Charismatic Charlie Wade Novel Chapter 3621

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Chapter 3621

Seeing that the empress was now leaving even basic euphemisms behind, Charlie knew that she had been completely taken by the Rejuvenating Pill.

With the previous near-death experience, this pill would definitely become her only pursuit for the rest of her life.

So, Charlie would no longer have to worry that she would have any small thoughts about Helena.

Three days after the handover of the throne, she would definitely do as she said and help Helena take the reins with all her might.

Then, Charlie said to the empress as well as Helena: “If the Ruthschild family comes to you for people, or seeks your good offices to negotiate terms,”

“Make sure not to easily inform them of the whereabouts of the William family, and contact me in time.”

The Queen immediately took a stand and said, “Mr. Wade don’t worry, if the Ruthschilds come looking for me, I will directly use public opinion to suppress them,”

“Their family’s intention to plot against me, the evidence is clear, once exposed, the impact on the Ruthschild family must be very big!”

Saying that she added: “In fact, for the core family of Ruthschild, the family reputation is very important, in the early years they did a lot of evil in the financial market,”

“In several wars, it has also seen a great enrichment so that their reputation in Europe and the United States is relatively poor,”

“Since World War II, the core family of Ruthschild has been actively repairing the family reputation, like William such third Order family, committing such a big thing, the core family will definitely not bail them out.”

“Good.” Charlie nodded and smiled with a playful expression, “I’m not afraid that they’ll come looking for them, but I’m afraid that they won’t.”

Saying that he instructed, “If they are willing to look, when the time comes, give them a little information through other channels,”

“So that they know that the Williams family may be in Syria, in this way, if they can still go to Syria to look for people it would be better,”

“In that kind of extra-legal land, Ruthschild has nothing to do, they may go there and take back the bodies, there is almost no chance of winning.”

Although the Ruthschild family is very strong, but after all, it is in the Western peaceful world, to Syria, Ruthschild simply can not turn any ripples.

After all, in a place like the Middle East, even the U.S. military can face uncertain times, let alone a family like Ruthschild.

Hamid’s base is now solid, even the Cataclysmic Front can not go down, Ruthschild even has less chance.

This is also the fundamental reason why he wanted to send the Williams family to Syria, with Hamid guarding, absolutely nothing can go wrong.

The Queen heard Charlie’s words and was frightened with a jolt.

“I originally thought that Charlie might also be worried about the Ruthschild family looking for him ……”

“But now, why do I feel that things seem to be the complete opposite of what I imagined?”

“He looks as if he is quite looking forward to the Ruthschild family coming over, and even gives me the feeling that the William family is like the bait he threw to Syria and laid in order to lure the Ruthschild family ……”

Thinking of this, the Queen’s heart is also very surprised, she really does not understand, why Charlie wants to go after the Ruthschild family?

Not waiting for the empress to think about it, Charlie opened his mouth and said, “It’s almost time, I should go.”

After saying that, he looked at Helena and said indifferently, “Helena, I wish you in advance to inherit the throne and become the new empress of the Nordic Kingdom, and I also hope that you will carry forward the Nordic royal family to great heights.”

Helena nodded gratefully and said, “Thank you, Mr. Wade ……”

After saying that, she hurriedly said, “Mr. Wade, if you don’t mind, please let me take you to the airport!”

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