Charismatic Charlie Wade Novel Chapter 2615 – 2616

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Chapter 2615

At this time, Pollard sighed and said with emotion: “Your mother’s successful cases back then will not be able to be said at all. If you have the opportunity to go to Silicon Valley, you can find the boss of a top global group and tell him your mother’s name is Margaret An, they will treat you as a guest and entertain you with the highest standard of etiquette…”

Charlie couldn’t help sighing, “If I hadn’t met you, I wouldn’t know these things about my mother…”

Pollard looked at him, smiled slightly, and said, “Your mother’s vision and long-term planning are beyond our reach.”

“Back then, we didn’t even understand your mother’s investment operations. Many of the companies she invested in did not seem to us to have any development prospects.”

“Just like Apple. When your mother invested in it, we all felt that this company had no future. At that time, there was no iPhone or even an iPod. Apple was already in a huge business dilemma.”

“At that time, your mom had returned to China with your dad and gave birth to you, and Jobs had just returned to take charge of Apple. Everyone thought that Apple was impossible to stand up, but your mom knew that Jobs was going to raise funds, and it was not far away. Came here, only talked to Jobs for an afternoon and decided to invest money in him.”

“This kind of forward-looking, more than 99.9% of ordinary people, when placed in the market, are absolute masters and absolute strategists!”

Speaking of this, Pollard smiled slightly and continued: “Even the Ruthschild family, which has been in power for two hundred years, is in awe of your mother. You don’t know how much the Ruthschild family hoped to marry the An family back then. …”

Charlie nodded slightly, and he finally understood why his father, Changying, was able to fight the Ruthschild family back and forth.

In fact, the strength of the Wade family is really not enough in front of the Ruthschild family.

As Pollard said, the family property created by the Wade family’s hard work over the years may not be as good as the income that Ruthschild can get by investing in a few companies.

In this case, the father can withstand the pressure of the Ruthschild family, and the help and aura of the mother and even the mother’s family must be indispensable.

At this time, Pollard looked at Charlie and said seriously, “So, I sincerely recommend that you go to the United States to meet your grandfather. If your grandfather is willing to help you, neither the Su family nor the Wade family is worth mentioning.”

Charlie nodded, but still said very firmly, “Thank you, Professor Watt, but I still don’t plan to see Grandpa. I have never met him a few times, and after so many years, he is right. I may not have any family ties, and, as you said, he had always been worried about my mother’s marriage to my father, and maybe he didn’t treat me very much.”

Speaking of this, Charlie laughed at himself and said: “Although I have been just a poor pauper for many years, now I still hope to be able to go on step by step by my own ability, whether it is the Su family, It’s the Wade family or some other top family. If any of them needs to take responsibility for the death of my parents, then I hope I can rely on my own ability to defeat them all by myself!”

Pollard sighed when he heard what Charlie said, and said, “Charlie, I understand your thoughts and your determination, but with the cards in your hand, you want to do this, and It’s a long way!”

With that said, he added: “Ocean shipping is an asset-heavy project. The start-up capital maybe tens of billions of dollars. I advise you to be more cautious.”

Chapter 2616

Pollard felt that Charlie should have an Emgrand Group and the 10 billion funds in his hands.

When these two things add up, it is just over 100 billion and nodded, and the possibility of trying to compete with the Wade Family or the Su Family is almost zero.

Charlie smiled slightly at this time and said, “You said Professor Watt, I still have tens of billions of funds in my hands. Moreover, I have a pharmaceutical company with good momentum and an annual profit of 10 billion It may even exceed 100 billion next year, and it is entirely possible to continue to supply blood for my other projects.”

Pollard said in surprise: “You have a pharmaceutical company with an annual profit of over 10 billion? What’s its name?”

Charlie said, “JX Pharmaceutical, I wonder if Professor Watt has heard of it?”

Pollard was even more shocked, blurting out, “It’s the company that produces JX Weisan?!”

Charlie nodded: “Yes, the current core product is JX Weisan.”

“My God!” Pollard exclaimed, and said, “JX Weisan is now well-known worldwide! My gastrointestinal tract has always been a little problematic. I also took a box of Weisan some time ago. It acted immediately. I used to not dare to eat raw, cold, or spicy food. Now I have JX Weisan. What Sichuan cuisine, Hunan cuisine, Yuzhou hot pot, and Japanese cuisine are totally beyond mention… ..”

He said, “There are also many friends in the United States who have asked me to help them buy this medicine. Everyone has a reputation for this medicine, but I really didn’t expect this company to be yours. …..”

Charlie nodded and said, “Originally, I reached cooperation with Wei’s Pharmaceuticals. I reorganized Wei’s Pharmaceuticals and gave certain shares to the person in charge of this Pharmaceuticals. Then I integrated Japan’s Kobayashi Pharmaceuticals, so the production capacity is also increasing by leaps and bounds. I believe that JX Weisan will soon cover the global market. By that time, the profit of hundreds of billions of dollars a year is really not a problem.

“Indeed!” Pollard said seriously: “The biggest magic weapon of a pharmaceutical company is good medicine! The world’s top pharmaceutical companies have annual revenues of hundreds of billions of dollars, which are equivalent to several yuan. Trillion, but their net profit is generally not too high, because the research and development costs are huge, and the research and development cost of a drug can easily be billions or even tens of billions of dollars. Is the research and development cost of your JX Weisan high?”

Charlie shook his head: “The research and development cost of JX Weisan is not high, so my company, in terms of profit margin, will be larger than other pharmaceutical companies.”

Pollard couldn’t help giving a thumbs up and sighed: “This is really amazing! Look at it this way, you can build your own business map in a few years! The future is limitless!”

As he said, he sighed helplessly, and said, “To be honest, now is really a good opportunity for you to cut into ocean transportation. The market has released such a large share, and you do not lack cash flow. Quickly build up a huge transportation fleet, and then quickly advance related businesses…”

“It’s a pity that I really can’t violate my oath to help you, and the University department also has high hopes for me. I look forward to taking the economic management major of the university to the highest level in the country. I really want to The hometown elders make some long-term contributions, and hope to cultivate more outstanding talents for the future…”

Charlie nodded quickly and said, “Professor Watt, I understand what you said. In contrast, your current job has more social value and social significance. I personally understand it!”

Pollard was silent for a moment, then suddenly remembered something, and said excitedly, “Charlie! If you don’t dislike it, let my daughter help you!”

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