Charismatic Charlie Wade Novel Chapter 897 – 898

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Chapter 897

Seeing Elaine looking for life, the two police officers looked at each other and the red-faced policeman asked: “Elaine, we can consider letting you go, but there are some issues that must be communicated to you first. Let you go, you go home, your family asks about your whereabouts in the past two days, how do you tell them?”

Elaine hurriedly said: “I, I will tell them…I have these two days… these two days…”

Elaine hesitated for a long time, and didn’t say a word, so she came, because she herself didn’t know how to explain to her husband and daughter after returning home.

After all, she has been missing for two days and nights for no reason. What’s more important is that she doesn’t have a good place all over her body now, and still just getting beaten.

More importantly, even the front teeth have been lost, which is too miserable.

The red-faced policeman said indifferently: “Let’s do it, I’ll give you an idea. If we decide to let you go after consideration, then after you get home, you can tell your husband, your daughter and your son-in-law, this In two days you entered an MLM organization by mistake. The MLM organization brainwashed you and asked you to go to the bank to complete the fraud, and then you were arrested by the police.”

Elaine nodded quickly, and blurted out: “Comrade police officer, don’t worry, as long as you put me back, I will tell my family according to your instructions, and I will never reveal a word about this matter, let alone It will delay your capture of transnational fraudsters!”

The policeman hummed and said lightly: “Okay, let’s study and discuss this matter, and we will send you back to the detention center immediately. If we discuss and decide to release you, the detention center will directly handle the formalities for you. .”

Elaine hurriedly asked: “Comrade Constable, you will not let me go to the end of the discussion, will you?”

The black-faced police officer slapped the table and scolded, “We have to discuss this matter! You can go back and wait patiently for the results of our discussion. There is no room for you to bargain!”

When Elaine heard this, she didn’t dare to say more, so she agreed to honestly and tremblingly said, “Comrade police officer, am I going to wait for news now?”

“Yes!” The black-faced police officer said coldly: “We will let the police drive you back now. You must remember that after you go out of this door, don’t say a word about related things!”

Elaine nodded resolutely and promised: “Don’t worry, I won’t say a word even if one kills me!”

Later, Elaine was driven back to the detention center by two policemen.

On the way back, she was very depressed.

Unexpectedly, this incident turned out to be such a reason.

It’s a big matter, and it’s impossible to find Charlie’s b@stard to settle accounts.

Otherwise, if she can’t speak a word well, miss a word, and are known by the police, she will probably catch themselves back to the detention center again.

In that case, don’t know which year and month she can come out.


Just when Elaine was sent back to the detention center, Jacob couldn’t wait to find a chance and continued to meet Meiqing again.

Last night, he had a very delicious home-cooked meal with Meiqing at home, and it was Meiqing who cooked it herself, which made Jacob happy.

So early in the morning, he sent Meiqing a WeChat message, inviting her to visit University, their alma mater, to find memories of the year.

As soon as Meiqing heard that he invited her to visit her alma mater, she immediately agreed without hesitation.

Chapter 898

Immediately, Jacob immediately cleaned himself up, ignoring breakfast, so he was anxious to go out.

Seeing him dressed up again, Claire immediately asked, “Dad, where are you going this morning?”

Jacob happily said: “I have an appointment with your Aunt, and we will go to my alma mater today. She hasn’t come back for more than 20 years!”

When Claire heard this, he suddenly became angry, and blurted out: “Mom has been missing for almost two days and two nights, and there is still no news. How can you go hanging out with Aunt? Are you not prepared? Go and find out where mom is?”

“Hey…” Jacob chuckled, and said in a veiled manner, alas, isn’t it up to you and Charlie to find her? After all, you two are young people, doing things more reliably than an old guy, so I just wait patiently for your good news. “

Claire angrily said, “Dad, I’m really angry no matter how you look like this! How come you still can’t tell the priorities? My mother’s safety is in your heart, isn’t it better than staying with Aunt Is it important to visit your alma mater?”

Jacob knew that this kind of thing was wrong, so he didn’t want to talk too much about the right or wrong of this matter with his daughter, so he waved his hand in a hurry and said, “Oh, it’s late, I won’t follow. You said it, let’s talk to you when I come back, I’ll go first, bye!”

After speaking, he has already stepped out.

Claire wanted to stop him in the end, but it was no longer useful.

Jacob has already seized the door.

Seeing Jacob leaving, Claire said angrily to Charlie: “Have you seen? Dad won’t even take you this time. I believe Aunt will not take her son with her today. They are going to be there. The world of two people…”

Charlie hurriedly said: “Oh, don’t think about it so much. They are just old classmates meeting each other. What kind of two-person world is it?”

Claire said with red eyes: “You don’t need to excuse them, I can see what they are doing at a glance…”

After that, she asked Charlie again: “By the way, have those friends started to help you find mother’s whereabouts? Did they reply to you?”

Charlie said: “They told me that there would be results within today, and I also asked them to inquire. There have been no serious social security or criminal cases recently, so they also told me that my mother is not in danger. The possibility is very low. We should be able to get mother back in a day or two.”

Hearing this, Claire’s mood improved. She sighed and said, “I hope your friends can be more reliable. It’s best to let mom come back today. Otherwise, I really am going to crash…”

Charlie couldn’t help but slander in his heart, letting her come back is sure to let it back anytime.

But the key is to make her shut up honestly.

Otherwise, letting her back is a hidden danger.

It’s better to let her stay in the detention center.

So he sent Issac a WeChat and asked him: “How is the matter with my mother-in-law?”

Issac quickly replied: “I asked the police to say hello to her. The words were very serious. I believe she must not dare to talk nonsense!”

Charlie relaxed and said: “In this way, you send a few more people in to help me make a scene, deepen and deepen her impression, and let her shut her mouth completely!”

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