Charismatic Charlie Wade Novel Chapter 3011 – 3012

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Chapter 3011

According to what he knew about Zhiyu, he felt that she couldn’t even want his island.

First of all, Zhiyu must now devote all her attention to the ocean transportation business.

She is definitely not interested in letting herself go to the Maldives.

Secondly, her mother may now hate him so how can she go to his island to relax on vacation. Liona will definitely not agree.


Zhiyu frowned when she heard what he said.

She is not stupid either.

She knows that there are at least nine points of hypocrisy in what Grandpa said.

But what to do with Maldives islands, she is not interested at all!

Zhiyu was about to refuse, when she saw Charlie winking, she signaled her to agree.

So, she hesitated for a moment, and said, “Thank you, grandpa. I will trouble Grandpa to let Mr. Anson bring the property rights of the island to Aurous Hill.

After the property rights are in my name, I will take time to take my mother and relax.”

When Chengfeng heard this, he immediately felt a strong pain.

He secretly thought: “I’m just being polite, why did you really agree? You are young, what do you want an island for retirement? You have to leave it for me, what will I do in the future? I can never develop one from scratch?”

Thinking of this, he hurriedly said: “Zhiyu, the property rights documents of the island are to be transferred from the Maldives. It is relatively troublesome, but you and your mother can go there to rest first.”

Zhiyu said smoothly: “That’s right, when I go there, the property rights will be transferred by the way.”

After that, she added: “Grandpa, you also know that my mother must have some opinions on you.

If that island is in your name, she will definitely not go, but if it is in my name. It’s different.”

Chengfeng could only say angrily: “You are right, grandpa owes it to you. In this case, if you have time to go, I will ask Anson to go there too and complete the formalities…”

With that, he hurriedly said again: “By the way, Zhiyu, Grandpa has to ask you for a favor this time…”

Zhiyu snorted: “You say it.”

Chengfeng hurriedly said: “That’s right, your benefactor, he called me just now. He may have misunderstood me.

He didn’t seem to be happy about what he said on the phone, so I would like to ask you to help me make peace with him.

In the future, everyone will keep the well water from the river water, do you think it will be doable for you?”

Chapter 3012

Zhiyu heard this and couldn’t help but look up at Charlie.

She found that he had a clear idea of ”‹”‹the scheming of her grandfather.

He said that grandpa would definitely come to ask for her help, but she did not expect her grandpa to so predictable.

However, she didn’t know why Grandpa angered Charlie, nor did she know that he had sent a Gu art master to Aurous Hill to try to assassinate attempt on Charlie.

So, she did not immediately agree, but instead asked: “Grandpa, you said you had a misunderstanding with Grace. Can you tell me the specific misunderstanding?

Even if I promise you, I have to understand it before I can find him. I need an entry point to communicate with him.”

Chengfeng hesitated for a moment, sighed, and said:

“Hey…it’s not a misunderstanding, it’s mainly because I was confused for a while. I hired a metaphysical master from England.

I sent him to Aurous Hill to find for once the whereabouts of my benefactor.”

After that, Chengfeng excused himself again:

“Actually, I didn’t want to hurt the benefactor, I just wanted to find this man out and talk to him face to face, but the metaphysical master I invited may have tried hard.

He killed an innocent person in Aurous Hill, and tried to kill the benefactor, but it was all that guy’s own idea, but your benefactor didn’t know.

Now he thinks I sent that master to kill him, so he is mad at me……”

Zhiyu was dumbfounded.

She didn’t expect that grandpa would dare to engage in such small actions!

And this little action is no longer directed at her, but at the benefactor!

This immediately made her angry, and blurted out, “Why did you send someone to assassinate Grace?!”

Chengfeng realized that she must be very angry, and hurriedly explained: “This was not my intention, it’s all that guy he didn’t know what to do.

He must have tried to be competitive…”

Zhiyu asked back: “Do you think I will believe it? You can even kill my mother, let alone benevolent?”

Chengfeng knew that his sophistry was meaningless, so he had no choice but to say:

“Zhiyu, it is meaningless to say these now. I can guarantee that I will never make the same mistake again in the future, and I hope you will talk to the benefactor. to ease the situation……”

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