Fade With Time and Love Chapter 288

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Chapter 288

So, he took care of her that day, and she fell in love with him.

However, she thought it was Zheng Mingze who took care of her, so she was tempted by Zheng Mingze???

Norris didn’t know whether to cry or laugh at this moment. He just felt that God had made him an extremely absurd joke, and for a while, he was completely aphasia.

Seeing him still, Kristine felt that the strength to hold it up was almost gone, so he stretched out his hand and pushed him: “Norris, you know it, you can go.”

He woke up suddenly, clasping Kristine’s shoulders, his eyes were electric, and his words were very clear: “Kristine, you can hear clearly, the person that night was me, not Zheng Mingze!”

His words seemed to suppress anger, but also seemed to be somewhat unwilling. His face was serious, and there was no room for doubt.

She was frightened by his sudden aura, because the drunken brain slowly reacted to what he meant: “What did you say? I woke up and saw him.”

“You should be who you see when you wake up?! Kristine, don’t you have any brains? How did you get a PhD?! Are you stupid in reading?” He seemed to be lit up suddenly, his temples suddenly Jumping: “You can like people, but can you like them again if you get them right?!”

He had never been so fierce to her before, she was a little confused, and then felt aggrieved for a while, as if her parents had never spoken of her so harshly!

Suddenly, she pushed him annoyedly: “You say you are you? How do I know you are not an imposter?!”

“Who is the imposter?!” He was trembling with anger: “Brother Zheng came in the morning, and you didn’t like the breakfast he brought, so I went down and bought it for you. How do I know you will wake up at that time How do I know if you don’t even ask, you think it’s him?! Otherwise, we’ll find him to confront him now and see if the truth he said is the same as what I said!”

When he finished roaring, seeing her still ignorant, he was mad with anger, and he only felt breathless.

He can accept that she likes Zheng Mingze for other reasons, but he will never accept that she makes a mistake that people like Zheng Mingze, and he should be liked by her!

Norris scratched his clothes, only to find that his wet clothes were half-dry, and he was wearing an unbuttoned T-shirt, and he couldn’t seem to open his neckline.

So, he turned around and strode towards the living room, feeling that it was not enough, and quickly came to the door of the living room and balcony, opened the door, and took a few deep breaths.

His confession today was messed up by his impulse, it’s okay, but the oolong just now is really an existence that makes him unacceptable!

He took three deep breaths in a row, feeling that his brain felt a little bit of oxygen poisoning, and then he walked back abruptly.

When he looked at her, his mood was better, so his tone became gentler: “Kristine, since you know the truth, should you like me?”

After he finished speaking, he was a little nervous and didn’t miss any of her expressions.

She obviously understood his meaning slowly, hearing his question, her paralyzed brain slowly vomited a thought, she blurted out: “But I liked him later.”

He seemed to be beaten severely by someone, and a string in his head suddenly broke, barely any thought, and directly blocked her lips.

Now, the world was quiet, so good, he couldn’t hear her words that he didn’t want to hear.

His movements were a bit rude, and her weight was unstable and she couldn’t help backing up.

So he took a step forward, pushed her directly against the wall, bowed his head and k!ssed her frantically.

Compared to the jerky before, he was instinctive at this moment, like a helmsman, and gradually mastered the rhythm.

And she, without the strength to resist, was pumped out of oxygen at this moment, and she could only lean softly in his arms and was forced to endure the k!ss of his possession and predation.

As the ears and temples grind, his brain gradually becomes blank. The original unwillingness and anger, as well as the trace of the absurdity of knowing the truth, faded away.

He only felt that at this moment, the touch on the lips and petals was soft, soft and luscious, originally sweet, and coupled with the mellow aroma of alcohol, made his heart extremely soft and soft.

He reached out and hugged her tightly, wishing to embed her in blood.

The electric current seemed to never need an energy source, constantly scouring his body. Gradually, he felt that he had burnt up, and he wanted to take her with him and set off thoroughly.

His hand slid up from her back, and landed on her chest full and full, rubbing hard, even the chest cavity was about to burst.

His body has already changed, clamoring frantically to merge with her.

But at this moment, a bell rang, which appeared sharp and harsh in the quiet room.

Norris reacted suddenly, but at this moment he was unwilling to stop, his lips still pressed against Kristine, and his hands were still resting on her softness.

It’s a pity that the bell is like a reminder, ringing non-stop, breaking the charm of the room especially persistently.

He gradually became sober, short of breath, but slowly let go of her.

Her eyes were also clearer because of the ringtone, and realizing what had just happened, she suddenly raised her hand–

“Pop!” A loud slap in the face sounded, and at the same time, the annoying ringtone finally ended.

