Fade With Time and Love Chapter 259

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Chapter 259

“Then let’s go to the movies!” Laura waved.

“Okay, goodbye Sister Laura!” The girl kept watching Laura leave, then turned her head: “Brother, how do you call Sister Laura’s husband Professor Huo?”

Xiao Baihui said: “He is a visiting professor hired by our school.”

“Wow, isn’t that a teacher-student relationship?” There are pink bubbles in the girl’s eyes: “I want to be admitted to university, and find a handsome university professor to fall in love!”

“What are you thinking about all the time?!” Xiao Bohui gave the girl a shudder.

The girl rubbed her forehead and said dissatisfied: “Brother, why are you so fierce?”

After that, I was curious: “Brother, you are sophomore in school, why don’t you fall in love? Are there many beautiful women in your class? Does anyone in your school like you?”

Xiao Bohui disliked her and walked straight forward.

The girl Pidian Pidian followed him, asking like a curious baby.

Finally, I remembered the key thing: “Brother, you obviously are in the same class with sister Laura, why didn’t you know her?”

“Brother, have you quarreled?”

“Brother, have you really had a conflict?”

“Brother, don’t you have a crush on her?! She is already married!”

“Xiao Baixi, you are very noisy!” Xiao Baihui turned his head irritably, “I will not watch movies anymore if you talk nonsense!”

“Okay, okay!” Xiao Baixi pursed her lips and murmured in a low voice: “Why do other people’s brothers pet their sisters, but my brother is so fierce”

However, the two of them walked into the theater together.

Originally, Joe’s Entertainment and Huo’s were in the arena. Both movies were released in early August. However, because of Laura’s box office sales, Joe’s movie originally scheduled to be released on the 9th was postponed by a week in early spring.

Although this approach seems a bit aspirational and destroys one’s own prestige, it is also a great way to avoid risks.

On the 16th, the Qiao’s film was released in early spring, with a box office of 40 million that day, 30 million less than Laura’s film.

However, this result is already good, because many movies often reach the peak of the box office only after the second day of release.

At this moment, a Weibo blogger broke out a shocking news: Tiffany is pregnant!

I saw a few photos on Weibo, all of Tiffany wearing sunglasses at the door of the obstetrics and gynecology department, and another one that she came out of the clinic.

Moreover, in the photo, Tiffany Jian is wearing flat shoes, which is completely different from her exquisite makeup and stiletto heels!

The Weibo blogger specifically circled Tiffany’s belly. She was wearing a loose T-shirt, but she could still see the obvious bulge in her abdomen, and she was obviously fatter than before.

Laura zoomed in on the picture, and it was almost certain that Tiffany was pregnant.

That kind of belly shape was not the result of p at all, it couldn’t be more real, and in her impression, when did Tiffany go out so plainly?

So, Tiffany is pregnant with Spencer’s child again? Moreover, it seems to have looked like five months!

Laura was about to put down the phone when she received a private message from Spencer.

She was stunned, he seemed to have not contacted her for half a year, right?

There is only one simple sentence: “Laura, Tiffany Jian’s child is not mine, but I am really going to get married on a blind date.”

Laura paused for a few seconds, and then replied: “Then I wish you meet the other half who suits you.”

“Thank you.” Spencer said: “Is the study going well?”

“Very good, a dozen students in our class have been tested in the final exam.” Laura said: “I am already very happy, at least not bad.”

He replied: “You have been delayed for a long time halfway, and you have missed half a year. Now it is very good. Come on, you have always been excellent in my mind!”

“Thank you, I will continue to work hard!” Laura said.

Over there, Spencer put down the phone, with a smile on his lips.

There was a knock on the office door, and then the assistant came in and said: “Mr. Qiao, Ms. Jian is still in the living room, saying that she will wait until you come out.”

“Okay, take me to see her.” Spencer stood up.

The assistant nodded: “Okay.”

Spencer pushed open the door of the conference room, and Tiffany was surprised when he saw him.

She stood up: “Spencer”

Spencer walked over quickly and held her back: “You don’t need to get up.”

She was flattered by his care: “Spencer, I have our baby”

Spencer sat down opposite her, meditated for two seconds, and said: “Tiffany, the heroine position of early spring is considered a breakup fee for you. I have made it clear to you before. And this child, I have nothing Any relationship.”

“Spencer, this is our baby!” Tiffany Jian lowered her eyelashes: “I took your sperm and saved it in the gene bank.”

“Tiffany, how many months have you been now?” Spencer asked.

“It will be five months soon.” Tiffany Jian said.

“Do you have time tomorrow?” Spencer said: “Let’s go to the hospital for an examination together.”

“Spencer, are you really willing to accompany me?” Tiffany was surprised and almost jumped up excitedly. However, he was worried about the child in his stomach, so he didn’t dare to move.

