I’m Sorry My Love Novel Chapter 2730 – 2731

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Chapter 2730

deserve it.

Just as Chairman Cui said, God will not forgive a man in his forties and fifty years old for making such an unforgivable mistake.

“It’s all Lin Dazhou’s fault. My original intention is to make Galia pass the psychological level, and Lin Dazhou can get a particularly good order volume that can make his company prosperous for several years, but now It seems that Lin Dazhou is not worthy.” Arron said calmly.

Suzi smiled: “Everything my husband decides is right in the eyes of my fangirl.”

Arron turned his head and looked at his wife dotingly: “Yo, when did you become my fan girl?”

Suzi tilted his head and put his head on Arron’s shoulder: “I have always been your fan girl, you just don’t know it.”

“Whether it’s a fan girl, a wife, or a lover, in short, we are both officially middle-aged. Now is the time when we watch the development of young people. Galia can grow up, and Christopher can have a good wife to support him. , it is not in vain that Christopher has followed me for 20 years.” Arron said with emotion.

“By the way, Christopher is going to have a wedding with Galia. Let’s arrange the wedding and give them a grand ceremony.” Suzi suggested.

“Okay, you can advocate for this matter. The Yan family has not encountered any happy events for so many years. Until now, Galia has not been able to find it, so let Christopher get married as soon as possible, or make the four old people happy. .”

“As ordered! Husband, I’ll do it now!” Suzilue said playfully.

The wedding preparations were quick.

After all, there are so many good people.

Not only Suzi helped to prepare, but Alyce, Darius, Rayna, Dalia, although these people were not familiar with Galia, they were also busy with Galia’s wedding.

In just half a month, everything that needs to be prepared is ready.

A sunny day.

The weather is lukewarm and very pleasant.

Galia, wearing a haute couture wedding dress, stood with Christopher at the gate of a resort hotel with a large lawn in Nancheng, welcoming guests from all directions.

In the past, Galia was extremely vain, and only fantasized about being able to marry into a big city, marry a high-level intellectual family, and marry a white-collar worker.

But she never imagined that she could marry a wealthy family in Nancheng in her life.

Moreover, her husband still loves him so much.

The family members who came to attend her wedding, the cousin from the aunt’s house, the cousin from the aunt’s house, and all the relatives, all had their mouths wide open and their eyes rounded.

You can’t even dream like this, can you?

At this time, there are no more relatives who dare to grin at Galia.

They didn’t even dare to say a word, they just shrugged and sat on the guest seats, watching the dignitaries respond to their rewards.

But now Galia is much calmer.

She always held Christopher’s hand and stood at the gate. Whenever she saw a visitor, the two of them smiled and greeted them politely.

Standing at the door with their two newcomers, there were also Suzi, Darius and others.

These are all close friends and relatives of the Yan family.

Especially Darius.

Although he has nothing to do with this Galia, and is closely related to Christopher, it is only his uncle and brother, but Darius is just as busy with his own family affairs.

“Brother Mingzhen, you are so busy that you can’t rest for our wedding. Thank you.” When she was free, Galia would thank Darius gratefully.

Darius’s eyes looked outside the door, at the end of the red carpet, he didn’t even hear what Galia was saying.

“Brother Mingzhen, what’s wrong with you, who did you see?” Galia shouted again and asked.

Darius said in a slightly angry tone: “I saw her, why does this woman look like a ghost!”

“Who?” Galia asked.

“Mi Lu!” Darius said and walked out angrily.

Chapter 2731

Mi Lu was dressed beautifully today, but compared to the guests at the wedding today, she was like a beggar. She didn’t have an invitation card in her hand, and the person in charge of this hotel would not let Mi Lu in.

Besides, everyone can tell, how could this brightly dressed but very shabby woman be a guest at the wedding banquet today?

Mi Lu tried to get closer to the red carpet several times, hoping to see the wedding scene inside the gate, but every time she was driven away by the security of the hotel.

At this moment, taking advantage of the gap where the security was guiding a car to drive in, Mi Lu looked inside again.

As a result, it was discovered by Darius.

“What the hell are you doing!” Darius was originally a good-natured person, but now, he was annoyed by Mi Lu.

Mi Lu embarrassedly accompanies the smiling face, the expression is very thick-skinned and a little ignorant of the occasion: “Ming… No, Shu Shao, I… I don’t want to go in, I’m just Stand outside and take a look… Anyway, I’m also an actor… Well-known actors, I take a look at such an expensive and exquisite wedding scene, I will learn more, and I will say when I act in the future It might be used.

“Why are you so thick-skinned!” Darius responded directly.

Mi Lu: “I…Actually, I’m very obedient, you’ll know when you contact me, you’ve contacted me, I’ll keep you… keep you satisfied, you… Can you give me a chance?”

Darius: “…”

He was simply out of temper.

How can I meet such a woman who can’t get enough oil and rice!

Simply disgusting!

Very disgusting!

“You… you were just saying that you wanted to come in to study and observe, why after a second, you turned the topic to me, Mi Lu, I want to ask you, what am I? Where is your mouth, you have to stick to me like this, and you will follow me day and night?”

Mi Lu’s face was full of expressions.

The most embarrassing and sincere: “Shu Shao, I know you hate me, do you think I’m ugly, I don’t have any other requirements, I’m easy to pass up, I just want to… Just wanted to…”

She didn’t know what to say.

She suddenly wanted to cry, and as soon as she opened her mouth, she wanted to cry.

She choked for a few times, and finally stabilized her emotions, without letting the tears fall and her throat choked, she said as patiently as possible: “I… I just hope you can give me a Chances are, you can dislike me. But you can’t stop people from liking you, right?

You are unmarried, and I have the right to pursue you. “

The mouth can speak.

Darius was speechless.

He didn’t react for a while.

What the hell is this called!

As gentle and elegant as Darius, he even started to swear in his heart.

He just came to attend the wedding of his eldest brother. Isn’t he called An Sheng when he came to attend a wedding?

What is this called!

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, you, you, you, listen to me! Hold up your ears and listen to me! Me! Darius! Not single, not single, can you hear me?

I have a wife!

I have a wife!

see nothing? “Darius excitedly pointed to the wedding scene.

“This is my eldest brother’s wedding! I have a wife, and my wife is Galia. She just disappeared! I am a married man, so don’t worry about me!” Shu Ming was disgusted and Mi Lu was disgusted to the extreme.

Mi Lu opened her mouth, as if she had made a big decision, and said to Darius, “Your wife, she has been missing for almost four years…”

“Even forty years! I have to wait for her!”

Tears were rolling in Mi Lu’s eyes: “Forty years…Aren’t you afraid that your wife will grow old and ugly, and become in bad health? Will you still want her then? I… …Do not believe!”

“Of course you don’t believe it! Of course you don’t believe it! You’re a clown who exploits loopholes! Don’t say that my wife will become weak and sick as she grows old and ugly. Even if she dies, she is my wife!

Punished by His Love Novel alternative…

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