I’m Sorry My Love Novel Chapter 2578 – 2579

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Chapter 2578

Christopher looked at Galia distressed: “The colleague surnamed Hu is unwilling to apologize to you, right? Galia bit her lip and smiled with tears: “

If she just doesn’t apologize to me, I don’t care. Not only did she not apologize to me, she also said to me in front of the whole office, ‘the whole company’. Everyone knows that you love to quarrel with others. You have quarreled with everyone in the company. You have a problem with yourself.

Why should I apologize like you?'”

“Mass!” Christopher cursed. “What’s the difference between this and hitting you in the face in

public?” “It doesn’t matter if you hit me in the face in public, I’m a shameless person anyway, mainly she then told Mr. Lin in front of the whole company. ‘Lin Lao, don’t worry about this, it’s none of your business, I’ll find Galia, Galia, if such a large batch of goods is broken for the customer, the customer needs to pay all the compensation, you will pay for it Well, it’s 240,000 in total.”

Christopher: “She, she actually asked you to pay compensation?”

Galia: “Yes, she asked me to pay compensation, do you think it’s funny?”

“What about you, are you willing to pay compensation? ” Christopher asked nervously.

Galia shook her head: “No matter how useless, inferior, or weak I am, I can’t afford to lose money. I really can’t afford it. Besides, even if I lose money, isn’t it the personnel department and the boss? Come and talk to me about losing money?

Also, I am an employee of this company, and I get the company’s salary. As an employee, everyone makes mistakes. Is it possible that when the employee creates profits for the company, the boss feels at ease. Here we go

. If you are going to lose money, take risks, and the boss will let the employees bear the burden?

If this is the case, who would dare to find a job in this world?

Even if I lose money, isn’t the boss coming to talk to me?

A colleague of the same level as me asks me to lose money, when am I really a fool? Christopher interjected: “

So you finally broke out and offered to resign?” Galia said with a bitter smile, “

I didn’t know what was wrong that day. I was like going crazy. I threw the information in my hand on the table, and all my colleagues in the office were stunned.

They stared at me blankly.

Many colleagues were dissatisfied on the spot, ‘Are you crazy, have you gone crazy again? ‘

I couldn’t take care of that much at all then.

I burst into tears and yelled at Xiao Hu frantically.

Xiao Hu was frightened and hid in the boss’s office and did not come out.

I just slapped hard outside the door ‘You have to apologize to me! In front of the whole company, apologize to me! I did nothing wrong I did nothing wrong! I have the process flow sheet, the notice, and the signature of Mr. Lin. I have a lot of the same.

It’s not my fault, why do you say it’s my fault!

Why should I pay compensation!

What qualifications do you have!

You apologize to me, if you don’t apologize to me today, don’t think about it! ‘

But, even so, Xiao Hu didn’t apologize to me. She was crying in the boss’s office like an overly frightened child, very pitiful.

In those two days, the boss was out on a business trip and was not in the company. Everyone in the company was indifferent. Seeing me was like seeing a change.

None of them sympathized with me.

They murmured ‘Galia, you’re going to cause death by being so aggressive. ‘

‘You are deceiving people too much! ‘

‘Galia, do you think you will be lawless without the boss! ‘

‘Xiao Hu will be scared to death by you sooner or later! ‘

‘Don’t be afraid, Xiao Hu, if she forces you like this again, we’ll call the police! We need to call the police to deal with it! ‘

Xiao Hu cried more and more like a child who couldn’t find a home. At that time, let alone other people, even myself thought I was a heinous change, and I thought my face was hideous and terrifying. .

There were no knives in the office at the time.

If I had a knife, I might have killed someone with a knife.

Chapter 2579

Brother Christopher, don’t believe it, at that time I was really like one, like one that has not been washed by human civilization for thousands of years like a savage. Speaking of

this, Galia’s tears flowed silently.

Christopher only felt distressed when she listened to Galia’s objective evaluation of her madness and change.

“You are a good girl. In this world, everyone can introspect and understand .” When they are wrong, girls who don’t praise themselves subjectively, but peel themselves apart objectively, are all good girls.

Galia, you are a brave girl. Christopher comforted Galia with a desolate and firm tone.

Galia cried silently: “Brother Christopher, do you know? I…I just need a friend, just one.

I need someone who understands me completely, understands me.

I need this friend to tell me that I’m not a bad girl, that I don’t love fighting people that much, I just need a friend who cares about me, approves of me, and approves of me.

One will do.

But I don’t.

There are so many people in the company, at most there are many people who are silent and neutral.

But no one stood up to speak for me.

I think, in this world, if there is someone who can encourage me, comfort me, and tell me, ‘Galia, it’s okay, don’t worry about it in the future, maybe you are in a complicated environment, and quarrels are inevitable .

Galia, you must remember in the future, you must be calm and objective when you shouldn’t quarrel, but when you should quarrel, you must not give in an inch, you must let those people know that your heart is not so weak, you are Calm and above all.

If you can do this, those people will naturally not dare to look at you with shady eyes. Naturally, no one will do everything possible to find fault with you, and then anger you, causing you to quarrel with whomever you see. .

In other words, you have to use your brain.

You can’t be afraid of being alone, afraid of offending people. You cannot be without principles without dignity.

The more you do this, the more you will lose everything, which ultimately leads to the situation you are in.

Galia, you have to believe that even if you lose everything in this world, you still have me. ‘

Brother Christopher, how I hope that someone will tell me this, support me, understand me, and feel sorry for me, even if there is only one.

I can’t be a change.

I can stop being so crazy.

But I don’t.

I have never been recognized since I was a child.

When I was in junior high school, my math grades were so good that I was 100% in every test, but just because I had a runny nose and dirty body when I was in school, the teacher thought I was a stupid kid. .

I really don’t study hard.

However, no one knows that I am actually very smart when it comes to learning.

Therefore, the process chart I gave to Mr. Lin was carefully tested by me. As long as he follows my process, there will be no mistakes.

You know that I’m not wrong at all, I’ve done everything well, but I’m still not recognized, and I’m still going to be wronged. Am I really a fool?

I’m not an idiot.

I just become too much.

Since you all think I’m a changer, then I’m a changer. “

Christopher smiled lightly and asked, “What did you do to change things?” “

He knew, he was clear and certain, that Galia was not changing too much.

She has become too far away.

Those who have become too dark in their hearts are never willing to be cured, and they are never willing to show it. They can’t hide it even if they hide it. How could it be like Galia who exposed herself so thoroughly?

Galia raised her eyebrows and said with a self-deprecating smile, “At that time, I threatened Xiao Hu, and I wanted to kill her!”

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