Let Me Go Mr Hill Chapter 2777

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Chapter 2777

Tasha curled her lips, “You’ve already done something on her brakes, so what’s wrong with that?”

Song Qingrui rubbed his girlfriend’s head helplessly after hearing this, “A simple-minded person is caught by others. After the design, the first thing I thought about was how to take revenge and go back, but would he be so impulsive when he was in Pei Tao’s position?”

Ning Xiaoxiao frowned for a few seconds, and then quickly released, “He should have Investigate me, my identity is not very secret right now, you can find out with a little research.”


Song Qingrui nodded, “You are now the major shareholder of Ji’s and Fenghong, and Ning’s is also your Ning’s, although it is not as good as it is. In the past, but if you sell it, you can still sell for hundreds of millions. With such a worth, apart from my sister Song Junyue, few in the capital can compare to you. If you were Pei Tao, what would you do?”

“If it were me…” Ning Xiaoxiao assumed Pei Tao’s identity and thought for a moment, “If I am a piece of fat, and Pei Tao is a wolf, and the wolf sees a large piece of meat, he will want to put it away. Eat that piece of meat.”


Song Qingrui admired it, as expected of someone who had worked on Wall Street, “How can you eat that piece of meat? The best way is to make that piece of meat your own, Pei Mo. Isn’t Chen Chen his son? He happened to have AIDS. Now it has spread all over the wealthy family. It is estimated that a girl with a little condition in China will not be able to marry Pei Mochen. You caused his son to get sick. Wan Guan, if he can let his son marry you and have another child, everything will become Pei’s family.”

Tasha was stunned, “How can you be so sure.”

“You forgot about Sister Junyue before. , what about Ling Ye? Ling Ye has a deep love for my sister on the surface, but in fact, their Ling family came from the Song Group, don’t underestimate the filth of these giants.” Song Qingrui reminded. Tasha was speechless, “No, how could Ruan Ruan like Pei Mochen’s kind of thing, and he has AIDS, who gave his face.”

“It may be that Ruan Yan committed suicide for Pei Mochen before, and then Coupled with the deliberate revenge on Pei Mochen now, the Pei family’s idea is probably because of love and hatred, as long as there is love, there is no hope for He Chou, besides, rich people have always had a kind of self-confidence.”

Song Qingrui paused, With a slight smile, “This point should be felt from Ji Ziyuan and Pei Mochen.”

Ning Xiaoxiao: “…”

Is this man the leader of the swordsman?

Why did she know such men.

“You too.” Tasha looked at Song Qingrui with contempt.

“Don’t say that, when I was chasing you, I really had no confidence.” Song Qingrui looked at her affectionately.

In front of a friend, he suddenly said nasty love words.

Tasha blushed pretty, then remembered something, glared at Song Qingrui, “By the way, what did you mean when you said a simple-minded person before, did you mean to me, Song Qingrui, don’t think about going to bed at night. “

Yueyue also put her waist up and spoke in the tone of Mommy, “Don’t go to bed and break sleep.”


Ning Xiaoxiao wanted to cover her ears.

Is this what she can hear?

Song Qingrui sighed. He didn’t expect Fanyue’s reflex arc to be so long. He coughed lightly, “Wife, pay attention, there are still people, and Yueyue is there.”

“I’m not human, I’m blind, I can’t see anything, listen Here.” Ning Xiaoxiao took a sip of water from the cup.

Yueyue began to imitate again, “I can’t bear it, my eyes are sandy, and I have nothing at all ï¿¥#ï¿¥%.” The next string of words is an alien language that people can’t understand.

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