Charismatic Charlie Wade Novel Chapter 1247 – 1248

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Chapter 1247

What Noah hates most is not Horiyah who cuckolded him, but Elaine who insulted and hated him over and over again.

Thinking of the more than 20 green hats fluttering in the wind on Elaine’s balcony, Noah wanted to smash her body into pieces.

Those 20 green hats, every time they float in the wind, they are merciless lashes to him.

So he felt that if he wanted revenge, he would naturally start from Elaine, which couldn’t be more appropriate.

And most importantly, revenge on Elaine will not arouse Charlie’s hatred.

Otherwise, if everyone started to attack Claire, it would be tantamount to touching Charlie’s inverse scales, and it would very likely cause a murderous disaster.

Even Regnar didn’t dare to attack Claire, so naturally his family couldn’t cause that trouble.

Noah’s proposal was immediately approved by the whole family.

During this period of time, Elaine has always spared no effort to mock their family, and has deeply angered everyone. She finds a breakthrough from her, finds a way to fix her, and can also relieve the whole family.

Therefore, Harold hurriedly asked: “Dad, what is a good way, tell us quickly!”

Noah gritted his teeth and said: “Find an opportunity to ruin her, make her the laughingstock of the people of the whole country, and let her feel the feeling of being pierced by countless people!”

Speaking of this, Noah said again: “Also! It’s better to get her a STD too!”

Harold said in surprise: “Dad! Are you going to do it yourself?”

When Noah heard this, he was furious and slapped him in the face. He cursed, “You f*ck me! The dog can’t spit out ivory! Give me my hand? Just Elaine? She deserves it too!”

In fact, both Elaine and Horiyah are mature women with lingering charm.

However, these two charming women are in a bit miserable situation.

Needless to say, Horiyah had just miscarried and had a venereal disease that had not yet been cured. Now she was beaten by her husband and was lying in the hospital with her injuries and treated with venereal diseases.

Elaine is also miserable now, with her broken leg still in plaster, and her two front teeth were broken again. How can she still have the original charm? No man was interested in it.

Harold slapped him, and said aggrievedly: “Dad, you said you wanted her to contract a venereal disease, and I thought you were going to do it yourself…”

Noah cursed: “Can’t you find someone else to start?”

Harold said, “Who are you looking for?”

“don’t know! Look for it, look for the young and strong one, preferably the one who is sick!”

Harold said awkwardly: “This is really not easy to find…”

Noah smacked his lips and said, “I’ll find it, even if I can’t find the sick, I have to find someone to take care of her!”


Chapter 1248

The next day, Claire’s high school classmates got married.

The couple drove a supercar at dawn and set off from Tomson to Wue County, a suburb of Aurous Hill.

Wue County is about 60 kilometers away from the city center. Although it is a little far away, it is fortunate that there is a direct highway.

Claire’s high school classmate lives in the suburbs of Wue County. When the two followed the navigation and came to the community where she lived, they discovered that it turned out to be an old community with a house age of at least 20 or 30 years.

All the houses in this community are no more than 6 stories, and the houses are built very densely. The green paint on the outside of the house is already mottled, revealing the color of cement.

The entrance of the community is very narrow, and there are relatively high speed bumps. In addition, you can see that the road occupation inside is very serious. It is not the garbage cans that occupy the road, or the tricycle bicycles, motorcycles or others. The dilapidated cars are parked against the road, so it is very narrow inside.

Charlie drove the Bugatti in front, glanced at the entrance of the community, and called Claire and said, “My wife, the road conditions in this community are too complicated. I guess the chassis of our sports car is so Low, we can’t drive in at all, or let’s park the car and walk in.”

Claire said, “Okay, stop first, and I will stop after you.”

Charlie leaned the car on the side of the road very well, and his wife Claire also parked the car behind him.

The two got off the cars, and passers-by in the early morning saw these two top luxury cars suddenly come to this economically depressed small county. They stopped and took pictures with their phones.

Charlie didn’t want to be too ostentatious, so he pulled Claire into the community.

Fortunately, the two came early, so there are not many passers-by now, otherwise, they will be surrounded by water.

It was only 7:40 in the morning. After Claire and Charlie entered the community together, they couldn’t help but sigh: “I visited her house once when I was in high school, and her family lived here at that time. I think their family still lives here for so many years.”

Charlie looked at the dilapidated building and couldn’t help sighing: “The house shouldn’t be much bigger, right?”

Claire gave a hum, and said, “Their house is a two-bedroom house, which adds up to more than 60 square meters.”

Charlie asked curiously: “How do they live in a two-bedroom house with 4 people? Didn’t you say that she has a younger brother?”

“Yes.” Claire said: “The family can’t afford a big house, so she and her brother lived in the same room since they were young. Later, she went to school in another place. When she graduated from college, her brother was also a big boy. It’s impossible for two people to live in another room, so my classmate went to Aurous Hill to work hard, and rented a house out there.”

As she said, she sighed and said, “Isn’t she going to get married today, she has to get married from her natal according to the rules, so she came here last night and waited for her to get married this morning.”

Charlie nodded lightly and said, “If someone in any community marries a girl, at least they will get a rainbow gate at the gate of the community, and write on it the joy and celebration of the daughter’s going out of the pavilion, Didn’t the classmates make it at home? I can’t tell at all when I walked in. Today someone is going to get married.”

Claire helplessly said: “Her mother’s family didn’t want her to marry because the other party didn’t give the bride price, but she was pregn@nt? So there is no other way. I heard her say that her mother’s family is very angry and will not wait. Seeing her, she also said that if she is married today, the whole family will not go there. If she wants to leave, let her go alone.”

Charlie couldn’t help but said, “This is a bit too much. Why is it her own daughter. If she is going to marry, parents and younger brother can’t even go there? It’s too impersonal.”

Claire said with some sympathy: “My classmate is very pitiful. Her parents have told her long ago that no matter who she marries, as long as she can give the family 300,000 gift money, it will be good for her brother to buy an apartment.”

“But she insisted on marrying this person, and her husband’s family didn’t give her the gift money, so her parents and brother wanted her to knock off the child and find a man who could give the gift money.”

“But she didn’t agree with her life and death, so her parents hated her very much, even her brother hated her very much. If we don’t come to help her today, I guess she can only get married by herself.”

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