I’m Sorry My Love Novel Chapter 2508 – 2509

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Chapter 2508

Arron’s knuckles of both hands were clenched by her and she made a sound: “Mingsai, tell Fourth Uncle, you are in… ….where? Where are you now?”

Pan Mingsai cried out of breath, the fear in his tone could be imagined: “Fourth uncle, I…I don’t know, I…I don’t know where I am, he…they say…they say if you don’t come and save me, they’ll chop off my finger…. .. Fourth uncle… woo woo woo, it hurts… it hurts…”

In a minute, Arron’s eyes became red and angry.

He waited for his scarlet eyes to look at Cheng Feng: “Cheng Feng…” I

have to say, until this time, Cheng Feng was still very calm: “Mr. Fu, I’m just betting on whether you will Save Pan Mingsai.

I know that although Pan Mingsai calls you fourth uncle, she is not actually related to you by blood.

You can save her. You can

also…don’t save her.”

“Don’t talk nonsense . Said Cheng Feng! Where is Mingsai!” Arron asked word by word.

It was his negligence.

It was his negligence to remember the URL .

He just protected his children, but ignored the others around him.

Why didn’t he think earlier that others would attack Mingsai?


If Ming Sai has a slight handicap, how can Arron explain to Ming Sai’s parents who are far away in Jiaxing Island?

How to explain to Pan Youming?

What’s more, Tianling still likes Mingsai so much. The murderous aura that had been decided long ago in his heart also rushed out without reservation: “Hurry up and tell me! Cheng Feng! If you dare to move a finger of Mingsai

, you can try!” Cheng Feng said politely.

: “Your niece, Pan Mingsai, is in a very safe place now. But…”

“But what?” Arron asked impatiently.

Cheng Feng shook his head gently: “Mr. Fu, you are a ruthless person. I know that although I am a few years older than you, I have learned a lot from you, including being ruthless.

Cheng Feng will no longer follow you . Arron spoke, but took out his mobile phone and dialed a set of numbers.

Then, the connection was quickly connected.

Cheng Feng only said one word: “Cut off her little finger!

He quickly hung up the phone. Fu

Shaoqin’s eyes were all round.

Darius next to him was dumbfounded.

In less than a second, Arron’s cell phone rang again. They were all trembling, and no one could see that he was panicking?

Or was it anger?

However, the moment he was connected, his tone was extremely calm: “Mingsai…”

“Four. …..fourth uncle…it hurts…” From the other end, Pan Mingsai’s incomparably weak voice came: “Fourth uncle…rescue… Save…I…”

“ba! At this moment, Arron couldn’t bear it any longer, he threw the phone violently, and then grabbed Cheng Feng’s shoulder: “ba! Lao Tzu will tear you to pieces now! “

In five minutes, your niece will break her second finger!” “Cheng Feng’s words were very calm.

Arron let go of Cheng Feng in an instant.

Growing up so big, this is the worst coercion ever.

Even if Cheng Feng asked Arron to kneel now, he probably wouldn’t hesitate.

Cheng Feng spoke again: “President Fu, I’m not an unkind person, so my niece’s fingers are now in a sterile bag, and her fingers can still be attached in a short time, but if it takes a long time, it’s not guaranteed. “…”

“Speak!” Arron suddenly stopped drinking: “What conditions do you want! Speak!”

Chapter 2509

“Let go of my master. Don’t pursue it any more, we have failed, for you and the Shu family have been established It’s no longer a threat, so let my boss go, and that’s it.” Cheng Feng said.

“Yes!” Arron agreed without hesitation.

“Then please call out now, let go of all airport train stations, and let go of all situation records.” Cheng Feng’s escape strategy was foolproof.

Arron immediately took out his mobile phone and quickly dialed the phone: “Open all entrances and exits, and don’t pursue any further.”

After hanging up the phone, he said to Cheng Feng, “Take me to see my niece immediately!”

“I The order has already been issued, your niece has a doctor specializing in bone repair in front of her, and her fingers can still connect…” Cheng Feng did not say anything, and was punched by the already angry Joan. come over.

Joan’s eyes burst into flames: “Beasts! I’ll kill you right now!” One

punch, one punch, another punch!

When Joan was fighting wildly, Arron and Darius hugged him.

“A Ling! Don’t be impulsive, you haven’t found Mingsai yet, don’t be impulsive!” Arron said viciously.

Only then did Joan let go of Cheng Feng.

Arron, who stopped Joan, became more and more calm, and his tone became more and more cold: “Cheng Feng, I understand, you must wait until your master is safe abroad and find a hidden location, Then you left the country safely, and then you released my niece.


“Yes, Mr. Fu, your niece is my only bargaining chip to escape.” Cheng Feng’s words were extremely sincere.

Arron nodded: “Okay, let’s go.”

Cheng Feng wiped the blood from his face and said respectfully to Arron, “Thank you, Mr. Fu.”

Then, he turned around and left. Walking to the door of Arron’s office, Cheng Feng turned around and said to

Arron, “Mr. Fu, this world is a world where the weak eat the strong. It

‘s the cruelest food chain.

I have no hatred with you.

So, please forgive me.

Goodbye, Mr. Fu.”

Cheng Feng’s head wouldn’t go away either.

Looking at this man who caused a huge bloodbath in Nancheng for a while, the most unwilling thing was Darius. He grabbed Arron and said, “Just let him go, won’t you be held accountable?”

Arron looked at Darius very calmly: ” What else can happen? Cheng Feng’s meaning is very clear, as long as we dare to touch him and the boss behind him, Ming Sai’s life will be gone.

I haven’t done anything yet, he has already watched Ming Sai’s life. Fingers crossed!

This is a warning to us!

Ming Zhen, I know Galia is very wishful and pitiful.

But why is Mingsai not innocent?”

Darius suddenly crouched on the ground in a decadent manner and burst into tears.

Yes, Galia is pitiful, but how innocent is Mingsai?

The three men in the office were so decadent that their hearts shattered.

Time passed by second by second, until it was dark, the three men did not leave Arron’s office, and it was another whole night, and the three men kept their eyes open until dawn.

Until the afternoon of the next day, Arron’s cell phone finally rang again.

He picked it up and connected, his voice became so hoarse that he couldn’t speak: “Hello, who are you?”

“Mr. Fu, I have now reached a safe area abroad, thank you for your trustworthiness, and take your niece as the last I won the bet. Your niece has been sent to the hospital of her other fourth uncle, Pan Youming. Five minutes later, Pan Youming will see Pan Mingsai. Goodbye, Mr. Fu. “Cheng Feng said on the other end of the phone.

Arron’s hoarse voice said only one word: “Okay.”

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