Charismatic Charlie Wade Novel Chapter 3926

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Chapter 3926

Stella shook her head and said seriously, “If he wanted to make a move on me, I wouldn’t be here right now.”

Martina asked, “Miss, according to you, the other party came for Mr. Luo?”

Stella murmured, “It may not necessarily be directed at Mr. Luo, but I feel that I won’t be in any danger in a short time,”

“I think since the other party is so strong and has spared me, then he probably sensed that Mr. Luo’s strength is not bad and thinks that he is a threat in Aurous Hill, that’s why he made a move against him ……”

Martina said in disbelief, “But this is too strange …… Although Mr. Luo’s strength is very strong, he has never struck in Aurous Hill,”

“And he is a bodyguard, not an assassin, and he is not an active threat to others, so why would the other party strike at him?”

Stella pursed her lips and said, “That’s what I’m trying to figure out now ……”

As she was talking, her cell phone suddenly rang.

The person who called was her grandfather, Douglas.

Stella hurriedly picked up the phone and walked inside to the bedroom, and only after arriving in the bedroom did she press the answer button and respectfully said, “Grandpa.”

Douglas asked in a very anxious tone, “Stella, where are you now?”

Stella said, “I’ve already returned to the hotel.”

Douglas asked again, “Is there still no news from Tony?”

“No.” Stella said, “Martina arranged for the hacking team to hack into the traffic surveillance, but there are no valuable clues,”

“It seems that the other party is prepared, not only very strong, but also very strong anti-reconnaissance awareness.”

Douglas hurriedly said, “I just communicated with Karl, Karl’s meaning is that the other party’s strength is likely to have reached the Dark Realm,”

“Not to mention Tony, even he is not an opponent, so Karl’s meaning is that you’d better hurry back to avoid danger!”

Stella refused, “Grandpa, I want to stay! I’ve only managed to get closer to the owner of the Rejuvenation Pill in Aurous Hill,”

“If I leave at this time, won’t I be throwing away all my previous achievements?”

Douglas sighed, “Then you can’t risk your own safety!”

Stella said, “Grandpa, if the other party is really a Dark Realm expert and has already set eyes on me, it would be impossible for me to go back even if I wanted to,”

“But since the other party hasn’t made a move against me yet, it proves that the other party is not hostile to me yet, or the hostility is not strong yet.”

If I leave now, the situation in Aurous Hill will be like looking at flowers in a fog, and I won’t be able to understand the reality.”

“I can at least explore the truth for you.”

In fact, there was another layer of Stella’s mind that she did not say.

That is, in her subconscious, she still wants to have more contact with Charlie, to get more understanding.

Therefore, in her heart, she was ten thousand times reluctant to leave.

When Douglas heard this, his heart sighed with emotion.

He did not expect that Stella would pay so much attention to his own affairs, which really touched him.

So, he thought for a moment and spoke, “Stella, if you really want to stay in Aurous Hill, I will let Master Yuan come over to protect your safety.”

Stella said, “Grandpa, don’t let Master Yuan come over! In case the other party is really a Dark Realm expert,”

“It is very likely that they are very hostile to all other martial artists in Aurous Hill. And the other party’s strength is so high,”

“There is no chance of winning even if Master Yuan comes, it is better for me to stay here by myself and slowly look for clues,”

“In this way, I can also continue to draw closer to the owner of the Rejuvenation Pill, killing two birds with one stone.”

Douglas hesitated for a moment and said with a long sigh, “Stella, then in this matter, I’m counting on you!”

“If there is anything that you need grandpa’s help with, just say so!”

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