I’m Sorry My Love Novel Chapter 2632 – 2633

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Chapter 2632

This point Suzi is really curious.

Galia smiled embarrassedly, and spoke carefully: “Just near our hometown, there is a school that was built with donations in your name. The architectural style of that school is very unusual at a glance.

There is your profile on the campus of that school. Not

only do I know that you are Mrs. Fu Shao from Nancheng, but I also know that you are an architect and you have made great achievements in the field of architecture.

” , she looked at Suzi with incomparable admiration: “Mrs. Fu, I really didn’t expect that I could see you in my life, I think it’s worth seeing you die.

This is really unexpected.

Just follow, It’s like a pie from the sky hitting my head, no no no, it’s like a huge diamond hitting my head.”

Galia was so excited that she couldn’t find a suitable adjective.

At this moment, she was so excited that she forgot that all this was arranged by brother Christopher behind her.

Behind him, Christopher looked at Galia with a lenient smile.

“Let’s go, I’ll take you back first.” Suzi said, then raised his hand to help Galia carry the box.

Galia: “…”

The richest lady in Nancheng, help her carry the suitcase?

She pinched her cheeks fiercely, is she still alive? Isn’t she in a dream, is she really still alive?

It hurts!

Suzi laughed, and Christopher behind him also laughed.

“Madam, thank you for your willingness to help me.” Christopher thanked him sincerely.

Suzi smiled lightly and asked, “Why did you remember to help this little girl?”

Christopher said to Suzi silently, “I’ll tell you later.”

Suzi nodded knowingly: “Okay!” The

three of them They got into the car together. The car originally drove straight to Christopher’s house, but as soon as she got in the car, Galia said very firmly: “Mrs. Fu Shao, Brother Christopher, I thank you for your kindness, but I can’t talk to you. Go to the restaurant you arranged for me.

I need to find a cheap hotel first. It

‘s the kind of youth hostel, a bed costs a few dozen yuan.

I have experience in this area. In fact, I already checked it out on the plane. The location, you can put me on the side of the road where there is a bus stop.”

Christopher shook his head: “Galia, you are new here, you are not familiar with it, it is not too late to rent it out by yourself after you are familiar with it.”

“No! Galia said firmly: “Brother Christopher, you have helped me a lot, I can’t take dependence as a habit, no!

Put me down, I can’t delay a day.

I want to pay back the money as soon as possible.

Thank you Brother Christopher, thank you Mrs. Fu Shao.

I really thank you both.”

At this moment, Galia was neither humble nor arrogant, and she was very measured.

Suzi smiled at Galia with satisfaction.

She glanced at Christopher and said, “Christopher, don’t be too embarrassing for the little girl, let her go first, I think with Galia’s cleverness, it’s not a problem to get off the bus and take the bus, and then go to the youth hostel.

Wait for you to settle down . After you’re done, call us again, and we’ll pick up the dust for you, okay?”

Galia tried her best to hold back her tears, nodded and said, “How much face do I have to ask the young chief’s wife of the Fu Group to take care of me? But I’m very happy. I agree to your invitation!

Thank you.” The

car stopped, Galia got out of the car.

Christopher and Suzi continued to drive away.

Only then did Suzi ask, “Christopher, what’s the situation?”

Chapter 2633

Christopher said apologetically: “Madam, do you know, when I first saw this girl , she was beaten with blood all over her head. I thought of Galia at the time. My sister’s whereabouts are still unknown, and her life is unknown.

I feel uncomfortable.”

Suzi sighed lightly: “I know, I know Galia. Kuan.”

“Also, Madam, what happened to you in Nancheng back then, and when the fourth master brought you back from Quxian, your situation, I really… do you know that Madam, at that time? When you just came back from Nancheng, that kind of passiveness, that kind of unyielding, was really inspiring.

I just thought, not all girls in this world are like you, so strong inside, no one can really defeat them You.

But this girl is not.

If…if I don’t save her, maybe she will really go to the abyss, to the point of becoming too much.

She is fragile. She

needs someone to help her spiritually. I

can clearly feel how much she wants to crawl out of the abyss. Remember the website

and I can feel it, madam.”

Hearing Christopher’s sincere words, Suzi nodded with a smile: “I I understand, I understand.”

Suzi is a smart woman.

Her talent and her intelligence are unmatched by most girls in this world.

That kind of thing back then, if it were any girl, she might have died.

But Suzi survived.

Her heart is strong enough to warm many people and set an example for many people.

“Don’t worry Christopher, leave this to me.” Suzi said firmly.

“Thank you, ma’am.” Christopher said gratefully.

Suzi shook his head: “Don’t talk about this between us, by the way, Galia, I’m talking about your sister Galia, is there any news?” When

it comes to her sister, Christopher’s face is extremely dark.

He lowered his head and said in a desolate tone: “I hope my sister can be like Galia. She can meet good people in this life, and every time she can turn a bad luck into a good one.

I hope!”

His tone was extremely bitter.

At this moment, Suzi seemed to understand more why Christopher wanted to help Galia so much.

He is praying for his sister.

I hope my sister can meet the same good people and suffer a little less.

“Don’t worry Christopher, you can find Galia at ease. Shaoqin and I will arrange for Galia’s work.” Suzi said.

Christopher nodded: “Yes. Thank you ma’am.”

Suzi nodded: “I will take you home first, and have a good rest. It happens to be Monday tomorrow. After your morning meeting, you will immediately catch a plane to the north. You don’t have to be careful about the south. , Shaoqin has sent someone to investigate again, and if there is any news, I will notify you immediately. I will go home today to reunite with your parents, uncles and aunts.

I will not follow you up.”

Christopher nodded: “Okay. .” The

car got Christopher’s house, and Suzi turned around and went back.

This night, Christopher and the four old people naturally had a lot to say, and they also told the four old people about what he brought another Galia.

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