I’m Sorry My Love Novel Chapter 2660 – 2661

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Chapter 2660

“Just hope to see me again? Will you continue to entangle with me?” She looked at Galia as she kicked into the stinky ditch.

Galia: “I’m sorry.”

At this moment, no matter what Liao Jie said, she could only be sorry.

At this time, the woman in the car behind her walked down gracefully and came to Liao Jie’s side: “A Jie, why do I hear what you mean, she is your… ex?”

After speaking, the woman Then he looked up and down Galia.

The fleece jacket Galia was wearing was bought on a treasure website for less than fifty yuan.

The jeans on the lower body are also slightly outdated, especially the white sneakers on the feet, which have been a little fluffy by her brushing.

It stands to reason that her current salary is not low, about 20,000 yuan per month.

But she now rents a house in another place, which is very close to the Foreign Languages ”‹”‹Institute. She no longer delivers takeaways, and goes to study foreign languages ”‹”‹every day after work.

The houses near the foreign language college are very expensive. Remember

the website. Her monthly rent is 4,000.

In addition to the rent, she took gifts to see Galia’s parents every week. Now, not only Galia’s parents, but also Christopher’s parents, because Christopher is basically away from home.

Therefore, the burden of taking care of the four elderly people basically falls on Galia alone.

The monthly expenses are at least 2,000 yuan.

Also, she now sends 2,000 yuan to her home every month. Give your parents old age, and let them save some money.

Since then, the 20,000 yuan has been removed by half.

For the other half, she still has a part of the money in the bank that has not been repaid, and she has to repay about 5,000 yuan every month.

With only 8,000 yuan left in her hand, she still has to teach foreign languages ”‹”‹for renewal fees, buy herself a lot of books every month, and save herself 5,000 yuan in the bank every month as a backup.

She is so old. When she marries Christopher in the future, she will always have to arrange a decent dowry to be worthy of Christopher, right?

Besides, save some money, you always have to deal with some unexpected events, right?

In this way, every month she can have pocket money for activities, and she only has 3,000 yuan left.

Three thousand is really not much for an urban white-collar worker.

Occasionally eat dinner with colleagues, sing and sing, treat guests, all kinds.

Plus your usual food and drink.

The money that can be allocated to buy clothes by oneself is really not much.

Fortunately, Christopher didn’t care much about her clothes. She also thought that it was only temporary. In two or three months, her debts in the bank would be repaid. And her English has also improved a lot. She thinks that after the New Year, she will ask the company for a promotion, and then her salary will increase. At that time, she will also dress up beautifully, at least not to be ashamed of Christopher.

However, before that time, she met her ex-boyfriend here.

I used to be so poor and shameful, but now I can only say that I am better than that time.

However, compared with Liao Jie’s suit and leather shoes, Galia is still the very shabby Galia.

What’s more, Liao Jie has such a powerful and high-gloss noble beauty beside him.

“Are you Liao Jie’s ex?” the noble woman asked Galia, who was a little inferior.

Galia answered truthfully, “Yes, but that was six years ago.”

“If I guessed correctly, my family Liao Jie should have dumped you, right?” the woman asked again.

Galia bit her lip: “Yes…”

“So you’ve been unwilling? Still want to pester my family Liao Jie?”

Galia said firmly: “No!” The

woman sneered: “In Does this company work? Believe it or not, I can get you out of this company tomorrow!

Chapter 2661

Galia’s tone instantly became excited: “You…why are you!” The

woman was careless The Qing scolded: “You are stalking my husband!”

Galia: “I didn’t!”

“No? Without you, why did my husband wait here for an hour and a half today, just because you want to be your upstream company. Are you pressing my husband?

At first I didn’t know why you pressed my husband, but now I understand, you are trying to get him to submit to you?

Shameless woman!

You don’t weigh yourself!

That’s right, Fu Fu The family group is indeed rich and powerful, but you are not even an ant in the Fu family group!

What kind of thing are you! You

want to grab a man from me!”

Galia: “…not me… I don’t! I already have a boyfriend, I won’t…” At

this point, she didn’t know what to say.

Why is the explanation more confusing?

And this woman’s aggressive attitude made Galia very disgusted.

She wanted to quarrel with this woman immediately, but felt that it was inappropriate at the door of the Fu Group.

Also, since Galia and Christopher came to Nancheng, she swore that she would never quarrel with anyone in the future.

Besides, it was indeed her fault for pestering Liao Jie back then.

Taking a deep breath, Galia said calmly, “Mr. Liao, ma’am, as long as you don’t give up your cooperation with Fu… I will resign immediately.”

Liao Jie + girlfriend: “… “

I hope you don’t lose the opportunity for cooperation between the two parties because of me.” After speaking, Galia turned around and left.

She thought about it, even if she did not resign, Liao Jie agreed to cooperate with Fu Group.

It would be embarrassing for them to meet each other.

Better to resign now.

The big deal is that, like when I first came to Nancheng, I have a job during the day and deliver food at night, with a monthly salary of tens of thousands of yuan.

Galia left without looking back.

But Liao Jie scolded behind him: “Stop!”

Galia turned her head and asked Liao Jie calmly, “Is there something wrong, Mr. Liao?”

“I advise you to be kind in the future.” Liao Jie’s preaching tone.

Galia smiled lightly: “What do you… mean?”

“I think how you got into such a big group company, you should know better than anyone else, right?

I find that you are becoming more and more fraudulent now. It’s perfect!

Your so-called resignation should not be for the consideration of the two companies? You are afraid that if I come to cooperate with your company, your fraud will be exposed and exposed, right?

Five years have passed, why are you still dead ? s3x does not change?

After all, we got to know each other. I remind you not to get deeper and deeper.

This is Nancheng, and the Fu Group is a top-level group company in the world. The price of fraud in such a medium-sized city is different.

Don’t be destroyed by the time!”

Galia: “…”

Punished by His Love Novel alternative…

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