I’m Sorry My Love Novel Chapter 2764 – 2765

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Chapter 2764


​​Galia is still alive, he should have a child.

You see, you…are actually destined, aren’t you?

Milu nodded and cried. “

Take us?” “Suzi couldn’t wait to see the child, she thought, maybe the child looks a lot like Galia and Ming Zhen?

“Okay. Milou replied.

“I… let’s go too.” Luo Jin said hurriedly.

Yan Weimin, who was next to him, also nodded. If he could not find his daughter, if he could see the child, it would be the

greatest sustenance.

Nancheng lost the nearest town and drove over. The

town is not big and has a simple style. The two children were fostered by a pair of retired elderly people.

Seeing Mi Lu brought a group of people over, the two elderly people were surprised “

Child, don’t you… have no relatives, why are you staying with such a group of people, why have you been here for a while?” Your aunt and I are both worried about you. “A grey-haired old man said to Mi Lu.

“Uncle Li, this… here is my boss, a friend of my boss. I was injured while filming a while ago. It’s a work-related injury, my boss. He can give me a little compensation. He heard that I have a child, so he wants to see my child and give me some compensation by the way. “Mi Lu told the old man a white lie.

Suzi, Darius and the others could see that the old man treated Mi Lu very well.

“Uncle, I didn’t bring you any gifts this time, I really didn’t. It’s time, I’m sorry, how about me, Mi Mi and Mi Tian? Where are they? ‘ Milou asked.

“These two children have to be a Trojan horse. This is not your aunt taking them to the car. I’ll make a call and I’ll be right back.” After speaking, the old man took out his mobile phone and dialed a set of numbers: “Old woman, you Come back quickly, by the way, come back with more dishes from the deli shop, our child… Mi Lu is back, and he has brought a group of friends back. Okay, hurry up.”

After closing the line, the old man was very Warmly greeted Mi Lu and Darius and Suzi and they went into the yard to talk.

The yard is very small, with a total of less than 20 square meters, but it has been neatly organized by the old couple. All kinds of flowers and plants, although there is nothing precious, but they look very warm and have a humanistic atmosphere.

The house is also rustic and cozy.

The old man was busy pouring tea and peeling fruit for these people.

He was not alive at all, and he spoke and behaved decently, like an educator.

On the contrary, Suzi and the others seemed very abrupt.

“Old man, thank you.” Suzi said a little embarrassedly.

“Hey, I want to thank you all, you are all Mi Lu’s leaders, and you came to see her specially. They are all good people. Mi Lu is a child…it’s really pitiful.

Divorced, the child’s father doesn’t want two children.

Mi Lu was hit by a car once again and was injured. She had undergone several cosmetic repairs on her face to be considered to be better, but the repaired face would no longer be able to play the leading role.

In this one, she has been in Nancheng for more than a year . When we were filming, we handed over the child to us.

We are the old couple…”

At this point, the old man choked up: “Our old couple lost their independence and could not have survived. If it wasn’t for Mi Lu to comfort us, Take care of our two children, we really don’t know how to live.”

Suzi: “…”

Darius, Yan’s father and Yan’s mother, and Rayna were all silent.

They don’t know what to say.

At this time, there was a sound of the door of the small courtyard being pushed open, and then there was a puff of broken feet running inside.

“Slow down, slow down, look, you run bumpy and bumpy, and you fall and howl after a while.” This was the voice of an old man.

As soon as the old man’s voice fell, two little ones came into the room,

“Mom! Mom, Mom…”

“Mom…” The

two little dumplings of children rushed into the room. Milu’s arms

Chapter 2765

The two little cute babies are only three years old, and they are all chubby.

The two children hugged Mi Lu’s arms and kept acting like a spoiled child.

The little girl is more delicate. She squeezed hard into her mother’s arms. While squeezing, she said domineeringly: “I want my mother, I want my mother, my sister wants my mother.”

The elder brother on the side smiled and said, “Then… the younger sister will find her mother first, and the elder brother will let the younger sister.”

The little boy leaned on his mother’s leg obediently, and gave his mother’s entire embrace to the little girl.

The little girl raised her short legs and crawled towards her mother, and said while crawling, “Grandma made a Trojan horse, and grandma bought a delicious one for Mimi, and Mimi wants to keep one for my mother…”

“Where’s the delicious food for mom?” Mi Lu looked at her daughter angrily.

Mi Mi raised her head and smiled stupidly: “In Mi Mi’s belly…”

“Haha… my sister is bad, my sister is bad, my brother is…” The little boy on the side raised his chubby finger and poked at his sister, and then he took out two pieces from his pocket like a juggler. A lollipop, let’s raise the lollipop in a very arrogant manner.

“One for mom, one for me…” The little boy finished, looking at the little girl deliberately.

The little girl cried in a second: “Wow… my brother is bad, my brother won’t give me candy… woo woo, I want my mother…”

“You little man, you are crying quietly, your face is drooling and snot, grandma has to talk about this, grandma, I gave you and your brother two candies each, and your candy is yours. After eating, none of your brother is willing to eat. You are still crying.” The grandmother on the side said with a smile to Lu Mimi.

“I’ll cry, hum!” The little thing is very domineering.

“Okay, sister, don’t cry, brother will give you…” The little boy looked at his sister with a tolerant smile.

“Brother, you are the best!” The little girl immediately burst into laughter and didn’t forget to kiss her brother on the cheek.

After the kiss, she put the lollipop to her mouth again: “Brother, brother bites half for sister, brother bites half.”

Sure enough, the little boy put the lollipop in his mouth and clenched his teeth hard!

He exerted the strength of sucking milk, and his face was flushed with anger, but the little milk teeth that had just grown out for less than three years could not be bitten.

Brother: “Wow… woo woo, brother doesn’t eat it, eat it for my sister.”

I cried, and I didn’t forget to give the lollipop to my sister.

The people next to me looked very cute at first, and everyone was blown away by this pair of brothers and sisters, but at this moment, I saw that my brother really wanted to eat candy, but he was not willing to eat it, he kept it for his mother and left it for himself When my sister wanted to eat, she gave her a small appearance. Everyone’s eyes turned red.

Especially Darius.

He was stunned when he saw the two children.

To be honest, he wasn’t sure if the two children looked like him, because he didn’t know what he looked like when he was a child?

Maybe, even your parents don’t know what they looked like when they were young?

When he was young, most of the photos were in black and white, and the photos were not very clear, so do these two children look like her?

Shu Ming was shocked.

However, the first time he saw these two children, he fell in love with them.

I like it very much.

Not to mention Shu Ming was shocked, even Suzi, Yan Weimin, Luo Jin and his wife were very happy to see the child. At this moment, Luo Jin had forgotten the pain of thinking about her daughter. Unconscious smile.

“Don’t cry, okay? Uncle is buying you a lot.” At this time, Darius had already squatted down and looked at the little boy with a gentle expression on his face.

Only then did the little boy realize that there were a lot of people sitting in the small house of grandparents.

The little boy stopped crying immediately: “Who are you?”

Punished by His Love Novel alternative…

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