you can relax!”

Kristine adjusted her breathing again, almost exhausted, only to feel a looseness in her body, almost collapsed.

And the second baby crying also sounded one after another, which seemed louder than the first baby just now.

“Madam, congratulations, the two little princesses are very healthy!” There was joy in the doctor’s voice.

It’s really a little princess! Kristine actually had a dream last night, dreaming that she was giving birth.

Then, when she and Norris looked at the pink and lace skirts all over the room, their eyes were red.

At this moment, when she heard the doctor’s words, she finally breathed a sigh of relief, and barely raised the corners of her lips, but she couldn’t speak.

The doctor was helping Kristine treat the wound and the child’s umbilical cord, while Norris lowered his head and k!ssed Kristine’s forehead: “Kristine, you have worked hard, take a good night’s sleep and don’t think about anything.”

She still wanted to see the baby, but she did feel that she couldn’t hold on any longer, so she nodded, closed her eyes and went to sleep.

On the bed obviously couldn’t sleep anymore, but fortunately, the housekeeper sent someone a slightly smaller bed.

Norris hugged Kristine, covered her with a blanket, and then went to see his two little princesses.

“The baby is so cute!” Sara saw that there were little princesses, and his envy was indescribable.

“Brother, can you give me one of your little princesses?” She looked up at Norris, looking pitiful and expectant.

“No.” Although Norris loves his sister, how can he be willing to do such things? An old hen guarding the chicks quickly blocked the two little princesses.

“Brother––” Sara dragged her voice: “Lend me a few days to play!”

“Baby is not a toy.” Norris said seriously: “They are your little niece, you see, how hard it is for your sister-in-law to have a baby!”

“Sniff!” Sara pouted, “I’ll tell my parents tonight and tell them that their granddaughter was forced out by you!”

Norris’s face suddenly flushed: “Don’t say it!”

“Let me play that baby for a while!” Sara stuck out her tongue.

“Good Sara, stop making trouble.” Norris had no choice but to coax her sisters: “They still have to breastfeed. After they are weaned, you can take them out for fun!”

“Okay.” Sara thought for a while: “Then I will design a set of parent-child outfits later!”

Put on the skirt, and bring two identical little princesses behind you. The three of them are dressed in parent-child outfits. They are all beautiful to think about!

However, a certain little guy who was ignored by his mother was very depressed: “Is my son so unwelcome to my mother? Dad, please comfort!”

Outside, everyone heard the doctor say that it was done, and they all came in.

Shi Yanyan came in with Shi Xilang in his arms, and said to Sara: “My son has been looking for you after waking up after a nap. The nanny just brought him over.”

Sara took Shi Xilang, hugged him, walked to the two little princesses, and whispered: “Son, we will steal them back to our house and play with you, okay?”

Shi Xilang couldn’t speak yet. Hearing what Sara said, his face showed disdain, he didn’t nod his head or refuse.

“You don’t like your sister?” Sara lure. “Look, they are so cute, how cute!”

Shi Xilang glanced at it and ignored it.

Sara saw that her son didn’t give face so much, her heart moved: “Then who do you like?”

After thinking for a moment, Shi Xilang gave Sara a message.

The cheeks were a little moist, but more soft and tender, and all of a sudden, Sara’s heart stopped beating.

“My favorite mom?” Shi Yanyan asked from the side.

Shi Xilang nodded.

For a moment, Sara was even embarrassed. She envied other people’s little princesses every day, but she didn’t know that the little prince who originally came from home was more caring than the other little princesses combined.

She looked at Shi Jinyan: “Brother Jinyan, I don’t want a little princess anymore. I think a Xilang is very good!”

“What I said, it’s up to you.” He laughed, leaned over, and k!ssed Shi Xilang and Sara one by one.

Over there, the doctor had wrapped up the two babies and put them beside Kristine. He instructed some others, leaving only the nurse behind.

Norris walked to the two daughters, looked for a long time, leaned over and k!ssed their little cheeks gently. The delicate touch on the lips and petals filled his chest, and for a while, he was a little dazed.

Is he a father too? I used to see other people holding a child with light and joy in their eyes. At that time, I thought about what would he and Kristine look like if they had a baby?

