I’m Sorry My Love Novel Chapter 2792 – 2793

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Chapter 2792

To say that 99% of people in this world have their own little abacus, their own dark side, and their own unknown shame, including me.

But Galia didn’t exist at that time.

She is so kind, so happy, so beautiful.

But now that things have developed, I don’t know, will Galia still smile like before?

I have no idea.

She was supposed to be the joy of all of us.

Why did God punish her like this?

What did she do wrong?

Everyone in this world is doing wrong, but only Galia, what did she do wrong? God will punish her like this!

why! “

When it came to the end of yesterday, Suzi simply roared.

Pan Mingsai hugged Auntie: “Auntie, I know your feelings for Sister Galia, I know, but it’s already like this, this is life, there is no reason, sometimes God will doze off and close his eyes, in the future we will For everyone, use our love to heal the wounds in Galia’s heart, and we will slowly bring her back to the old pistachio era.

good or not? “

Suzi said with emotion: “Don’t say that we made her mind so happy before going back, even her face, her face, it is difficult for us to restore her Galia’s original face.

Do you know why Yan’s father and Yan’s mother have been reluctant to recognize Galia?

It’s because she and their daughter are different.

A child who has followed them for 30 years, all have Galia’s appearance in their hearts. Even if they know that Galia is Galia, it is difficult for them to accept Galia who is different from her original appearance.

On the contrary, it is fake now, which is easier for them to accept. “

Hearing Suzi says this, Pan Mingsai was thoughtful.

After a while, she said, “It seems to be the case, especially for Galia’s parents. They have been with Galia for 30 years. Naturally, those who look like Galia, will be more accepting.”

Suzi sighed and said, “So, we have to do the trick now, to completely expose that fake Galia’s ugliness. Before she is exposed, we don’t want to startle the snake, understand Mingsai?”

Pan Mingsai nodded: “Don’t worry auntie, I and the only one of us both promise you that when we meet the fake Galia in the future, we will make out with her like sisters so that she can relax her vigilance. , After a long time, her fox tail will definitely be exposed.”

“Well, it’s great.” Suzi sighed again: “I hope this will end soon, and I hope Galia can return to Yan’s father and Yan’s mother soon. Then…”

“What’s the matter, auntie, do you have anything to worry about then?” Pan Mingsai asked.

Suzi said worriedly: “The old man is getting old, and he is already sixty years old when he talks. I really don’t know that after this fake Galia is exposed, and the real Galia is sent to them, they will be How do you feel?”

Pan Mingsai thought about it and said to Suzi, “Auntie, I have a solution, but I don’t know if it will work, and I’m not sure.”

Suzi immediately asked, “What can I do, tell me quickly!”

Pan Mingsai was a little shy and smiled a little blushing: “Auntie, do you believe in my medical skills…?”

Suzi’s eyes lit up immediately: “You mean, you…you give Galia plastic surgery to restore her original appearance?”

Chapter 2793

Pan Mingsai shook his head: “I can’t guarantee Auntie, I can only give it a try and see if I can recover.”

“You try, you try it.” Suzi said excitedly.

“Okay. I’ll go get ready now.”

Suzi shook his head again: “Remember, don’t startle the snake by playing grass.”

“Well, I know Auntie. I’m quietly, and I won’t let anyone know, especially the Galia from Yan’s father and Yan’s mother.” Pan Mingsai is an extremely smart little girl.

She and her aunt went to Yan’s house again.

At this time, the Yan family was really full of laughter.

Yan’s father and Yan’s mother are here, Yan’s uncle Yan’s mother and Yan’s mother are there, and Christopher and Galia are also there.

All of them surrounded Galia in the middle.

Yan’s mother took Galia’s left hand, and Yan’s mother held Galia’s right hand.

“My child, you have really suffered all these years, look at how thin you are, my child, you go to stay with aunt for a few days, and aunt will make up for you, your mother, anywhere is fine, It’s just that there is no aunt to cook delicious food, you live with aunt for a month, and aunt promises to raise you fat and white.” The aunt nagged while shedding tears.

There is only one girl in the two families.

Both are rare.

Uncle and aunt have always looked at Galia since childhood, more delicate than Christopher.

All the food, drink and fun are all close to Galia alone, and the child has never suffered the slightest suffering.

The Yan family’s life was not easy since childhood.

But the two families were willing to let brother Christopher suffer, and they were never willing to let Galia suffer.

I always feel that girls, to be like the most delicate orchid in the greenhouse, must be extremely delicate.

But no matter what, the four old people didn’t think that the child who was so protected, pampered, and loved would still inevitably suffer the hell-like sufferings on earth.

The aunt was crying with tears in her eyes.

Uncle is fine.

He opened the aunt’s hand, and replaced it with the uncle holding Galia: “Son, don’t leave in the future, don’t leave, we don’t have to suffer that torture anymore. It’s great to be at home, to have a father and a mother, There are aunts and aunts, and brothers.

Look at you now, you have an extra sister-in-law who loves you. “

Saying that, Uncle Yan pointed to Galia and showed Galia.

“Baby, your sister-in-law and your name are exactly the same. I said that the reason why your brother and your sister-in-law can attract each other, fall in love and come together, you are a matchmaker. Your brother saved Galia because she had the same name as you. .

Come to Galia and take a look at your sister-in-law. “

Uncle Yan turned around and called Galia.

Galia smiled shyly.

She just joined this family, she was originally a rural child.

She had never seen Galia.

However, she often heard about Galia.

Galia’s pampering, Galia’s kindness, and Galia’s sweetness. Galia knew it all.

She shouted a little embarrassedly: “Galia, I’m sister-in-law, that… I’ve lived in Nancheng for a few years, I’m not familiar with Nancheng, I’m in Nancheng, I’m really just a douchebag. , in the future, when my sister-in-law comes back, I will have company, Galia, wherever you go in the future, you will take me with you, those delicious snacks you like to eat, and those boutique shops you like to visit. get on me.

I’m shit.

I’ll see you help me match clothes in the future, and make me look more foreign, okay? “

What Galia said was so sincere.

Punished by His Love Novel alternative…

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