Charismatic Charlie Wade Novel Chapter 911 – 912

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Chapter 911

Xie Wenru, who was quite disdainful of Jacob just now, was a little more jealous of him at this moment.

In any case, his son-in-law can make Boyu so caring and respectful, which proves that Jacob is more important than himself in Boyu’s eyes.

He asked his old classmates about the background of Jacob’s son-in-law, who happened to have attended the last class reunion, so he smiled and said, “The son-in-law of Jacob seems to be a vagrant. It is said that he is a full-time worker at home. Mr. Wade what exactly does he do, we really don’t know.”

Xie Wenru is in business after all and has seen the world.

From Boyu’s attitude alone, he realized that he must never underestimate Jacob’s son-in-law.

Maybe the other party is still a very big person, otherwise it would be impossible for Boyu to be so respectful.

This also made him feel worried, fearing after ridiculing Jacob just now.

Aside from other things, just with Boyu’s respectful attitude, it can be seen that if he is really torn apart with Jacob, Boyu will definitely not be against him.

Therefore, he looked at Jacob with some fear, hesitated for a moment, and said: “Jacob, I was so embarrassed just now. They were all angry words made in anger. Don’t take it to your heart. Everyone is old classmate. It’s just a matter of just saying a few words, what do you think?”

Jacob knew very well in his heart that Xie Wenru was so arrogant just now, and suddenly became so polite at this moment, and even took the initiative to apologize to him, it must be because Boyu’s attitude made him realize that he was not so easy to mess with.

He didn’t want to just give up with Xie Wenru, but Meiqing also said at this time: “Jacob, both are classmates, don’t mention the unpleasantness just now.”

Jacob nodded and said to Xie Wenru: “Since Meiqing has spoken, I won’t mention it anymore. I am a person who does not offend others and I not like being offended. If you do not continue to trouble me, of course I will not put my foot on your tail.”

If someone talked to Xie Wenru like this, he would have exploded.

But at this time, he dared not clamor with Jacob anymore.

After all, this is in the Song family’s territory, and Boyu has such respect for Jacob. If he really makes trouble, he must be finished.

Therefore, he can only say in an utter anger, “Jacob, you have a lot of respect, I will definitely toast you later.”

Other students also noticed the change in Xie Wenru’s attitude. Everyone knew that Xie Wenru was a little jealous of Jacob.

Some people are also surprised, this Jacob, his son-in-law is really so good, can the Song family be so polite to him?

Jacob’s heart at this moment is also very proud. He didn’t expect that even though he didn’t bring his son-in-law, his son-in-law could still help him grow a face.

With this attitude of Boyu today, in the circle of classmates, no one should dare to underestimate him.


At this moment, Paul also took the car to his company “Smith Law Firm.”

Americans and Chinese act in different styles. Chinese seldom use their own names to name companies, because the Chinese as a whole still believe in acting low-key, obscure, and not too public.

The whole should highlight a modest way of doing things.

However, Americans are generally very high-profile. Well-known American companies are basically named after their founders.

Chapter 912

For example, the famous Boeing Company is a super aerospace group that produces passenger aircraft, military aircraft and space shuttles.

It was named Boeing because of their founder, William Edward Boeing.

It is equivalent to the founder using his surname as the name of the company.

Another example is the world-renowned hotel company Hilton Group. Its founder is Conrad Hilton. This family is also the famous Hilton family.

Paul’s full name is Paul Smith, Paul is his first name, and Smith is his family name.

Since his father founded this law firm, he named it Smith Law Firm after his family name.

“Smith Law Firm” has been well-known internationally after many years of hard work by Paul’s father.

So this time Paul moved his office to Aurous Hill and directly chose the best cbd area in Aurous Hill for the company’s location.

And he chose the most prosperous and top-notch office building, Gemdale Building.

The Gemdale Building, with 58 floors, is the best and top five-star office building in Aurous Hill. Basically all the top enterprises in Aurous Hill and the country and even the world can settle in the Gemdale Building.

Because Paul Smith’s law firm is also very well-known, and it serves all of the world’s top 500 companies, they also pay great attention to their appearance.

It is worth mentioning that the Emgrand Group, which Wade Family bought for Charlie, is the largest group company in Aurous Hill, and it is mainly based on real estate.

The Emgrand Group owns a number of high-end office buildings in Aurous Hill, and these office buildings are operated by the Emgrand Group itself and have not been sold. This includes the entire Gemdale Building.

Charlie was a little surprised when he heard that Paul chose the company in the Gemdale Building.

Unexpectedly, he chose his property by such a coincidence.

But think about it carefully. The Gemdale Building is the best office building in Aurous Hill. A law firm like his is in need of a sufficient facade, so there is no other option except Gemdale Building.

After he had lunch at home, he took a taxi to Gemdale Building.

Paul’s law firm is on the 27th floor of the Gemdale Building. He took the elevator directly to the 27th floor. Paul was already waiting for him at the elevator entrance.

When he saw Charlie, Paul was very, very polite, and he came forward and said politely: “Oh, Mr. Charlie, it’s really hard for you to come here.”

Charlie smiled slightly and said to Paul: “It’s just a matter of raising your hand, don’t be so polite.”

Paul invited Charlie to walk in and said, “Mr. Charlie, I had already let someone rent the 27th floor of this Building a few months ago, and the renovation started immediately. Now the renovation is basically fast. The construction is completed, how about the overall Feng Shui? Is there anything that is not suitable, and if so, how to modify it?”

Charlie probably read it once, and soon found out that Paul had a very careful Feng Shui layout here. He smiled and said: “Paul, you seem to have seen an expert here, right? I think you have set up this entry point. The Jucai Fengshui Bureau can gather wealth; there is a disaster-avoidance Fengshui Bureau in the main hall. For legal business like yours, this type of Fengshui Bureau can avoid disputes to the greatest extent. Overall it is very good.”

Paul exclaimed and said: “Mr. Charlie, you are really smart, you can see my Feng Shui arrangement at a glance.”

Charlie said calmly: “Paul, your mother and my father-in-law have been classmates for so many years, so you don’t have to be too polite with me. But I’m very curious, since you have already found someone here to see Feng Shui, why do you invite me?”

Paul did not hide it at all, and said frankly: “It is true. Yesterday I invited you to help me see Feng Shui, mainly to see if you really have the true talents in this area. Now it seems to be abrupt. Please forgive me, Mr. Charlie!”

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