I’m Sorry My Love Novel Chapter 2606 – 2607

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Chapter 2606

“Brother Christopher, in fact, we met by chance, I yesterday… I really gave you a big deal yesterday. I’m so sorry. I’m sorry, Christopher, I made you laugh.

Also, I’m actually nothing. It’s

just… I owe some money, I can pay it back.

You can treat me like yesterday It ‘s all nonsense.

Don’t take it to heart.

After we’re all healed, you… hurry to find your sister, don’t delay your business.”

Christopher nodded: ” I know, I will, um…”

After thinking about it, he said: “I am honored that you treat me as a friend, I am even more honored that you pour your bitter water with me, I think I can be competent in the future. Another occupation.”

Galia asked in confusion, “What occupation?”

Christopher said solemnly, “Sister Confidant.”

“Haha…” Galia smiled very happily.

“Eat quickly, it will be cold in a while.”

“Yeah.” The little girl lowered her head and snorted.

The two stayed in the hospital for a week, and were discharged after their bodies recovered completely.

During this period, the phone calls of Galia’s relatives and friends almost exploded.

According to Christopher’s meaning, except for the phone calls from his parents and his younger brother, the others will not answer.

But my mother never called.

Only Dad called once.

Dad asked Galia in a very sad tone: “Galia, tell Dad where you are? You… Did they beat you seriously? Dad go and fight them! Just go to them!”

“Dad.” Galia’s calm tone was clearly crying: “Dad, you are so old, you can get sick less often and take care of yourself, it will reduce the burden on me. They are my mother’s relatives. If you fight with them, my mother should get angry again.

So Dad, don’t worry about this, I can handle it.”

The old man on the other end cried and cried: “Dad, I’m sorry for you, Dad saves more money in the future, Dad helps you pay back the money to the child, and when the money is paid back, you can find an honest man who does his duty and start a family, have another child, and the life will go on slowly.

Don’t think too much. , just think about having a good life.”

Galia’s tears also fell instantly: “Dad, I will understand later. You don’t have to save money for me, I can save money myself, and now I work better than before in the past few years. If I look for more, I will have a job during the day, and I can also deliver a nighttime takeaway at night. I think it should not be a problem to earn more than 10,000 yuan a month.

I will be able to pay back the money I owe in two years.

Dad, you will later Okay, don’t be lazy, save up the money to build a house for my brother.

If my uncle’s family takes away our house, we have to have a place to live.”

The old man on the other end blamed himself: ” Dad knows, tell Dad where you are now? Dad needs to know if you are safe or not?”

Galia smiled with tears in her eyes: “Dad, don’t worry, I’m safe, I won’t put me in any danger, No matter how bad it is, I can still call the police, don’t worry about me, just take care of yourself. Okay.”

“Okay.” Dad said in a choked voice.

After a pause, Dad asked again, “Your mother, did you call you?”

Galia smiled sadly: “My mother’s eyes and hearts are always only her siblings and her siblings’ children, how could she possibly call me.”

Dad: “… ..”

“Don’t be sad, Dad, I’ll hang up if I’m fine. I have something to do here.” Galia hung up the phone when she saw the doctor who was doing the rounds.

Since my father asked her about her condition, my father would make a phone call every day to ask her about her condition.

I also ask every day, did my mother call?

But until the day Galia was discharged from the hospital, Galia’s mother did not call for a whole week.

After finishing the discharge procedures, Christopher couldn’t help but say something: “I’ve never seen your mother so cruel, what are you going to do, go out to work directly, or go home and see your mother?”

Christopher’s voice just came When it fell, Galia’s cell phone rang, she picked it up and saw that it was her mother calling.

Chapter 2607

Seeing that it was her mother’s phone, Galia’s face turned pale.

Her hands were trembling, and she was too late to answer.

“Who called? Or your relatives? It’s okay, I’ll go home with you today to solve this problem. Even if it can’t be solved, it is a society ruled by law, and no one dares to rob or mess around.” Christopher comforted.

Galia handed the phone to Christopher with red eyes: “Brother Christopher, my mother called.”

Christopher: “…”

“Take it.” Christopher encouraged Galia.

Galia took a deep breath, and after pressing the answer button, she called out bleakly: “Mom?”

The voice on the other end was also bleak and cold: “You still know how to answer my call!”

Galia smiled sadly. “Mom, didn’t you call me? Are you not curious at all, am I dead or alive?”

Standing next to Galia, Christopher tugged at the corner of Galia’s clothes: “Don’t do this. Talk to your mother, calm down, and solve everything.” Remember the website

Galia eased her tone: “Mom, are you okay?”

“It’s been a week, you’ve been fooling around with that man? That man looks like You are older than you. I didn’t react before. In the past few days, your cousin, cousin, cousin, and others have analyzed it before I understand. Are you acting as a mistress outside?

It’s the mistress of the man who took you away that day. Right?

You useless thing!

After working outside for nearly ten years, not only did you not make any money, but you also owed a lot of debt.

What do you sit in the office of a big company in a big city.

What your boyfriend is a top student in a big city, his parents have very good jobs.

You damned dead woman, why are you not dead, why are you still alive! On

the other end of the phone, there was still the mother’s scolding.

Galia burst into tears on the phone, and she couldn’t even utter a word.

Christopher, who was listening on the side, was so angry, Galia grabbed the phone in her hand and said into the receiver, “Auntie! I really doubt that Galia is yours! “

The woman at the other end: “Who are you?” “

Christopher sneered: “The one who took your daughter away that day! “

Woman:” You’re still with her! Christopher: “

Did you know that when your daughter was hospitalized, the skin on her head was broken in many places, her hair fell out several times, she was bleeding everywhere, and there were many soft tissue bruises all over her body. Fortunately, she knew how to hide. When her cousin and cousin beat her, she hugged her head and curled up.

Otherwise, her internal organs would be damaged.

When the internal organs are damaged, the human being is truly gone.

Auntie, ask yourself, do you really want your biological daughter to die?

Or is Galia not your biological daughter at all? “

“Of course she is my biological daughter!” It’s my daughter who was conceived in October! The woman at the other end was extremely angry.

Christopher sneered again and again: “Of course it’s your daughter!” Your daughter did not come into this world of her own accord! It was you who gave birth to her in October! She has your blood all over her!

From the day you gave birth to her, you are obliged to educate her well, teach him how to be a man, and teach her to study hard! Teach her how to protect herself. Since you have given birth to her, you are obliged to love her and give her the maternal love that a mother deserves!

Did you give her this? “

“You nonsense! Which mother in this world doesn’t love her daughter! But my family is poor! I don’t have so many things to hurt her, so I don’t want to hurt her anymore? She really has no conscience, she can even say that I don’t hurt her.

I’ve said it all, their family surnamed Yan are all such scumbags!

Next work!

Punished by His Love Novel alternative…

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