I’m Sorry My Love Novel Chapter 2542 – 2543

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Chapter 2542

Arron looked at Christopher with a gentle smile: “What’s the matter? Happy and stupid? Did you never think about it, I Will I give you such a generous gift?”

Christopher: “…”

He was really happy and silly.

I have been following my father for almost twenty years.

I still remember the year when he first followed Arron, he was only sixteen years old, and he was only a sophomore in high school, because he was angry with the female classmates at the same table and beat up the gangsters outside the school.

Unexpectedly, that little bastard had something to do with the higher-ups of the school.

As a result, Christopher, who had poor academic performance in the second year of high school, was expelled from the school.

At that time, my parents were so angry that they almost fainted.

In a fit of anger, parents kicked Christopher out of the house. Fortunately, it was popular to go abroad to work at that time. Christopher also signed a contract to go abroad for three years in order to fight for a breath.

However, when I went abroad, I found that it was not so easy to mix. The day he remembered the website

, when he almost fainted from hunger, he met Arron on the street.

At that time, Arron was really young and heroic.

Although he is only four years older than Christopher, he has already made some achievements abroad.

Arron took care of him having a full meal, gave Christopher another sum of money, and bought a plane ticket for Christopher. He originally planned to send Christopher back to China, but the sixteen-year-old Christopher was reluctant to go back.

Christopher begged Bailai to follow Arron.

Arron took a step, and he followed a step behind his ass.

At that time, it was also a coincidence. In a place where fish and dragons are mixed in foreign countries, a black gangster robbed Aunt Xia’s bag, Arron followed, and Christopher followed.

But I never thought that the black bastard was very skilled.

Arron is also a ruthless man, but unfortunately he is not as big as that black man. The two very young young men fought. After a long time, Arron gradually fell behind.

At this time, Christopher, who was younger than Arron, roared in a childish voice: “Young Master Fu! Get out of the way and let me clean up this black guy!”

Arron turned his head and gave Christopher a cold scolding. : “Child! If you don’t want to die, hurry up! Don’t be so mean to your blood!”

“Little son, get out of the way!” Christopher didn’t stop Arron’s words at all, he had already kicked the little black bastard. On the door.

With just one kick, he lost four of the front teeth of the little black gangster who was almost two meters tall.

Before the little black gangster could get up, Christopher made another series of legs, making the little black gangster dizzy.

Later, he knelt on the ground and begged for mercy, and returned Aunt Xia’s bag to Arron.

Arron, who was standing aside, was stunned.

After cleaning up the little black gangster, he asked Christopher: “Child, how old are you?”

“Heroes don’t ask age!” Christopher snapped his nose and said arrogantly.

Arron sneered again: “Yo! The child’s tone is not small!”

“I am not a child! I am an adult!” Christopher looked up at Arron, who was a head taller than him.

“Really?” Arron laughed: “But I think you are only fifteen years old, so thin, so short!”

“I… I am only sixteen years old, and I am so thin because I am hungry during this time. Yes, but I can fight better than you, you can’t beat a big guy, I can beat it.” Christopher said in a arrogant voice.

After he finished speaking, he flattered Arron again: “little brother, I can see that you are a child of a rich family, you must be studying here, a son like you, who doesn’t have a few followers by his side, in the future? You and I will be with you, I will help you carry your schoolbag after class, I will protect you when you go home, and I will stand guard for you when you sleep at night.

How about little brother?”

“Little brother?” Arron suddenly became happy Laughed.

To be honest, although the environment at that time was not domestic, but because they were all white-skinned people, few people could look down on Arron and his mother.

But at that time, although Arron was only twenty years old, he had already achieved some achievements with his own abilities.

At that time, Arron was the most hated, most ruthless, and the most aggressive.

At that time, he had just established his own hiring team from the beginning.

Chapter 2543

His side is bloody many times.

There is no warmth at all.

Except for Kraig, who Arron had just rescued, there are really no people who are close to Arron and call Arron little brother like Christopher.

Not abroad.

In China, there is no such thing. At that time, Arron’s half-brothers looked at Arron as if they looked at little beggars.

Therefore, Christopher softened Arron’s heart in an instant in order to allow him to stay by Arron’s side.

“Have you studied martial arts?” Arron asked.

Christopher immediately answered him happily: “My father’s kung fu is very good in our family of martial arts, and he practiced fighting with others since he was a child. Not long after I was born, before I could walk, my father began to give I stretched my muscles, and later, when I grew up a little, my father started to let me stand and hold the big top.

So my kung fu was cultivated since I was a child.

I tell you little brother, I am not bragging, I am They are all practical combat skills, which are very useful.

And my skills, I guarantee that ordinary people can’t beat me.

I will protect you in the future, no matter where you go, I will not let you suffer.”

“Why did you decide to follow me? “Arron asked again.

Christopher’s eyes suddenly turned red: “little brother, you look fierce and cold, but this week, I have met many people and begged for food from many people, and no one took pity on me. , the only way I get food is the trash can.

I also robbed the dog of food.

Those people, on the surface, looked so kind and polite, but in their bones, they were very indifferent.

Who will keep me dead?

Only you, brother.

It not only made me full, but also gave me some money out of sympathy for me, and bought me a plane ticket to return to China.

Little brother, not everyone has a good heart like you.

As long as the little brother doesn’t dislike me, I will follow you in this life!

I am your little follower, little book boy, I will never leave you forever, I will do what I say! Arron suddenly smiled: “

Little thing, your mouth is quite sweet, okay, just follow along, but you are still young, I will send you to training for two years to make you more capable.”

When the time comes, the body is mighty, and the ability is learned, and then come to protect me. “

Arron is a person who does what he says. From that day on, he really sent Christopher to the training camp, and let Christopher learn the skills of Sanda. In

two years, he was invincible at home and abroad. He

became Arron’s most personal bodyguard.

Arron was also a good master with a very good conscience. In two years, Arron sent millions of yuan to Yan’s father and Yan’s mother. It is said that Christopher earned it abroad.

Christopher is very grateful to Arron.

He swore in his heart that he would be the bodyguard of the fourth master, life and death, if he would not marry in his life. He

wanted to repay Arron with this . The kindness of saving his life and the kindness of knowing.

However, in any case, Christopher never thought that Arron would give him such a big gift after following Arron for 20 years. It turned out to

be 100% of the Fu Group . ten shares.

Ten percent, what a concept!

It’s going to be in the billions.

Christopher was stunned.

He looked at Arron with tears in his eyes: “Four… Fourth Master, thank you, but I…”

Arron frowned: “What’s wrong with you?”

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