Charismatic Charlie Wade Novel Chapter 2505 – 2506

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Chapter 2505

At this moment, the whole network is sympathetic to the Su family’s suffering, but also can not wait to find out the culprit behind the scenes as soon as possible, so that the whole case can be brought to the surface.

However, at the moment, neither the Su family, nor the police, nor the general public can find any real valuable clues.

The actual fact is that if you have a little bit of the so-called clues on the internet, you will immediately get a lot of people watching.

After this video was sent out, the title mentioned the big reveal and immediately attracted many users to click on it.

This look does not matter, the whole video clearly and intuitively displayed in front of the audience’s face all the facts.

At the beginning, it is the scene of a tragic car accident.

Shred was killed, Liona and Zhiyu were seriously injured and their lives were uncertain.

Immediately afterwards, Stuart faced the camera and introduced himself.

He then told the shocking secret of all!

It turns out that the reason why Liona and Zhiyu were kidnapped by Shred is not a coincidence at all.

The reason for this is that Old Su wanted this all.

The reason is that he is very dissatisfied with Liona’s divorce from his son, and is very annoyed with her behavior in coming to Aurous Hill to attend the auction.

He even had to kill his own granddaughter for that!

Seeing this, all the audience could not help but have a very strong sense of disgust for Chengfeng.

At this point, Charlie changed his voice questioning, in the video appeared.

Charlie questioned him, Chengfeng, the old dog, for the sake of his own family’s sh!t, why he had to create such a terrible horrible event.

At that moment, everyone remembered that Shred had tied explosives, stormed into the treasure Pavellion, and shot several hostages, all at the behest of Chengfeng!

Not only several innocent hostages died in vain because of Chengfeng’s conspiracy.

More importantly, the safety of hundreds of people was constantly threatened by his explosives!

It was almost a tragic incident!

And behind this, it was all Chengfeng’s idea!

This old dog, simply bad to the bone!

The next thing they saw was Shoude’s video, the wretched Shoude admitted to the camera that Chengfeng, the old dog, not only wanted to harm Liona and Zhiyu, even Ruoli, was also the victim of Chengfeng’s schemes!

What’s even more outrageous is that Chengfeng, the old dog, not only harmed his granddaughter, but also put Zynn out to take the blame. It is simply inhumane!

In an instant, all the netizens who saw this video were enraged by Chengfeng’s shameless behavior.

These netizens immediately became part of the crack propaganda, forwarding this explosive video to all their friends and family.

In an instant, the traffic to this video skyrocketed by hundreds of times!

In just 10 minutes, tens of millions of people had already watched the video.

The trend of public opinion on the Internet immediately changed 360 degrees.

The internet users used all the vicious words they could think of to curse Chengfeng.

The police were struggling to find any relevant clues and suddenly found this video and were furious.

Just an hour ago, the public relations director of the Su family made a phone call to urge the police to solve the case as soon as possible, to give the Su family an explanation, and also to rescue the three missing members of the Su family as soon as possible.

The police also felt a lot of pressure, because after all, the Su family is the most powerful family in the country, but unexpectedly, three members of the family disappeared in Aurous Hill, which brought pressure to the Aurous Hill police, comparable to the Tokyo Police Department during the Tokyo chaos.

But they never imagined that just when they were trying their best to solve the case, this video would suddenly break out!

It turns out that the whole thing is just the Su family’s thief shouting to catch a thief!

The Su family kept saying that they wanted the police to solve the case as soon as possible so that they could give them an explanation, but in fact, they were behind all the bloodshed!

What’s even more unacceptable is that they chose to implicate several innocent hostages in this way, even though their own families were fighting within themselves!

This is simply a disregard for the law

Chapter 2506

The police immediately reported the situation to the higher authorities and asked them to investigate the situation seriously.

At this moment, the exhausted Chengfeng had just fallen asleep.

A sharp knock on the door woke him up from his dream.

Grandpa! Something big has happened!

The one who shouted at the door was the Su family’s first butler.

Chengfeng opened his eyes violently and sat up from the bed at once.

At this moment, he was deeply nervous because what happened today was almost completely out of control for him, so much so that even his own son’s whereabouts were unknown, so now he was afraid that there was suddenly some other bad news.

He hurriedly got up, put on a robe, and walked to the door to open it.

Outside the door, the housekeeper’s face was pale and covered with fine beads of sweat, and it was clear that he was in a state of high tension and fear.

Chengfeng’s heart thumped, looking at the stance of the housekeeper, he knew that something very serious must have happened.

So, he hurriedly asked, “What happened?

The housekeeper said in tears: “Master …… Just a few minutes ago, someone on the short video platform suddenly sent a video, in this video are Stuart and the second son ……


When Chengfeng heard that the video was of Stuart and his second son, Shoude, he panicked!

The two are missing, and there are no valuable clues yet.

When the video related to the two of them is exposed on the Internet, then this matter is definitely not simple!

So, he hurriedly asked, “What video? Let me see!

The housekeeper trembled and took out his cell phone, opened the short video platform, and played the video, which had almost reached the 100 million click mark.

Once he saw the scene of the accident, Chengfeng panicked!

When Stuart said in front of the camera that it was Chengfeng who wanted to kill Liona at that moment, Chengfeng was as white as paper!

He had lost control of his emotions and roared in a trembling voice: “This …… Who filmed this? Who took this? I …… I’ll kill him! Kill his whole family!

The butler stammered, “Master, you …… You can look back first ……

Chengfeng subconsciously swallowed his saliva and continued to look behind him.

At this time, Stuart in front of the camera: the death of Zhiyu, he also pushed on Chengfeng’s head.

Chengfeng was instantly furious!

“What is Stuart talking about? When did I want to kill Zhiyu? That son of a b!tch! I have raised him for so many years, and he betrayed me! I’ll cut him into pieces!”

“And! The person who took this video must be the one who is working against me behind my back.

The first butler said, “Master, the second son is also in the hands of this mysterious person!

As soon as the words left his mouth, the video also switched to Shoude’s part.

In the picture, Shoude is as miserable as he can be.

He is a fifty-year-old middle-aged fat man, his body was stripped down to a pair of pants, and it was doused with cold water, and his head was topped with ice.

And his expression, but also full of fear and pleading, where there is still a bit of the Su family’s second son’s aura, is completely a middle-aged iron waste otherwise.

Chengfeng heart can not help but fell some heartache.

After all, it is his own son, and after the older son was abandoned by himself, this second son has become the best person in his mind to succeed him.

However, as soon as Shoude opened his mouth in the video, Chengfeng’s heartache for him disappeared without a trace!

A few moments later, he was like an active volcano erupting, roaring in anger: “This beast! How dare you betray your father for glory! I …… I ……

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