Fade With Time and Love Chapter 370

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Chapter 370

After a long time, he continued to turn over.

The date is the next day: “I went to the hospital for an examination today.

The baby is gone.

The small clinic suggested that I go to a bigger hospital. I know that once I go, maybe I will lose my freedom forever.

I understand Lewis, if my baby is still there, he will let my husband give the baby.

However, if my baby is gone, he will hand me and the evidence to the police.

However, suddenly I was not afraid of anything, and I decided to go to the big hospital. “

Afterwards she wrote: “Just now, I asked Uncle Ming, do you believe in the present paper?

I didn’t believe it in the past, but now I finally understand.

Ten and a half years ago, I watched Huo Jingran’s baby turn into a pool of blood.

And today, the same thing happened to me.

I used a hallucinogen to Norris, but I accidentally inhaled it. At that time, I already had a baby, so the fetus stopped.

The baby’s death was not because of his father’s giving up, but because of my own murder. I am the culprit.

Just now, I asked Uncle Ming to prepare something. If I guessed correctly, soon after Uncle Ming delivered the things, Lewis’s people should have arrived.

It turns out that at the end of the story, after all, there is a reward for good and evil.

However, I am still unwilling after all. I can’t bear to die right away, just want to see him again before I die.

He, should he meet me?

However, he will never know, I have thought about him day and night, and loved him sincerely.

Unfortunately, it was too late to understand.

Leon, do you know that I love you”

This is the end of the diary.

Leon knew that she must have written it before she was caught. After that, she gave everything to Uncle Ming. She was caught from the hospital. Uncle Ming had already ran away at the time, and she was the only one.

After that, she was taken back to Cohasset, Lewis informed him and came over to meet.

In the past, he didn’t understand why she committed suicide but didn’t take the medicine after she was caught, but took it after arriving in Cohasset. Now, he understands.

Just because she wanted to see him.

He especially remembered that she was trembling in that glass room, but her voice was particularly cold: “No. Don’t be stupid, how could I like you? I promised to be with you, just to distract my doubts! I never did. At that moment, I like you!”

At that time, he couldn’t tell what it was like. He just felt that he was serious for the first time in his life. Not only did his feelings fail to respond, but he was also misused. From beginning to end, he was like a clown in front of her, even his true heart became cheap and shameful.

However, it was precisely because of such shame and cheapness that he came out so quickly.

Because, in countless drunken nights, he said to himself that the unintentional woman died because of her own responsibility, and he didn’t need to be uncomfortable for her.

If a person doesn’t cherish you, why waste the slightest feeling on her!

But now, when he saw this diary, it was all round folds, and many of the writings were blurred by tears, and he understood why she said that when she was in the glass room.

If he knows that she also loves him, and that the child once existed, what will happen when he sees her dead?

He couldn’t imagine.

But what is certain is that he is so uncomfortable now, if at that time

He may not be able to get out for the rest of his life, and he is defiant and decadent.

She was a cruel person, but gave him the only trace of kindness and sincerity.

A tear slipped from the eye socket and landed on the diary, melting with the original fold again.

Leon took a deep breath, as if he could no longer control it, picked up the notebook and car key, and went downstairs.

He drove out and drove all the way to the cemetery.

There were no cars at night, and the speed came up quickly.

When I got there, the surroundings were still dark.

He stopped the car and walked towards the tombstone step by step.

Uncle Ming was long gone, and even the burned soot on the ground was blown away by the wind, leaving no trace.

He stopped at the tomb, took out the diary, and turned on the lighter.

The flame quickly licked the corner of the diary, and it burned quickly.

He placed the diary in front of her tomb, looked at the only bright spot in the night, and opened his mouth: “I know what you wrote.”

“You and baby, be well” suddenly choked up and couldn’t make a sound.

The paper is relatively dry, so it burns quickly, and after a while, it will be black and burnt.

Leon stood in the dark for a long time, until a layer of whiteness was already lit up on the horizon, he turned around and left without looking back.

He couldn’t say anything to her after all.

When he got back in the car, his strength seemed to disappear suddenly.

There was a blank in his brain, and he just sat there for a long time without moving.

Leon didn’t know how he fell asleep. When he woke up, he found that he was still in the car, and the sunlight was already a bit dazzling.

He straightened up to start the car, but saw the light on the phone, obviously there was an unread message.

He picked it up, and when he saw the three words “little niece” above, the whole person seemed to return to his senses, but instead of clicking on the message, he put the phone aside.

Leon did not drive home directly, but drove to a nearby town.

