Catch Me If You Love Me Chapter 598

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Chapter 598

She suddenly possessed herself, grabbed Chase Gu by the collar, raised her leg and pressed directly on him, bowed her head and k!ssed the man below.


With a fragrance of fragrance, he struck Chase Gu with the girl’s soft lips, making him startled for an instant.

When he realized what the woman she was extremely disgusted with had said and what she had done to herself, Gu Yun’s brows bounced, and the hostility of the whole body broke out instantly.

“Go away…Go!”

With a single mouth, the man’s angry growl was swallowed in the girl’s lips, his momentum was weakened, and it directly turned into a violent whimper.

The cold wind was blowing in Chase Gu’s eyes, and he raised his hand full of veins and bulges to clasp Wen Cheng’s waist, trying to tear her off her body.

But at this time, Wen Cheng seemed crazy.

She wrapped her legs and hands tightly around the man’s body, her trembling lips learned the way a man k!ssed her in her memory, gnawing and biting on his lips awkwardly, just refused to give up.

The two people are like tangled braids, how can they be inseparable.

“Wen Cheng, let me say it again, get out of here!”

“I do not!”

“you wanna die!”

“I won’t! Didn’t you tell me when Sister Gu was here? Even if you really become a cripple, can I do everything I can to make you better? How can I know if you don’t try?”

Wen Cheng simply let go, her legs couldn’t help but daringly pulled open the man’s collar with her hands, bowed her head, and k!ssed the man’s most sensitive apple.

Like countless times in the memory, she suddenly heard the man’s sudden thickening of gasps, and felt the man’s body change more clearly.

As soon as she looked up, she met Chase Gu’s dark eyes.

“Wen Cheng, you dare, it’s great!”

When the voice fell, he leaned forward abruptly, raised his hand to clasp her waist to lift her up–

Wen Cheng in his arms suddenly jumped off his legs and dashed away a few steps.

Chase Gu’s eyes darkened, and he raised his hand trying to continue and suddenly fell into the air.

A few steps away, Wen Cheng clearly saw the still-surging desire in the man’s eyes.

Even if he hates her and resists her, but when he still has memory, two people have done it too many times, and his body and instinct still have a feeling for her.

This kind of cognition makes Wen Cheng feel sad and sad.

She sniffed, risking being strangled to death by a man at any time, teasing his lips and smiling at him.

“Master Gu, I know you hate me. But a man’s body and instincts can’t deceive people. You have feelings for me, admit it.”

She hurriedly turned around, walked to the door and suddenly stopped, suddenly turned her head to look at Chase Gu, and said nonchalantly.

“You never thought about it. Maybe we did it before. Am I really the woman you were looking for?”

When the voice fell, she did not wait for Chase Gu’s reaction, raised her hand to close the door, turned and walked downstairs. The anger and unwillingness that had been stale for a long time in her heart seemed to have been slightly dissipated because of this episode.

She comforted herself again and again in her heart and kept telling herself.

Chase Gu didn’t love her, didn’t abandon her, he just accidentally lost her with her, and accidentally forgot her. But he is still her words, she still has a chance, and can make him think of her thoroughly.

As a result, as soon as she walked up the stairs, she heard a loud noise coming from Chase Gu’s room, accompanied by the man’s almost roaring roar.

“Warm, Cheng!”

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