Charismatic Charlie Wade Novel Chapter 3189 – 3190

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Chapter 3189

Charlie looked at the three people who were at least five or six years younger physically, mentally, and by appearance, and he was particularly relieved.

After the death of his parents, he has been alone and has never experienced the feeling of having a family.

After marrying Claire, Charlie had a family, but then that family treated him at that time, it was really much worse than outsiders.

Except for his wife Claire who regarded him as a family member, no one else had any. What should a family look like?

Even though his mother-in-law and father-in-law have a very good attitude towards him, he knew very well in his heart that he had exchanged various benefits and favors.

Compared with Philip’s family, it was naturally ten thousand miles worse.

After all, the feelings of Philip’s family of three are from the bottom of the heart, without any interest elements, this is the real and pure family.

Seeing that the mental state of their family has been greatly improved, Charlie smiled slightly:

“Uncle, Auntie, and Sara, this glass of water just now should be able to maintain your current physical state for at least three to five years.”

“During this period of time, your body’s resistance will surpass that of most people, and you will basically not get sick.”

Speaking of this, he added: “But you still have to pay attention to the combination of work and rest.”

“Don’t let yourself become busier and more tired just because your body is getting better.”

The family of three nodded in unison. Lenan wiped away the tears and said soberly:

“Charlie, don’t worry, I and your Uncle, will definitely put the combination of work and rest first in our routine in the future. Otherwise, would we not disappoint This gift…”

Philip also sighed: “That’s right, health is the most important thing!”

Charlie said with a gratified smile: “You two have this knowledge, then I’m so happy.”

As he was talking, Orvel knocked on the door and said, “Master, Miss Gu’s cake is ready. Would you like me to bring it in now?”

Charlie was about to speak, Sara hurriedly said, “Don’t worry!”

After speaking, she quickly said to Charlie: “Charlie, wait for me, I will check if there is any problem with the cake!”

Chapter 3190

Later, Sara said to Philip: “Dad, you turn off the light first, and then turn it on after we finish blowing the candle!”

Philip hurriedly turned off the lights in the box, Sara opened the door to the room and got out mysteriously.

After a while, she gently opened the door, and walked in with a food delivery truck. On top of the food truck, there was a big cake with five layers.

From the 1st to the 4th layer of this cake, 6 candles are inserted in each layer, and the top layer has 3 candles, a total of 27.

What surprised Charlie was that on the top layer of the cake, two very very realistic dolls were made with fondant.

What surprised him, even more, was that the two puppets were a little boy and a little girl.

The boy was a little older, about five or six years old, and the girl was a little bit younger, about three or four years old.

The clothes of these two are very chronological, at least 20 years from this time.

However, even though they were dressed 20 years ago, it can still be seen that the clothes on both of them are very elegant and meticulous.

The poses of these two people are also very interesting. The boy stands in place, and the girl who is obviously shorter on the side is holding the boy’s arm shyly.

Looking closely at the two people’s expressions, they are also very vivid.

The boy’s expression at this time is somewhat dull.

Even a little at a loss, but the girl looked very happy, laughing like a flower.

When Charlie looked at these two lovely dolls, he had had a feeling of deja vu, but he couldn’t remember exactly where he had seen it.

At this time, Sara beside him looked at Charlie with a smile, and asked, “Charlie, do you see these two children familiar?

Charlie nodded repeatedly and said, “I’m familiar, and very familiar, but I can’t remember where I’ve seen it all at once.”

Lenan on the side smiled and said, “Silly boy, isn’t this just you and the girl? This is when you two were young, and it’s your 6th birthday!”

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