Now I finally understand. It turns out that all the imagination is not as good as the picture I see at the moment.

She fell asleep quietly, with two small babies beside her. Outside, the blue sea and blue sky, the sun was shining, and the years were peaceful.

When the few people waiting for their grandson saw several missed calls on their phones, it was already evening.

After the wedding today, Muchen Shi proposed to drive on the opposite island.

There are a lot of volcanic ash on the opposite island. The soil is relatively fertile and the trees are shaded. It should be cool to drive. Fu Xige also thought it was a good proposal, so he took Yan Qingze and the others to go with it.

Everyone took a speedboat and rented a car down the mountain, one for each pair.

Ouyang Jun suggested that everyone should come to a game and circle the mountain to see who gets to the destination first.

Everyone agrees with this mention. It’s just that Fu Xige is depressed. What his mother said is that climbing is fun. He must follow. Now, isn’t he inevitable to lose?

No way, he found some cushions for his mother-in-law, and asked Qiao Youyou to sit in the back to help him take care of her mother, and started the accelerator first.

After that, Muchen Shi and other cars also set off.

Along the way, the mountains and rivers are beautiful and green. There are many palm trees, coconut trees, mango trees, bread trees, avocado trees, etc. in the forest. Driving in the middle is particularly pleasant.

The off-road vehicles they rent are all without a roof. When passing by some relatively low fruit trees, Lan Xiaotang can pick up the fruit as soon as he reaches out.

“Mu Chen, let’s play the music!” Lan Xiaotang said.

Muchen Shi nodded and turned on the music switch in the car.

Suddenly, quite warm and tropical songs sounded, making people feel relaxed and bright both physically and mentally.

“The scenery here is great!” Muchen Shi said, slowing down and stopping.

“Mu Chen, we are still playing!” Lan Xiaotang was anxious.

“It’s okay, come and I will take a picture of you.” Muchen Shi said, pointing somewhere.

Lan Xiaotang looked at it, and sure enough, from that angle, he only felt that the mountains, green plants, and sky were just like watercolor paintings on the artist’s hands. The colors were just right, as if lost in a paradise on earth.

She walked over and stood still, Muchen Shi pressed the shutter, and suddenly the picture froze on the phone screen.

“It’s beautiful.” He walked over and handed her the phone.

She also liked it very much, and couldn’t help but say: “Then you come too, I will shoot for you!”

At the same angle, Lan Xiaotang also took a picture of Muchen Shi. Looking at the picture, he was rather regretful: “Unfortunately, there is no selfie stick, so I can’t take a photo.”

He smiled, picked up the phone, switched to the selfie mode, and framed both of them in the camera.

The moment he pressed the shutter, he turned his head and k!ssed her on the cheek.

Suddenly, in the picture, he k!ssed her. The background is beautiful and tender green, and the sky above the head.

Lan Xiaotang missed a beat in her heartbeat. When he was about to say something, Muchen Shi had already pulled her body over and faced him.

He put the phone in his pocket and directly lowered his head and k!ssed her lips.

Her heartbeat speeded up immediately, her footsteps couldn’t help but backed up two steps, and her body sank into the green.

He clasped her waist tightly, and he had already led her into the dense green in front of him.

The surroundings are very quiet, only the music coming from the car, separated by the leaves, is fascinating.

She felt that the breath he k!ssed her was getting faster and faster, and the heartbeat also accelerated. It was so easy, she let out a little breath: “Mu Chen, we are outside”

His voice was a bit muffled: “It’s not that I haven’t been outside.” That tone was quite confident.

Her eyes widened. In the past, they were indeed outside more than once, but the situation is different now!

She grabbed his arm: “Farewell, Qingze, they are all in the mountains, and”

“Our car is at the end, and how do you know that they are not doing the same thing as us?” After saying that, her hand started sliding up from her waistline.

“You…” She didn’t know what to say, she looked around and discussed in general: “Or, let’s go back and talk about it?”

“I’ll talk about going back again. Here comes here.” He seemed to make a lot of sense: “Xiaotang, have you ever heard of the saying that lunch and dinner are eaten together anyway?”

Lan Xiaotang: “This theory is simply amazing. When she reacted, he had already touched her against a large tropical tree.

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