Charismatic Charlie Wade Novel Chapter 3596

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Chapter 3596

Olivia, whose heart was beating in her throat, hurried to her father Richard’s side, whispering in his ear and crying, “Dad …… this thing no matter what should not get out of this room,”

“Because this thing, I, I planned with William, once he is caught, he will certainly give me up, then I am completely finished ……”

Richard heard these words, his eyes suddenly black, almost fell to the ground.

He could not easily slow down, gritted his teeth, and stared at Olivia, questioned in a low voice: “What the h3ll is your brain made of?”

“A person who is about to inherit the throne and become the queen, how dare she participate in this kind of cheating gambling game, you …… you are trying to make me die!”

Richard is really going crazy.

Although the royal family is very popular in the region, but to put it bluntly, this is a family of mascots, in law, there are no privileges.

And the actual operation of these countries, all are in the hands of democratic governments.

Cabinet, Parliament is the real manager of this country, the royal family has no actual power, once the royal family broke the law, the Nordic judiciary will not harbor them.

Once he thinks of this, Richard hurriedly interceded and said: “Mr. Wade, of course, William is wrong!”

“Of course he should be punished! But also please see George’s positive attitude to solve the problem, do not see eye to eye with him ……”

The Ruthschild family will take out a portion of the compensation for you as a private settlement, what do you think?”

Once George heard this, he also immediately nodded repeatedly and begged: “Mr. Wade, you say a number, as long as within the scope of what we can afford, we will never hesitate!”

Charlie grunted and said, “Do you think this matter can be solved by taking money? Do you think my Wade family is short of money? We have given hundreds of billions of euros to the Cataclysmic Front, what is money to me?”

Saying that, his expression gradually became cold, sternly said: “I just want to take my fcuking revenge now!”

“Since I was a kid, no one has ever dared to screw me like this! Last time, an unscrupulous person stole my bank card and transferred more than 20 billion RMB from me, I thought she was already bold and unmatched, but today someone wants to cheat me out of 3 billion euros and a Concorde!”

“Your William has a lot of guts!”

When George heard these words, he got a jolt, then kicked William, who was kneeling on the ground, down, then rushed up, pulled up his collar, and slapped him seven or eight times in the face.

While beating, he cursed: “You’re a ba5tard who can do nothing well, even not good enough to do anything! I have to beat you to death today to give you a taste of your own medicine!”

William’s eyes were starry and tears were flowing, but he didn’t dare to say a word.

He knew that he had made big trouble, if he did not let Charlie satisfied today, he would be all finished.

So, now the beating, he can only grit their teeth and bear it.

After George had slapped seven or eight times, he looked up at Charlie and saw that Charlie’s expression did not care at all, so he knew that he must not be relieved.

So, he gritted his teeth and slapped him a dozen more times, causing his cheeks to fill with blood.

Seeing that William was almost unconscious, George had to stop and turn to Charlie and begged: “Mr. Wade, I can’t beat him anymore ……”

“If I keep on beating him, he won’t be able to hold his wedding tomorrow …… Please spare him for the sake of his condition ……”

Charlie sneered: “Your son stabbed such a big thing, you still think about the wedding? Your heart is big enough huh!”

“I advise you to seize the time, while it is not yet the wedding day, directly announce the postponement of the wedding,”

“Wait for him to be released from prison to make up for it, by then Olivia can still fall into an infatuation absolute reputation!”

Speaking of which, Charlie said with a longing face: “You think about it! A young girl, waiting for her beloved out of prison, until the seventy or eighty years old! How touching is this love story?”

“And in the end, when the two gray-haired couple, trembling, hold hands in the marriage hall, to announce to the world that they have finally come to fruition, everyone will be moved by it!

“If you look at the whole world, I’m afraid there is no other example of this kind, right? In my opinion, it can definitely become a love story comparable to “Romeo and Juliet”!”

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