The room was quiet again.

Norris felt the fire on his cheeks. He looked at Kristine blankly, wanting to explain and apologize, but he didn’t know what to say.

He really wanted to k!ss her, and even k!sses weren’t enough. He knew clearly that he wanted her, it was that simple.

He decided not to explain, just stiffly: “Kristine, stay with me!”

She felt as if she had been forced into a corner, completely out of breath, it felt terrible, as if she didn’t even have a step back.

Kristine rubbed her heavy head in annoyance, wanting to discuss the general explanation, but as soon as he lowered her head, he found that his pajamas had been torn apart in half, revealing the skin of half of her chest.

Her eyes widened suddenly and she looked at Norris incredulously.

He even unzipped her clothes, what is he going to do???

Alcohol magnifies people’s emotions, and a grievance suddenly caused a string of tears.

Norris saw that Kristine was crying, and all the emotions in his heart seemed to be frozen through by the sudden icy rain, accompanied by fine pain.

“Kristine, I’m sorry, I” he helped her draw her clothes.

Her tears were still falling out: “You go.”

She needs to calm down, no, she needs to sleep, and when she wakes up, she may forget everything.

They are still the same as in the past, not embarrassed, not alienated, not close, like relatives, like comrades, like partners.

“Kristine, I was actually–” Norris stretched out his hand to help Kristine wipe her tears.

But she immediately turned her head, then turned to the door, and put her hand on the handle: “You go.”

He looked at her for several seconds, saw her insisting, and was afraid that she would continue to cry, so he had to say: “Then I will go back first. If you feel unwell, call me anytime, call me or anything else.”

She opened the door.

Norris left, Kristine locked the door, and then leaned weakly against the door.

Slowly, she returned to the bedroom and fell headlessly on the bed.

However, she was very weak and sleepy before, but at this moment, she has no sleep.

Moreover, Norris’s words resembled a curse, which kept ringing in her mind, and she couldn’t stop it if she wanted to block it.

In particular, she couldn’t help but remember that she was sick and uncomfortable that night, that person’s meticulous care, the feeling of strangeness and warmth, touched her always frozen heart.

However, the picture in front of her changed again, becoming the way Zheng Mingze was teaching her in the operating room. He smiled very freely and freely, with clear thinking and distinctive personality, and often one sentence could solve her long-perplexed problem.

She found that her heart was getting more and more confused, and for a while, she didn’t know what she was thinking.

It seems that the person who took care of her that night would be better than Zheng Mingze.

In other words, it was Norris who led her into the field of artificial intelligence.

In short, as long as it is not two different people, it is fine.

But why are there two?

She scratched her hair in annoyance, but remembered how Norris had just blown her head. She felt more upset and couldn’t figure out the slightest direction.

But after tossing for so long, her spirit of alcohol really seemed to loose a lot, her body was exhausted, but she was completely sleepy.

This feeling was terrible. She couldn’t stand it and could only get up and stumbled into the living room, wanting to make a cup of tea.

Pulling open the drawer of the small bar, she unexpectedly saw a bottle of red wine.

Still drinking from the bar. After getting drunk, I will forget everything when I wake up tomorrow.

With this idea, she immediately took out the red wine, opened it with a corkscrew with great difficulty, and then grumbled it to her mouth.

She thought, this might be the first time she has completely lost control in so many years.

Maybe she cares too much about the relationship with her small partners who grew up with her since she was a child, so no one knew when she liked Shi Yanyan, and when she gave up, no one knew her mentality of being generous and blessing.

But now, Norris and her, she also hopes to return to the original point of not embarrassing.

Evasion is a cowardly performance, but tonight, she can’t go back to the confusion and love at the door just now, because her slap, although beating him, is also beating herself.

If it weren’t for the ringtone, she might really be with him

She did not dare to think about it, so she continued to drink.

And next door, Norris’s mood is also unspeakable, so he originally decided not to drink, but also opened the bottle of red wine in the counter.

There is a wall between them, and they are all filling themselves blindly, not for anything else, just thinking about getting drunk.

Time passed bit by bit, until there was a faint voice outside, it is estimated that the colleagues came back.

Norris felt a little dizzy, and his heart slumped to his throat, feeling bored.

He went to the balcony and wanted to blow the hair.

And at this moment, the sound of something falling next door, a little crisp, came from Kristine’s room.

He felt tight, and hurriedly lay on the balcony and called her: “Yibing!”

After a few calls, no one answered, so he had to pick up the phone and call her.

However, there was still no one to answer, and when he went out to open her door, it was also locked.

He remembered that he had opened the door of her balcony, then–

He walked to her balcony, ready to turn over.

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