Charismatic Charlie Wade Novel Chapter 6056

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Chapter 6056

Pavel disappeared so several managers of the An family called her because they couldn’t find Pavel.

The moment she learned that Pavel was missing, she guessed that he should be dead.

However, she has not waited for a clear message.

Now that she got Charlie’s confirmation, she felt mixed feelings.

Ultimately, though, there was a sense of relief.

So she asked Charlie: “Charlie, you should have known for a long time that Pavel was a member of Warriors Den, right?”

“That’s right.” Charlie nodded and said truthfully:

“I guessed earlier that he should be a member of Warriors Den.”

“He is a ‘scholar’, but there has been no direct evidence.”

“However, when I went to New York this time, I accidentally discovered that he had secretly joined forces with a count from the Warriors Den to get the Sifang Baozhuang,”

“So I looked for an opportunity to deal with both of them.”

After that, he said to Tece apologetically:

“Auntie, the incident happened suddenly and I didn’t have time to ask you for instructions.”

“Please forgive me.”

Tece sighed softly and said to Charlie:

“Charlie, it’s me who wants to thank you for getting rid of harm to the An family.”

“Your brother-in-law and I almost brought disaster to the An family because of our carelessness.”

“It was all thanks to you both times.”

“If you hadn’t saved the An family from misfortune,”

“Maybe your brother-in-law and I would have become the number one sinner of the An family…”

Charlie felt relieved when he saw that his aunt was very sincere.

He actually didn’t know much about her.

If she had a correct view of right and wrong, she would naturally not blame him for this matter.

He was afraid that if his aunt was a love brain,

Then his dealing with her husband after all would inevitably bring dissatisfaction to her.

Fortunately, the An family has seen ups and downs,

And the pattern is much greater than that of ordinary people.

So he opened his mouth and said: “Auntie, the ‘scholars’ of Warriors Den are more penetrating than we imagined.”

“Those who appeared around you and my uncle in the past have made you feel bright or somewhat admired.”

“The opposite s3x is probably all theirs.”

“Even if it were me, it would be difficult to see through and guard against.”

Tece nodded lightly, and Charlie’s words made her feel a little better.

Charlie knew that she needed some time to slowly adapt to digestion, so he said:

“Auntie, you don’t have to think about anything for these two days.”

“Have a good rest. After a while, the situation between us and the Warriors Den should be settled.”

“A big change has occurred, allowing us to take more initiative.”

“At that time, we may have to take the initiative.”

“At that time, you and your uncle should also try to participate as much as possible.”

Tece clenched her fists and nodded firmly:

“Okay Charlie, I understand!”

After saying goodbye to their aunt, Charlie drove to the Champs Elysees Hot Spring Hotel below to see the progress of the martial arts training.

As soon as the car drove out of the mountain villa, he received a call from Steve Routhchild.

It was late at night in the United States at this time.

Steve simply packed his luggage and prepared to go straight to the airport at dawn.

In order to show his goodwill to Charlie, he called him specifically.

Charlie answered the phone and asked with a smile:

“Steve, why are you calling me so late?”

Steve quickly said respectfully:

“Mr. Wade, I was thinking that it should be afternoon in China.”

“I shouldn’t bother you by calling you at this time.”

Charlie hummed and asked him: “Do you have anything to do with me?”

Steve said with an apologetic smile:

“That’s right, Mr. Wade, my father just asked me to do something in China and will be leaving in three or four hours.”

“I was thinking that you should be in China as well,”

“So I wanted to ask if it would be convenient for you. I would like to visit you in person…”

“Visit me. …” Charlie smiled and said:

“Haven’t we already agreed about business? Just behave well, why bother coming to see me?”

Steve hurriedly said: “Mr. Wade, I am right now absolutely loyal to you.”

“In my mind, you are like a beacon of life.”

“If I come to China and don’t see you, I will feel very sorry…”

Charlie knew that Steve must want to see him.

He took a look at the situation, hoping to get time for himself,

A point in time as to how long his father could live.

Although Charlie didn’t really want to see him, he was still the second-in-command of the Routhchild family,

So it was okay to always suppress him in various ways.

He came to pay homage to him in person.

If he didn’t see him yet, he was afraid that he would be attacked.

If this guy thinks that he has no hope of succeeding in this life and is completely ruined,

Wouldn’t he lose the value of using him?

So, he said: “Since you have come from afar, I, the host, naturally want to express my gratitude.”

“You tell me your destination in China this time and a time that is convenient for you, and I will make arrangements.”

Steve heard this, he suddenly became excited and said quickly:

“Mr. Wade, I am going to Aurous Hill, but this is not important.”

“Please tell me your city. After I landed in Aurous Hill, my first job was to see you, everything else later!”

Charlie said curiously: “You said Aurous Hill?”

“Yes.” Steve said: “My father asked me to go to Aurous Hill for business.”

“If I don’t fly to Aurous Hill as my first stop,”

“I’m afraid it will hurt him. But don’t worry, just give me an address and I’ll come to see you after I land there!”

Charlie smiled and said, “What a coincidence,”

“I’m in Aurous Hill. When you arrive, I’ll take care of you.”

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