I’m Sorry My Love Novel Chapter 2696 – 2697

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Chapter 2696

has been changed!

She is working so hard now, so good!

Why would a stinky man not spare her like this!

Is it her fault? Or is it his fault? !

“Rice, are you still eating?” Galia asked expressionlessly.

“Eat! Eat! I eat!” Before Liao Jie could answer, the little assistant couldn’t wait to answer.

In order to lose weight, the assistant has not eaten at night for some time recently. She got up at four o’clock this morning to take the high-speed train. Due to the tight schedule, she did not eat breakfast.

After getting off the high-speed rail, I wanted to buy some breakfast and eat on the way, but what Mr. Liao told her was that the other party was the largest company in the country, and we must not leave a bad impression on people.

We are a downstream company, and the most important thing for downstream companies is to let the other company see our sincerity, our diligence and our punctuality.

We can’t step into the other company’s company, we must advance.

Because you and I don’t know what the situation will be on the road during the morning rush hour!

So we have to arrive at the other company in advance!

The little assistant could only nod his head like a chicken pecking at rice.

In this way, from last night to this morning, and to now, she still hasn’t got a drop of water.

Her hungry eyes are shining with gold stars!

The little assistant stared at Liao Jie, but she didn’t dare to speak, so she just looked at it dryly: “…”

Liao Jie’s hair was twisted in anger.

He glared at the little assistant angrily: “Let’s go!” The

little assistant swallowed wildly: “Okay, alright, Mr. Liao.”

After speaking, he followed Liao Jie with great reluctance.

The rest of Galia sat alone in the huge box, holding her head in her hands, wanting to cry aggrieved.

She sullenly returned to the company.

The director came over and asked her: “How is Galia, how are you talking?”

Galia smiled bitterly: “Director, if someone has a bad impression of me, what will I do in the future? That person’s impression of me will not change, and they are still the same as he thought of me back then?” The

director asked, “Liao Jie, he still refuses to face you fairly?”

Galia shrugged, and said for a long time. He sighed: “Director, until now, I’m not sure, is it right or wrong for me to do business with Liao Jie?

If the company’s interests are damaged due to my personal reasons, I will spend my whole life I won’t forgive myself.” The

director patted Galia’s shoulder and asked with a smile, “Do you really think so?”

Galia nodded: “Of course! Director, you don’t know how dark my past is, I came to this company. I was promoted from a small grocery clerk by you. I have never felt that sense of solidity and trust.

I cherish it very much. I am

very grateful to the company for its kindness to me. Cultivation.

In my heart, the Fu Group is like my home, like my parents.” The

director smiled: “Galia, you have regarded the company as your parents, and you think the company will give up its own children. , or give up others?

For the company, nothing is important, resources, profits. Those are not the most important.

The most important thing is to be loyal to the company and people who are loyal to the company.

If people are there, all resources and profits can be created.

If there are no people, how can all the resources and profits be in our hands?

Galia, you have a clear conscience, so you can do it with confidence and boldness. As for President Liao, sooner or later, he will feel that he is looking for trouble! “

Galia nodded: “Thank you Director, by the way Director, I don’t know if you know something. “

“What’s the matter?” The director asked curiously.

“Do you know… what is the relationship between Liao Jie’s current girlfriend and the Fu Group?” “Galia asked.

Chapter 2697


director hesitated for a while: “You…why do you think of asking this?”

Seeing the director’s expression , Galia’s heart became clear, she smiled bitterly: “Director, don’t you, do you know who Liao Jie’s girlfriend is?” The

director did not answer, but asked Galia: “Yes, just Even Liao Jie’s girlfriend came forward to interfere with you?” Galia nodded: “Today I routinely invited Liao Jie and his assistant to dinner, but

before the food was served, his girlfriend rushed up to beat me.

Threatened… to fire me.

I think, if I can say something like this, this woman must have something to do with the company.

And she’s still the one with rights.

Isn’t it?” The

director was silent for a while. meeting.

Galia bit her lip and looked at the director.

After a while, the director said helplessly: “Galia, the reason why the Fu Group was able to recruit Liao Jie’s company, which is 300 kilometers away from Nancheng, was actually because of the help of his girlfriend. Although Liao Jie ‘s

company is very strong

, we would not have noticed them without the introduction of

Liao Jie’s girlfriend. This girlfriend of Liao Jie is the daughter of Cui Dong, one of the five directors of the company, Cui Yingying The

little girl has just graduated from college, at the age of twenty-five or six years old, and her father is a director of the company, she is considered a beautiful daughter. In

addition, Dong Cui has only such a precious daughter.

So this daughter is even more fancy.

After graduating from university, Cui Yingying didn’t want to intern at the Fu Group. She said that she wanted to go out for a bit, so she ran away with a backpack.

Liao Jie is her first love and her favorite. She and Liao Jie have been in love for four years.

The two have come to the truncation of talking about marriage.

This Liao Jie is indeed excellent, and both Cui Dong and his wife are very satisfied with this son-in-law.

He has real talents and practical learning, and the company he manages is indeed prosperous, so when Cui Dong introduced his daughter’s boyfriend to the company, the company did go through the normal bidding process at that time. Liao Jie’s company All are qualified.

Of course, the company readily agreed to cooperate with Liao Jie.

Later, when Liao Jie wanted to resign because he rejected you, our fashion department also talked to Cui Dong.

But Cui Dong also said, it’s okay.

Why is his daughter going out to do something now? Galia could see that when the

director said this, his tone was extremely embarrassing.

Galia asked, “Director, when you told Cui Dong about this, did you tell me about my past and my life?” And to end the previous relationship and tell Dong Cui? The

director sighed: “Hey, Cui Dong is a director and one of the five directors of the company. We are only part-timers, and we rarely see the chairman once a year. We didn’t tell him about it at that time.

However, I also told him that you are Liao Jie’s ex-girlfriend and have been separated for five or six years.

Cui Dong said that it has been five or six years since they broke up. Who can’t fall in love with young people these days?

Aw, is it possible that because you have been in love once, you have never been in contact with each other for the rest of your life?

Isn’t this bullshit!

If our Fu Group fires a small employee because of this private matter, wouldn’t that make others laugh at our Fu Group?

Even if he is really not afraid of being laughed at, if Fourth Master Fu finds out about this, with Fourth Master Fu’s temper, who can he forgive!

Fourth Master Fu has always been very protective of the employees of his own company!

Just because Dong Cui said these words, we are so determined to keep you here.

Who would have thought that Dong Cui’s daughter would make such trouble?

This is how to do? The

director looked at Galia in embarrassment.

He even had the idea of ”‹”‹Galia’s resignation.

Who would dare to offend the directors of the company?

However, a few days ago, the company vowed to keep Galia. After a few days, do you slap yourself in the face again?

At this moment, the director waited for Galia to say her resignation.

Punished by His Love Novel alternative…

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