Charismatic Charlie Wade Novel Chapter 3676

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Chapter 3676

If Orvel and Issac weren’t here, she would have had to be with him for a while, k!ssing and hugging him before she could let him go back.

Charlie saw Sara drive away from the hangar, then turned around and came to the front of the boarding stairs.

Liona’s hands holding the trolley case standing in place, smiling at Charlie, she said: “Taking me back to Aurous Hill does not give you any trouble, right?”

Charlie said: “Why not, Auntie, come, I’ll help you carry your luggage.”

Saying that, Charlie already took the luggage from her hand, and then made an invitation gesture to her, respectfully saying, “Auntie, please go ahead.”

Liona still wanted to push back, but seeing Charlie’s sincere attitude, she couldn’t afford to be polite anymore, so she said softly, “Thank you!”

With that, she went on the plane first.

Charlie followed with her suitcase, and Orvel and Issac also followed behind him on the plane.

After asking Charlie whether to take off immediately and receiving a positive answer, the crew closed the cabin door.

Charlie invited Liona to sit on the sofa in the meeting area of the business jet, while Orvel and Issac sat on the seats on the side.

When the plane slowly rolled out, Charlie said to her, “Auntie, these two people next to me are my friends, the older one is called Orvel, and the younger one is called Issac, they have strong connections and relationships in Aurous Hill,”

“If you need any help in Aurous Hill, you can contact them directly, of course, you can also contact me directly, just don’t let my wife know.”

Orvel said: “Ms. Du, I am Orvel, in the future, if you have any needs in Aurous Hill, just say a word!”

Issac also hurriedly said, “Ms. Du, I am Issac, anything you need in Aurous Hill in the future, just ask.”

Liona nodded gratefully and said, “Thank you!”

After saying that, she looked at Charlie curiously and asked, “You still don’t plan to confess your identity to Claire when you go back this time?”

Because of the renovation of Charlie’s parents’ set of the old mansion, Liona became Claire’s client, and she knew that Claire knew nothing about Charlie’s true identity.

Hearing Liona ask about his wife, Charlie said awkwardly, “I haven’t thought of where to start, after all, she knows nothing about these things, and I’m afraid that if I were to confess my identity, I wouldn’t be able to say it for three days and nights.”

In fact, what came to Charlie’s mind was a remark Claire had unintentionally made at the time.

At that time, she jokingly said that if he was really the young master of any top family, then she would divorce him at the first opportunity.

Charlie knows Claire’s character, she said jokingly, but said generally will do, does look soft nature, but the bones are very stubborn.

Charlie has been married to her for four years, and still knows her character very well.

Moreover, now confess to Claire these, will only add to the trouble, he just took over the Wade family, there are many things to slowly sort out.

The Cataclysmic Front side is still in dire need of transformation, this time to say nothing can not start a fire in the backyard again.

Liona smiled faintly and said, “Some times, the more lies are delayed, the bigger they are, if you had informed Claire of your identity at first, it would not have been too difficult for her to accept it.”

Charlie nodded and said with emotion, “Before the Wade family came to me, I did not confess my life to anyone.”

“After the Wade family came to me, I felt that the death of my parents had not yet come to light, and there were still many dangers hidden in the dark, so I kept it hidden from her.”

Here, Charlie said: “In fact, I do not know who killed my mom and dad, I do not know if I can still find their killers in this life, not to mention whether I am their opponent, so if I can keep it hidden from her, I feel more relaxed.”

Hearing Charlie mention his parents, Liona’s expression could not help but be somewhat dark, and she was silent for a long time before she spoke, “Charlie, make sure you do your best to avenge your parents!”

“If there is anything I can do, tell me, I will definitely do my best!”

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