After eating something casually, he walked casually on the road.

He didn’t know what he was going to do, and he didn’t know what he planned to do in the future. He just simply wanted to walk again.

At Cohasset University, Meghan had responded to Leon’s message the morning before, and after that, she fell silent.

She was a little anxious, but thought he was probably busy with work, so she didn’t think much about it, but waited quietly.

After all, he was so kind to her during the concert, sent her to the dormitory at night, and k!ssed her proactively.

She could feel his intention, which was different from before.

However, when Meghan waited until the afternoon and hadn’t received the news from Leon, she was still a little uncomfortable.

Although she has never been in a relationship, she also knows that at the end of the day between couples, at least they will send a message and make a phone call.

She couldn’t help but opened the address book and called Leon.

At this moment, Leon was walking back from the town and felt the phone vibrate. He picked it up and saw that it was Meghan who was calling, with a moment of hesitation on his face.

The phone rang seven or eight times before he slid to answer: “Meghan.”

I don’t know if it is her illusion, I always feel that his voice is a little tired.

She said, “Brother Leon, are you busy?”

He said: “It’s okay.”

She wanted to ask if it was okay, why didn’t she reply to the news, but, afraid that he would feel unhappy because of the blame, so she changed: “Then where are you? Do you have time to meet?”

He looked at the sky: “I’m out of town, and I will be late when I come back.”

“Oh, are you on a business trip?” she asked.

He suddenly felt that he was doing something unfair to her. In particular, he ran out of town for this matter, but he wanted to tell her about a business trip.

He hates this kind of deception, and doesn’t want to hurt her innocent.

So he said: “Is there time tomorrow morning? I have something to say to you.”

Meghan heard that Leon’s tone seemed a little serious, her heart sank, and her voice became timid: “Brother Leon, has something happened?”

“No, let’s talk about it when we meet tomorrow.” His tone was calm and exhausted.

She had to say: “Okay.”

“Goodbye,” he said, and hung up.

After a normal phone call, he used to feel very relaxed, but now, he feels a little heavy.

Leon sighed and returned to where he had parked.

It was already night after returning to Cohasset. Leon was about to drive back to his home, but he received a call from a friend who said that he had recently returned to Cohasset. Several former friends gathered in a club.

In fact, he hasn’t gone out to drink with friends for a long time. Today, he only felt very depressed, so he hung up the phone and turned around.

After parking the car, the club lobby manager recognized him at a glance: “Fu Shao, it’s been a long time since I saw you, what are you up to?”

“It’s just business matters.” He casually said: “Today my friends come over and gather together.”

The manager remembered who he liked to play with before, so he took him to the private room.

When everyone saw him, they greeted him warmly: “Leon, come and sit down!”

While drinking happily, he said in one person: “Leon, I heard that you have found a girlfriend outside the circle, are you planning to settle down?”

Leon drank the wine in the cup in one gulp: “No, it’s just passed on.”

“I’ll just say, you’re still young, you haven’t arrived at 30, what’s the hurry!” The man said, beckoning to the waiter, and then whispered a few words.

Not long after, a row of young girls came, all of them enchanting, and their faces ranged from delicate to charming, and they had all kinds of styles, all of them top quality.

“Leon, you pick first!” the man said.

Leon smiled: “No need.”

The man thought he was excusing him, so he picked two according to Leon’s favorite taste, and said to the two girls: “Go over and drink with Fu Shao!”

The two agreed and came over with a smile: “Fu Shao, we saw you as soon as we came in, so handsome!”

Leon frowned, ignored it, and drank with his glass.

“Fu Shao, let’s pour it for you!” The girl on the left said charmingly.

At this time, the other men also selected female partners, and then sent out the ones they didn’t like.

However, what everyone didn’t notice was that when one of them went out, he didn’t intentionally close the door immediately. Instead, he hurried to a room, took her mobile phone back, and then took a photo of Leon inside.

In the private room, after Leon finished drinking, his arm sank, and when he saw that the girl had already posted it, he felt agitated.

“Get out!” He said coldly, pointing his finger to the door.

His friend was also stunned and couldn’t help asking: “Leon, don’t you like these two models?”

Leon pinched his eyebrows: “I hate these smells, let them all go out!”

Everyone seemed to be really upset when they saw him, so they also sent away the few they had chosen, and then said, “Leon, did something happen? See if your expression is wrong?”

“It’s okay.” Leon put down the cup and said lightly: “My girlfriend at home is strict. Don’t call a woman in the future.”

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