“Yes, how about three o’clock in the afternoon?” Spencer.

“Okay!” Tiffany nodded quickly.

“At three o’clock in the afternoon, I will pick you up at your house.” Spencer said: “Do you have anything else?”

“No more.” Tiffany saw that Spencer had promised to accompany her to the check-up, but his attitude was indifferent, so she still didn’t dare to bother him.

“I’ll let the driver see you.” He said, got up, and walked out of the living room.

On the same day, Tiffany Jian came to the news of Joe’s with a stomachache and was once again on the hot search, and the box office of the movie early spring was soaring because of today’s news.

The next day, the news continued to be hot, and the news that Spencer’s generous accompany Jian’an’s inspection also exploded on the Internet.

Although many people don’t like Tiffany because of those things in the past, there are also many sympathies for Tiffany’s experience when she was young. Therefore, the online comments are almost half positive and negative.

However, when Tiffany Jian held the list arranged by Spencer, she was a little dumbfounded: “Spencer, why do we need amniocentesis for genetic identification?”

“Since you started filming, we have not had a relationship. It has been a long time since you are pregnant. How can I believe that the child in your belly is mine?” Spencer patted her on the shoulder: “Don’t worry, If it’s mine, I’ll be responsible. But if it’s not, I can’t help others raise children.”

Although Tiffany Jian was a little sad, she was very firm towards her child and did not believe that the sperm she obtained with her own hands would cause problems.

So, she nodded and agreed to the decision.

She was a little nervous when she did such an examination for the first time. However, the doctor was very professional, and there was only a slight pain, which soon passed.

It took a day to come out, so the doctor asked the two to go back and wait for the report.

In one day, the news that Tiffany might get married to Spencer’s Fengzi has been dominating the headlines, and even the early spring box office has gradually caught up with Laura’s new film.

Although the cumulative box office is not as good as meeting your life, it can be considered a counterattack.

The next day, Spencer and Tiffany Jian went to the appraisal department of the hospital again, and then got the appraisal report.

The two went to Jian’an’s house together, and then, under everyone’s eyes, they opened the portfolio together.

A few pages in black and white, except for the explanations and explanations above, the conclusion is only one sentence.

“The fetus and Mr. Spencer have no parent-child relationship.”

The paper slipped from her palm, and Tiffany seemed to be unable to believe her eyes.

Next to her, mother Jane picked up the report and read it three times up and down, her fingers trembling: “Tiffany, who is the child?!”

Tiffany was almost crying: “It’s Spencer, I personally did it at the beginning”

She was really embarrassed to say the latter words in front of her parents.

“Spencer, there will be no problems with this result?” Father Jian said sternly.

Spencer nodded: “Tiffany has been with me. She has seen the entire collection process with her own eyes.”

“So, the child in Tiffany’s belly is definitely not yours anymore?” Father Jian said again.

Spencer nodded: “Yes. Moreover, Tiffany and I have already dismissed the marriage contract. Therefore, I sent her back today in the hope that you will take good care of her. After all, she has been pregnant for five months, and both adults and children need a good rest.”

As he said, he stood up: “Uncle and Auntie, I’m sorry.”

“Spencer…” Tiffany saw that Spencer was about to leave, and got up to pull him. However, Jian’s mother held on his shoulders: “Tiffany, you forgot how your previous child fell?”

Tiffany Jian turned pale and watched Spencer leave.

“What the hell is going on? How could the child not belong to him?” Mother Jian looked at her daughter: “Tiffany, this is your last chance!”

“How do I know? I just took his semen to the Reproductive Research Center” Tiffany Jian clutched her hair: “It’s obviously his, how could it be wrong?!”

Jane’s brows frowned suddenly: “Tiffany, could the research center get it wrong?”

“No, I asked my friend to help keep it.” It’s just that Tiffany suddenly realized something when she said this, and couldn’t help but suddenly looked at her mother: “Could it be that she deliberately gave me someone else’s?!”

That Xiaoxue, will she be jealous of her marrying a wealthy family, so

When she thought of this, she couldn’t hold back anymore: “Mom, I have to go and ask that b!tch myself!”

Half an hour later, Tiffany came to the research center and saw Xiaoxue, and she was straight to the point: “Xiaoxue, tell me, what you saved for me is really Spencer’s semen?”

Xiaoxue knew she was coming, so she must know everything, so she said frankly: “It’s not his.”

“You…” Tiffany Jian shivered with anger.

“Spencer actually knew you would do this for a long time, so let me change to a black one.” Xiaoxue said indifferently: “You were indeed black when you were pregnant for the first time, but the one in your belly is not because, I changed it again later. Someone had a crush on you, and begged me when he knew about it, so I changed to his.”

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