Charismatic Charlie Wade Novel Chapter 2049 – 2050

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Chapter 2049

At this time Honor, looking at the river outside the window, smiled faintly, and said: “Mr. Hashimoto, I also just heard my sister say that the cooperation negotiation with you does not seem to be going well.”

Hashimoto Kinzaki laughed and said, “She really thinks a little bit. She wants to cooperate with our Nippon Steel and also wants a 51% controlling stake. How is this possible? It is also cooperation. Mr. Song, you give me the terms. , Much better than her!”

Honor said with a smile: “Of course, women are too petty, so it is difficult to acclimate. As long as Mr. Hashimoto and I work together, I will give 51% of the shares to Nippon Steel by then. I will give nine more points to Mr. Hashimoto in private!”

Hashimoto Kinzaki said with some excitement: “Mr. Song is really magnificent! After such a toss, you only have 40% left in your hand!”

Honor said indifferently: “40% does not matter. I do this not to make money, but to make friends with Mr. Hashimoto.”

Hashimoto Kinzaki smiled and said, “Mr. Song is really too generous! But I want to know, what is the chance of our success in this matter?”

Honor said seriously: “As long as you have the ability to keep my sister in Tokyo, the chance of success in this event must be 100%!”

Hashimoto Kinzaki said: “Mr. Song, I’m not distrusting you, but I heard that before your sister inherited the seat of Song’s Patriarch, the Song’s Patriarch seems to have always been your grandfather. If I take your sister Staying in Tokyo, will you be able to be the head of the Song family?”

Honor sneered and said seriously: “My grandfather is old and has reached the age of being able to eat. Even if he wants to sit as the master of the home, he must have more than enough energy.”

Having said that, Honor said again: “And Mr. Hashimoto, don’t worry, since I have decided to do this, it is that I have no arrow back when I open the bow. Even if my own relatives stand in front of me, I will kill my relatives righteously! So, as long as you can cooperate with me, I will not let you down!”

Hashimoto slapped his lips first, and said with emotion: “Tsk-tsk…Mr. Song is really courageous and knowledgeable, but there is one thing, I must put the ugly words first.”

Honor hurriedly said, “Mr. Hashimoto, please speak.”

Hashimoto Kinzaki said word by word: “Mr. Song, I can help you solve your sister’s trouble, but after I help you solve the trouble, you must honor your promise to me, otherwise, the recording of the call may be transmitted to the Song family or even to the police in your country!”

Honor said without hesitation: “Mr. Hashimoto, please don’t worry about this. After the event is completed, I will definitely honor my promise to you 100%!”

Hashimoto Kinzaki smiled slightly: “In this case, Mr. Song will patiently wait for the good news!”


The following day, the third day of the Lunar New Year.

Warnia rushed to the Nippon Steel Corporation early to continue negotiations with Hashimoto Kinzaki.

After going back yesterday, Warnia thought about it all night. In order to win Nippon Steel, she made several plans for emergencies.

After the two parties sat at the negotiating table, Warnia took the lead in coming up with her first plan.

In the first set of plans, she still insisted on a 51% controlling stake, but in return, she was willing to adjust the share ratio to 40% to 60% in the first five years of cooperation between the two parties.

In other words, give Nippon Steel 60% of the net profit in the first five years, and then adjust it to 55% after five years.

Chapter 2050

Hashimoto’s attitude has changed slightly from yesterday.

He no longer rejected Warnia’s proposal very simply as he did yesterday, but started Tai Chi with Warnia.

He made many things ambiguous, and neither agreed nor refused. This kind of hard and soft attitude made Warnia feel very helpless.

The two sides have been talking about the approaching evening from the morning. Warnia has adjusted the profit share to Nippon Steel for the first five years to 65%, but Hashimoto recently refused to agree.

Warnia really has no choice but to show her own cards, and said: “Mr. Hashimoto, it seems that both of us are unwilling to make concessions to each other on the issue of holdings. If it is not possible, you think this will work. 50% of the shares, under any circumstances, we guarantee that each other has 50% of the voting rights. All cooperation matters, we are equal. If our two sides can’t make progress in the cooperation, we will also follow the 50% to 50% method Distribute all remaining assets equally!”

Hashimoto Kinzaki frowned and sighed: “Miss Song, both parties hold 50% of the shares, which means that everyone has no initiative. If there is any dispute or disagreement in the future cooperation, how to resolve it? If not If a person can finally make a final decision, isn’t it that you are caught in an infinite loop where you don’t obey me and I don’t obey you, but no one can help each other?”

Warnia said with a very serious expression: “Mr. Hashimoto, if both of us want to cooperate to the best of our ability, even if there are differences, I believe that everyone can calmly resolve them instead of trying to smash each other. Since we seek cooperation, we just want to do things well. If we don’t even have this prerequisite, then cooperation will indeed be difficult to continue.”

After that, Warnia said again: “So if you really have the sincerity to cooperate with our Song Group, the equity of 50-50 will not be a problem, but if you do not have this sincerity, then cooperation may not be necessary. It can be pushed forward.”

Hashimoto Kinzaki said embarrassingly: “Ms. Song, there is a saying in your country that you call a villain first, then a gentleman. Since it is cooperation, it must take all the worst cases into consideration first, don’t you think?”

Warnia said: “Mr. Hashimoto, the equity is 50%, and the income is still five points. This is the last limit of our Song Group. If you think you can cooperate, then we will continue to talk. If you think If we can’t cooperate, then we can only say sorry, so it’s up to you to continue the conversation.”

Hashimoto Kinzaki did not rush to express his opinion to Warnia. Instead, he looked at the time, with a weird smile on his face, and said, “Miss Song, it’s too early now. Otherwise, on your terms, I and our director Let me give you long feedback. I will give you a definite answer at the earliest tonight and tomorrow at the latest. What do you think?”

Warnia hesitated for a while, and said, “Well then Mr. Hashimoto, I’ll wait for your news!”

Having said that, she stood up, reached out to Hashimoto Kinzaki, and said politely: “Mr. Hashimoto, then we will go back to the hotel today. If there is any progress, please contact me as soon as possible.”

Hashimoto nodded first and smiled: “No problem, Miss Song, please rest assured to wait for my news.”

Warnia took her assistants and got up and left the office building of Nippon Steel.

When going out, Warnia felt very complicated.

Today, she has already revealed her final trump card, and she has no room for mediation anymore. If Nippon Steel’s senior management can’t agree, then she will return from Japan this time without success.

Upstairs of Nippon Steel.

Hashimoto Kinzaki watched Warnia’s commercial vehicle leave the parking lot downstairs, with a cruel smile on his lips, and picked up his mobile phone to make a call.

As soon as the phone call, he smiled and said, “Mr. Song, the lady has been driven mad by me. I think the time is ripe and we can do it tonight. After tonight, your cousin will completely disappear from this world!”

Honor’s voice came from the other side of the phone: “Haha, Mr. Hashimoto, then everything depends on you!”

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