I’m Sorry My Love Novel Chapter 2700 – 2701

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Chapter 2700

“Mr. Lin! Please pay attention to your words and deeds! If you continue to ask this question, I will immediately let the company’s security Blast you out! You used to be my boss, you gave me a job opportunity, I respect you, and please respect yourself!” Galia looked at Lin Dazhou with a very serious expression and said calmly.

“Haha!” Lin Dazhou sneered, with the eyes of a group of thieves in his eyes, looked at Galia and said, “I not only want to see you, I also want to see the manager of your personnel department, I not only want to see your personnel Manager of the department, I want to see your immediate leaders!

Not only your immediate leaders, but also your chairman!”

Galia: “You!”

The anger in her eyes was like a volcano, about to erupt!

Galia worked hard to suppress the anger in her heart, and asked word by word, “Mr. Lin! Do I owe you? Do I owe your company? Let me ask you!”

“This is no longer a question of whether you owe it or not. Now! This is related to the hidden dangers of a company!” Lin Dazhou’s tone was extremely righteous.

Galia almost cried angrily: “Even if it is a hidden danger, it is also a hidden danger of the Fu Group. What does it have to do with you?”

“Of course it has something to do with it!” Lin Dazhou sneered: “Because I was just selected by the Fu Group, the biggest one. I will be working with Fu Group for a long time in the future, and I am obliged to help Fu Group remove pests like you!”

Galia: “…” Remember

this moment of the website, She suddenly wanted to kill!


Why she has worked so hard to change it, and God wants her to see the people she doesn’t want to see, one by one, appearing frequently.


After Galia glared at Lin Dazhou for a moment, she suddenly calmed down.


What is she afraid of?

She didn’t steal or rob, she’s working hard to improve, and she has already made achievements, isn’t she?

The current Galia, did not create fake degrees, did not cheat the company, did not sell the company, did not do anything bad, but worked hard, studied hard, and worked hard to become an excellent talent, she is very calm now, isn’t it?

What is she afraid of?

“Okay, President Lin, you can do whatever you want.” Galia looked at Lin Dazhou with an indifferent smile.

It should come, it will always come.

Let’s face it.

The storm is always going to pass, no matter how bad the result is, it won’t kill her Galia, right?

After Galia finished saying this, she stopped Lin Dazhou, but calmly looked at the information she brought.

Originally, these materials were intended for the people of Liao Jie’s company to see. Now that they can’t use them, she simply re-examined them again, and later she will take this accounting sheet to face the foreign person in charge.

Galia, who read the information carefully, made Lin Dazhou so angry that there was smoke from the top of her head.

He sneered frequently.

The manager of the company’s personnel department, the director of the fashion department, and the chairman Cui, who the director had told Galia, all came to this small reception room.

With the three of them, there was also a woman.

Galia didn’t look up to see who it was at first, because she still had a little bit to finish the review.

When she looked up and saw the woman standing in front of her, Galia was stunned for a moment, then shrugged and smiled.

“Miss Cui Yingying, hello.” Galia called politely.

Cui Yingying sneered: “Yo, I didn’t know who I was in the private room of the hotel two days ago, but now I’ve already inquired very clearly, and you’re so polite to me, don’t you want to send me to the police station?”

Galia: “Miss Cui, what do you want to do, please tell me directly?”

Cui Yingying smiled sweetly: “I want to shake out all your scandals in front of the entire Fu Group company today!”

Chapter 2701

Galia’s face was uncomfortable for a moment, but she regained her calm in a blink of an eye.

“Miss Cui, as long as you don’t break the law, I have no problem.” Galia looked at Cui Yingying calmly.

“Yo, you’re still on the top of Mount Tai and still don’t change your face, Galia, it took you ten years to cultivate yourself like this, right?” Cui Yingying looked at Galia sneeringly.

Galia was still very calm: “I refuse to answer you.”

Cui Yingying: “You!” After

a while, she scolded Galia with a bit of annoyance: “Don’t be complacent! Today is your death! President Lin , you come first!”

Cui Yingying looked at Lin Dazhou.

Galia also looked at Lin Dazhou.

Lin Dazhou still has a serious face. At this moment, in the reception room of the Fu Group, Lin Dazhou can only be regarded as a downstream cooperative company, but he is staring like a master and a judge. Galia.

At the same time, people from the Fu Group continued to come in in the reception room.

Most of these people are high-level executives of the Fu Group.

Another part is the colleagues and leaders of the fashion department.

Finally, Liao Jie came in.

Is this, Liao Jie and Lin Dazhou united to come to deal with her?

This is the current situation, it looks like.

Galia laughed sadly in her heart.

Looking up at the colleagues and leaders who filled the conference room, she suddenly felt that this should be the scene of her large-scale social death.

If she can survive such a scene today, she will be truly reborn in the future.


if she can’t make it through today, then here will be her burial place.

For a moment, Galia was extremely frightened.

She hoped that Christopher would be by her side and give her strength.

But, she didn’t want Christopher to be by her side and see all kinds of scandals in her past, even though these scandals, she had told Christopher without any concealment.

She still didn’t have the courage to face Christopher.

Currently, she has only two paths to go.

One is to die.

Another one is to give it a try.

There is a saying that the brave who meet in a narrow path wins.

At this moment, Galia suddenly realized that perhaps, when people encounter difficulties, bravely and boldly to solve these difficulties and problems, will it be a sense of achievement and a comfortable mood in life?

Thinking of this, Galia immediately looked at everyone present with a peaceful smile, and finally her eyes fell on Lin Dazhou.

“Mr. Lin, if you have something to say, please say it directly. If I have done something wrong and brought you harassment and change, I am here to apologize to you.”

Lin Dazhou sneered: “An apology, Can you be exonerated?”


Galia laughed at herself.

All rise to crime?

How sad.

“Okay, I won’t say sorry anymore. If you have anything to say, please say it directly.” Galia shrugged, then sat down and waited for the storm to come.

“Galia! You recruited truthfully first, how did you sneak into this company?” Lin Dazhou had already changed into a tone of complete interrogation.

“I didn’t sneak in.” Galia answered truthfully.

“Crack!” Lin Dazhou slammed the table and stood up: “Galia, I really underestimated your bad nature, and I also blame myself. When you worked in my company for three years, I failed to transform you. Good.

You can still let you out and continue to harm people!

Gu Nian, I really didn’t expect that after you left my company, you lost the job that Liao Jie killed, and ran away from home for a year, but you were not able to kill you. get rid of.

Punished by His Love Novel alternative…

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