Charismatic Charlie Wade Novel Chapter 3211 – 3212

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Chapter 3211

At this point, she flattering smiled and said:

“Charlie, we are after all a family, there are only some unclear misunderstanding, as long as we breathe, we are still a family of love, you are my grandson-in-law, Claire is my granddaughter, Jacob and Elaine are my son and daughter-in-law, we are actually the closest relatives!”

At this time, her face was full of smiles, and her tone was somewhat subdued: “You see, grandmother has also made amends and apologized.”

“It’s time for our two families to reconcile, and it’s your birthday today, so on this happy day, the two families can get together for a meal and completely resolve their differences, don’t you think?”

After listening to her words, Charlie said with a cold smile on his face,

“There is no need to settle the past, I don’t want to have anything more to do with you. My family is also the same, so you should not be playing this wishful thinking.”

Saying that he in order to completely put an end to the old lady’s thoughts, and serious warning:

“Today’s matter, as well as the matter of me giving Shangmei etiquette company to Wendy to take care, if you dare to reveal it to Claire, or my parents-in-law, then sorry, I will take it all back!”

When Mrs. Willson heard these words, her heart thumped.

She knew that Charlie had sensed her intentions.

To the old lady, after she learned that Charlie was the one who was valuable to Wendy. Then realized that not only does he seem to have a failure, but even his ability and influence are far above her previous perception, after realizing this.

The old lady’s heart began to think about taking the opportunity to repair relations with him and his family.

In this way, the benefits that can be obtained in the future will certainly be much more than now.

But she did not expect that this point in her mind. Charlie not only rejected her, but also blocked her chances to find other family members to save the country.

At this moment, she was inwardly dying of a million regrets: “Hey! If I had known that Charlie could be so capable, why did I have to keep targeting him, keep targeting the family of four?”

“Now I have offended all of their family, it seems that there is little chance to further repair the relationship in the future ……”

Charlie saw that Mrs. Willson had a strange expression and did not say a word, so he questioned, “What I just said, do you understand?”

“Heard and understood ……” Mrs. Willson how dared to disobey Charlie, after all, Wendy’s current job was the survival guarantee for her family of four, if she offended him, there was absolutely no good end.

So, she had to nod resentfully and said, “Okay …… I know ……”

Charlie nodded in satisfaction and spoke, “Just know, remember what I just said. In the future, well water does not offend river water!”

After saying that, he looked at Wendy again and said, “You take her back.”

Wendy nodded gently and said in a good manner, “Okay brother-in-law, I’ll take her back.”

Then, she held Mrs. Willson and spoke, “Grandma, let’s go home.”

Mrs. Willson was like a defeated rooster. Lightly nodded her head.

When Charlie saw this, he directly closed the courtyard door and stepped back to the villa.

Outside the door, Mrs. Willson just turned to go, she saw the Hermes bag Wendy was carrying in her hand, the bag was not big, and there was a Hermes box inside.

So, she subconsciously asked: “Wendy, how come you still bought Hermes things? Our family’s current economic situation, cannot afford such luxury goods ah!”

Wendy immediately said in some panic: “Ah, this …… grandmother …… this is what I bought for someone else, you just leave it …… “

“Bought for someone else?!” Mrs. Willson said angrily:

“Now the whole family is saving money, I still hope that your father and your brother get better soon, can go out to work to subsidize the family, but you are good, just earn some money, and start to buy luxury goods to give away?”

“Are we the kind of family that can give away Hermes at the drop of a hat?”

She reached over and grabbed the bag, pulled out a small ticket, and exclaimed,

“Oh my God! A belt nearly 10,000 yuan?! Are you crazy? You can barely eat, and you’re still here to poorly burn the bag, hurry up and return it!”

Chapter 3212

Wendy didn’t expect that the belt she wanted to buy to give to Charlie has angered her grandmother.

As soon as she saw this temper of her grandmother who wanted to control and decide everything, she also got angry and said offhandedly,

“Every penny I spend now is my own hard-earned money, what I want to buy is my freedom, you have no right to interfere!”

“What?! I have no right to interfere?!” Mrs. Willson had just eaten at Charlie’s place and was disliked back by him, so she was very depressed in her heart, and seeing that even Wendy dared to talk back to her, it immediately ignited her fire.

Then, she stopped in her tracks and angrily rebuked: “You must not forget that I have always been the head of this family, before, now, and in the future!”

“The family is now the most difficult time, every penny, must be spent on the edge of the knife! If you are so extravagant and wasteful, you are putting the life and death of our family at risk!”

Wendy was aggrieved and said angrily, “You used to be in charge of everything because you were in charge of everything in the family, but everything in the family is lost in your hands!”

“Now everything is back to zero, starting with nothing, for my hard-earned money, why would I want you to be in charge?”

Wendy became angrier, her voice also raised a few points, and she said,

“From now on, I will be the one to decide my affairs!”

“As for the money I earn, I will take out a portion of it for your living expenses, as well as the expenses for father and brother’s rehabilitation, and every penny of the rest will be at my own disposal, you have no right to interfere!”

Mrs. Willson was furious and accused through clenched teeth, “You’re really wrong! Are you going to follow the example of that heartless Claire and turn your back on me?”

Wendy said with tears in her eyes, “There’s nothing wrong with following my sister Claire’s example.

She said in a very strong tone: “I have said what I should say, if you are willing to accept, then according to what I said, I will give you monthly living expenses, the rest you do not care, you have no right to care.”

“If you do not accept, then I will go out tomorrow to rent a room to live, I can not sleep in the company, the company’s general manager office area is very large, I will set a bed! It’s not a problem at all!”

Mrs. Willson, seeing Wendy’s determined attitude, panicked and said,

“Ai Wendy, what are you talking about …… we have come a long way as a family of four, we have suffered all sorts of hardships and seen all sorts of waves, how can we just break up?”

The company’s main goal is to provide a good solution to the problem.

Wendy immediately said, “Good! Then it’s a deal!”

Mrs. Willson was busy saying, “Okay, okay, it’s a deal, it’s a deal!”

After saying that, she smiled and asked, “Right Wendy, how much do you give me for living expenses in a month? You said that I am old, I must often eat good food to replenish my body, the food standard must be a little more.”

“How about this, you give me six thousand a month, this is even if I and your father and your brother’s living expenses.”

“In addition, you give me an additional two thousand as your father and your brother’s rehabilitation costs, a total of eight thousand per month, what do you think?”

Wendy was naturally clear that a month, three people, and eight thousand for living expenses, this standard was really a bit too high.

However, she did not bother to argue more with Mrs. Willson, after all, as long as she could make this old woman willingly give up the idea of controlling her, this was already a huge victory.

As for the eight thousand, although it is a little more, but now the company income is very good, her own monthly income to hand is more than 10,000.

Moreover, the company’s development is good, the profits are naturally high, after each quarter after the company’s tax return, there is a small part of the net profit of her own commission, so that the calculation, how to say a year can also get three or four hundred thousand, or even more.

So, giving the old lady eight thousand a month is not a big burden.

What’s more, dad and brother will be able to recover in a month or two, and they will be able to find a job to subsidize the family, which will reduce the pressure on her.

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