Charismatic Charlie Wade Novel Chapter 1085 – 1086

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Chapter 1085

At this moment, Elaine had lunch and was directing Charlie, carrying an iron bucket and a shovel, to dig soil in the green belt of the villa area.

In the past two days, Elaine had nothing to do. She couldn’t go out to play even if her leg was broken. She was bored at home and used her circle of friends. She found a female friend who hadn’t dealt with much before and bought a villa in the suburbs.

She planted a lot of fruits and vegetables in the yard of the villa, and shared photos of those fruits and vegetables to her circle of friends. Many people gave her a thumbs up, saying that she is smart and understands life.

Elaine was very jealous, so she wanted to grow vegetables and fruits in the villa yard.

But she broke a leg, how can she shovel the ground, so this kind of work can only be arranged by Charlie.

Charlie originally didn’t want to kill her. After all, he had already had a showdown with her last time. After living in his own villa, he would be polite to her, so he wanted to tell her, but there was no way.

But when his wife Claire heard that her mother wanted to grow some fruits and vegetables, she also felt that this kind of thing could edify her sentiment and could make her stay at home honestly, so she came forward and asked Charlie for help.

Charlie only agreed.

In his opinion, it would be nice to let Elaine not keep moths all day long and let her grow vegetables.

So after eating, he helped her, shoveling a lot of soil into the villa, and already circled a place to make a vegetable garden.

Elaine was driving the crutches and said to Charlie: “Dig a piece of loess, don’t forget the black soil, the black soil smells bad.”

Charlie nodded, and lowered his head to dig the soil without speaking.

Elaine hesitated for a moment, and asked him carefully in a negotiating tone: “Charlie, can I discuss something with you?”

Seeing that her attitude was good, Charlie said lightly: “If you have something to say, I will listen.”

Elaine accompanied with a smile and said, “You, when you have time, drive to the countryside and find an old farmer in the countryside to buy some vegetables and fruits, and the whole tree connected with the roots.”

Charlie said, “Isn’t this just taking off your pants and f@rting? Do you want to go to the supermarket to buy vegetables and fruits directly? Direct app will deliver it to you.”

Elaine was very dissatisfied with Charlie’s attitude and was very uncomfortable, but she didn’t dare to say anything, she could only smile and plead: “Mom wants you to buy the whole tree, not for eating, but to buy it and plant it directly. In our villa, won’t we have a beautiful vegetable garden right away? Otherwise, we’re done sowing seeds and plant them again. When it grows, we have to wait until the year of the monkey.”

Charlie took it.

It seems that the mother-in-law is worried about this and wants to take a photo and post it to Moments.

Just thinking of rejecting her unreasonable request, Elaine hurriedly said: “My son-in-law, let me tell you the truth. I have liked growing vegetables and fruits since I was a child. When I went picking with dad and went into the vegetable garden in the countryside, but they were not willing to come out.”

Charlie looked at her suspiciously: “When did it happen? Why haven’t I heard of it?”

Elaine hurriedly said, “Didn’t you suddenly grow up later? Going to school and work again, how can there be time to run into the vegetable garden? I swear to God, Claire really liked these things since she was a child. I still want to grow a little in the courtyard of the former Willson family villa, but Old Lady was reluctant with the idea.

Charlie thought at this moment, if his wife really likes it, then he might as well arrange it.

So, he took out his cell phone, called Claire, and asked her: “My wife, tomorrow is the weekend, do you want to go out picking?”

“Okay!” As soon as Claire heard this, she barely thought about it and immediately blurted out: “Great! Where to pick! How do you know I like to pick!”

Chapter 1086

After listening to Claire, he smiled and said, “Okay, you don’t need to worry about where you go, your husband will arrange it.”

“Great!” Claire said happily, “Then I can wait for you to arrange it!”


After hanging up the phone, Elaine hurriedly said flatteringly: “You see I didn’t lie to you, right?”

Charlie gave a hum, then took out his phone and called Solmon White.

“Mr. Wade! Why did you think of calling the little one?”

Charlie said lightly: “Pharaoh, my wife likes picking very much. I am going to take out half of the Tomson Villa to make a vegetable garden so that she can pick it in the yard every day, so you can find some for me. The best varieties of vegetables and fruits, and I want those that have grown, bear fruit, are attached to vines, have seedlings, and have roots. Can they be directly transplanted to Tomson?”

When Solmon White heard this, he blurted out: “Mr. Wade, don’t worry, even if you want a vegetable shed, I can get it for you!”

Charlie said: “Okay, start preparing today. Come to Tomson’s first-grade transplantation plant at night, I want my wife to see it when she gets up tomorrow!”

Solmon White smiled: “Mr. Wade, you really love your wife! Don’t worry, I will make arrangements!”

Elaine was also very excited at this time!

Charlie is really good at fooling people, just a phone call, others will diligently arrange a vegetable garden for him, the energy is really not small!

She used to think that this guy will explode sooner or later, but no matter how she look at it, she feels that this kid is getting better and better.

At this time, Elaine suddenly heard a familiar voice ringing in her ears: “Oh! Isn’t this my good daughter-in-law! Why are you on crutches? Don’t say it, your posture of the shelf tube is quite exciting. !”

Elaine’s face immediately became extremely ugly.

She didn’t need to look back to know that this voice came from her mother-in-law, that d*mn Old Mrs. Willson!

But when she turned her head to look, she was shocked. What happened? How did these five people get together?

The Lady Willson, Noah, and the two little ones, were they going to be detained for a few more days? Released in advance?

The key is how did Horiyah come? Wasn’t this lady sent to the black coal kiln by Charlie’s friend?

When Charlie heard the movement at this time, he couldn’t help but turn his head and frowned.

He did not expect that Horiyah would actually appear here.

Mr. Orvel has always done things reliably. He shouldn’t have made such a big mistake and let Horiyah run back. What happened here?

Horiyah was the secret of Charlie and his mother-in-law Elaine. Although later his wife and mother-in-law knew about the loss of money by gambling, they didn’t know that Horiyah was sent to the black coal mine by him.

Both of them thought that Horiyah should have run away because of the money, so at this moment Horiyah suddenly came back, which made Charlie feel a little worried.

At this moment, Elaine, who was never to be outdone, already cursed, “Who am I? It turns out that it was your family, what happened, and the idea of ”‹”‹hitting our villa? How did you enter the detention center last time? Did you forget? Believe it or not, I will call the police and get you arrested now?”

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