I’m Sorry My Love Novel Chapter 2624 – 2625

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Chapter 2624

I still say that, this shit pot, can’t deduct me and my sister.

Legally speaking, we, ah, really have no obligation to take your shit! my aunt! “

Galia’s mother: “You… you… you ruthless dog… bastard… breed…!” “

Galia next to him looked at him with a sneer.

To be honest, she didn’t expect her cousin to turn his face away so quickly.

It seems that her mother really loves him, likes him, and doesn’t even let her aunt let go of what he is used to.” In my eyes.

Even a few police officers couldn’t see it.

One of the police officers said very coldly: “It is said that it is difficult for honest officials to interrupt housework, and housework is the most difficult to manage, but I can also see the clue. .

This is indeed a family dispute.

However, as an aunt, you are too partial to your maiden family, right? Remember that

it is a good thing to have a good relationship with your siblings, and it is a good thing for family members.

However, you are all using your daughter’s dignity, your daughter’s hard-earned money, and even her life to please your family!


Not a good relationship!

What’s the end result?

Your favor, in the eyes of your mother’s family, is all right!

When you need them, they can run faster than rabbits!

Then I want to ask you, are you doing family affairs now, or are you doing business affairs according to unrelated people?

If it is based on family affairs, we can open up to the side, and it is best for you to reconcile.

If it is official business.

Old man, let me tell you, your nephew has committed several serious crimes.

One of them is beating your daughter to hospital!

Secondly, illegally lending usury to you!

Those who are here are breaking into private houses and forcibly taking back your house.

These three crimes add up, I think it is enough to be sentenced. Do you weigh it? “

These words from the police couldn’t be more obvious. Although it was a family matter, they couldn’t bear it. When the whole thing came down, it was obvious that the mother’s family was too deceiving!

At this time, Galia’s mother had already cried to tears. , she cried over and over again and said: “I really hurt you in vain, I hurt you in vain!

You heartless people!

I don’t want to hurt my own daughter. I am so cruel to my daughter, and I don’t want to treat you badly.

But in the end, you are so cruel!

I am feeding a group of white-eyed wolves!

What am I still alive!

You people who drink human blood!

Get out of here!

Get out of my house now!

No no no, my daughter, where is my daughter?

Galia, where are you, Galia, you can’t cut ties with your mother!

You can’t leave your mother alone, you are your mother’s biological daughter, my Galia, when you come back, mother don’t cut ties with you.

Galia, don’t go. “

Galia’s mother shouted loudly and desperately, screaming in fear and despair.

At this time, Galia was standing in the corner behind the door, crying and crying.

Only Christopher stood beside Galia’s mother. He leaned down and asked Galia’s mother calmly, “Is it too late for you to think of your daughter at this time?”

Chapter 2625

Galia’s mother seems to be unable to hear Christopher’s irony, and still keeps wailing: “Galia, My daughter, where are you?”

At this moment, even a few policemen looked at him with indescribable sadness.

One of the policemen couldn’t help but persuade a few words: “Old sister-in-law, you are alive, love your relatives, love your maiden family, niece, nephew and niece, these are all right. It

shows that you are a good person

. A person with a generous conscience.

However, it is really wrong to love your mother’s family, but not your own child. After all,

it is your own child.

If you don’t love her anymore, who will care about her?

What’s wrong with the money?

She doesn’t break the law if you owe it.

You have spoiled your child so much, so your parents don’t treat your child as a human being. Don’t you feel bad about yourself?

The most important thing is this In the world, no one else is really obliged to give you old age.

Your nephew, no matter how much you love him, if you give him gold and silver, he has no obligation to give you old age, unless you sign an adoption agreement, but obviously now No, he has grown up.

Except for your own children, no one in this world will have clothes for your retirement.

Also, do you know how pitiful your daughter is?

Even if your daughter signs it for you Even though she has cut off the relationship between mother and child, she still has to fulfill her obligation to give you old age.

Otherwise, the law will punish her.


What’s wrong with you saying that being your daughter?

Just because it came out of your belly. Do you deserve to be unlucky?

How pitiful she is!

Galia’s mother was very ashamed. Even

the people watching the fun outside the gate were all sighed.

Originally, they all wanted to see how Galia was taken away, but now, many people I cried when I heard it. People’s

hearts are full of flesh.

Many people follow the trend for the sake of following the trend.

At this moment, after understanding all the reasons for what happened, people outside the hospital talked a lot.

“That’s right, if this is me My own child, I can’t be distressed to death! Damn it, it’s so cruel! Just for the sake of fame, why is it good for the family, not partial to nephews and nieces, and slaughtering her daughter to death for the sake of fame? “

Galia, this child is also pitiful. With such a mother and such a group of relatives, she naturally wants to raise her eyebrows and hide everything she does, for fear of her relatives laughing at her. I feel bad for this kid.

Besides, she didn’t mess around with wild men outside.

This man is not married!

Don’t say, why do I think this man is capable and capable, don’t look at him in tattered clothes and unshaven beard, hey, he’s organized, he’s not afraid of things.

He is a foreigner, and he can be so calm here in our place, and he can knock down the speechless people of the family’s family, one by one, which is not something ordinary people can do.

This man has the ability! “

Galia has been out in the past few years, and it’s not for nothing. She has vision, how do I think she is better than her cousin’s cousin. “

“Why don’t you say that, although she didn’t make money, she has been out for so many years, and she must have a lot of hearts!”

“Who said she didn’t make money, didn’t make money, how did her house get up. It’s the family who gave it to her. The pressure is great. When building such a house, when you can’t get so much money for a while, you don’t have to owe money outside. If you

don’t owe money outside, do you ask her cousin, cousin, aunt, and uncle to borrow

it? Look at her group of cousins, cousins, uncles, and uncles . Aunt and aunt are all good friends? They

are not good! It’s because

Galia’s mother is so good to them! Everyone is a white-

eyed wolf!”

“White-eyed wolf! Get out of our village!

” Come to our village, come and beat you once! Don’t think that the people in our village can bully me and tell you!”

“Go away!”

Punished by His Love Novel alternative…

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