I’m Sorry My Love Novel Chapter 2450 – 2451

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Chapter 2450

Galia was startled: “You, what did you say?”

Hearing this, Galia didn’t know what to do Surprise or joy, or worry?

Before that, she was just a little girl, and she was carefree in everything.

My favorite thing at ordinary times is to watch movies. Whenever a good movie is released, Galia will definitely ask Suzi and Rayna to watch it together. Naturally, what she fancies most is that she can become a movie star.

However, that’s just a fantasy.

Since entering Shu’s house, Galia knew that it was impossible for her to become a star.

The Shu family would not allow her to show her face.

So, those fantasies are just fantasies, but fortunately, she has a more lenient personality, so if she can’t be a star, she won’t do it.

What’s more, she didn’t graduate from film school.

How many people in this world want to be a star is just a dream?

But I never thought that at this moment, when she had completely cut off stardom, someone would come to her and ask her if she wanted to be a movie actress

. You should know that all the heroines who can be selected by Director Jin Jiaming are all one shot. fire.

A play can be among the ranks of international first-line stars.

How excited would she have been if it had been put on hold?

Excited, he jumped on the spot several times.

Unfortunately, now is not the time.

Galia has really grown up. Her identity in the Shu family and family affairs have forced her to take up everything without saying anything. She no longer has the heart to be a star.

“I’m sorry Director Jin, I know you are sincere, but I’m sorry, I can’t promise you to be your heroine, because recently my family has a lot of things to deal with, and these things are related to the reputation of our Yan family and Shu family. It’s a matter of life and death.

All I can think of now is to unite with my husband and work together with the outside world. The two of us will solve all the things that need to be solved.

I don’t have the extra mood to be a star.


Such an opportunity is really rare . , so she said sorry again and again.

However, Jin Jiaming shook his head: “Galia, let me ask you something.”

Galia said politely, “Director Jin, please tell me.”

“Galia, what happened thirty years ago, don’t say that your parents did nothing wrong. , even if they did something wrong, it was already thirty years ago. Don’t say that man is not your father’s child. Even if he is, your father and your mother are already legally protected couples.

Since it’s legal, there’s nothing invisible. What’s more

, your parents are innocent. It’s

just one of them…”

Galia interrupted Jin Jiaming: “Jin Dao, you… …how do you even know about my parents?”

Jin Jiaming smiled and said, “Miss Galia, my hometown is the city where your parents used to live, and my father and your father were colleagues back then. , I only worked as a colleague for a few days. Many people in that city know about your parents, which is not surprising.

What I want to say is that your parents did nothing wrong, and they are subject to the law Protected.

So Galia, even if there are more Internet celebrities, even if thousands of troops are overwhelmed, nothing can be changed.

In fact, when things come, it is to be calm.

Don’t be afraid of anything you haven’t done.

Let the world judge, it is not a bad thing.

Why do you, in order not to let the Shu family misunderstand, and… worry? “

Galia: “…”

She was indeed anxious.

Chapter 2451

Is indeed afraid of misunderstanding by the Shu family, and it is also because of the repeated blocking of those Internet celebrities from reporting the events of parents and mothers. Afraid of the Shu family’s misunderstanding, in fact, everything, deep in Galia’s heart, is still afraid of the Shu family.

Those internet celebrities and those unscrupulous reporters are also because Galia is afraid of the Shu family, so they follow Galia and report on Galia so recklessly.

If Galia hadn’t married Darius, why should she be afraid of this?

After a long while, Galia smiled sadly: “You are right, Director Jin.”

“So Galia, let’s think about it from another angle, if you have the strength to compete with the Shu family, that is, you and the Shu family are the same. Who dares to say anything about you?

Why are you afraid of

the Shu family? In the final analysis, the Yan family and the Shu family cannot be the same family, which makes you shrink from anything, including your fear of marriage back then. It ‘s

all because you’re afraid.

Isn’t it?” Jin Jiaming analyzed patiently.

Galia smiled self-deprecatingly: “Jin Dao, you made me have to fall into doubt. You even knew that I was afraid of getting married for a long time. How detailed are you investigating me?”

“Just now investigation.” Jin Jiaming handed the phone to Galia.

Galia glanced at it, and couldn’t help but smile miserably.

Jin Jiaming’s mobile phone showed no less than a dozen reasons why Galia and Darius didn’t get married for so long.

The answer to more than a dozen is that Galia is afraid of marriage.

“Is it true that the information I searched for here is wrong? If it is wrong, I would like to ask you why?” Jin Jiaming asked seriously.

Galia sighed bitterly: “I have always been afraid of marrying Darius because of my fear of marriage, and I have never dared to have children because of my fear of marriage. I am not strict with my mouth, I not only told Suzi and Qingrong However, I also told my colleague that it is not unusual. Back then,

I refused to marry Ming Zhen because I was afraid of marriage.”

“You are afraid of marriage because you think it’s not right to be in the right household, right? ?” Jin Jiaming asked.

“No.” Galia returned.

“Oh?” Jin Jiaming was quite surprised.

“It was because of Darius’s grandfather, his grandfather was too stumbling and too inhumane. Back then, Darius’s grandfather almost killed Darius’s little aunt, which not only directly caused the little aunt to live a life of displacement for most of her life, but also indirectly It led to Suzi’s hard life.

These are nothing.

Everyone’s hardships can’t depend on others’ interference.

However, like Darius’s grandfather, he made things difficult for Suzi several times, and almost didn’t kill Suzi. , I was afraid when I saw it.

I was afraid of marriage back then. To put it bluntly, I was afraid of Darius’s grandfather.

His grandfather just passed away. In fact, his grandfather was very kind to me, and later corrected many shortcomings. In general, his grandfather, He ‘s a good person.

Later, I’m not afraid of getting married.”

“Have you ever thought about something?” Jin Jiaming asked.

Galia: “Director Jin, please speak directly.”

“If, what I’m talking about is if, when Suzi and President Arron were in love, if Suzi’s family background was comparable to Arron’s, for example, if Suzi was the eldest lady from the Jun family in Kyoto, then Mr. Shu, Are you going to embarrass Suzi several times and drive her to death?” Jin Jiaming looked at Galia with confidence.

Galia was silent: “…” I

have to say, Jin Jiaming’s analysis is very correct.

Saying 1000, saying 10,000 is still a misunderstanding.

“I understand what you mean, Director Jin, what you mean is that if I want to avoid being put to death, I must first become extremely powerful. Is that what you mean?” Galia asked Jin Jiaming down.

Jin Jiaming nodded: “That’s exactly what I said. I just hope that Miss Yan can become stronger by herself, so that no outside intrusion can shake you.”

“Director Jin, let me think about it, okay? Is it?” Galia was a little tempted, but she wanted to discuss it with Suzi.

Just as she finished speaking, Suzi came over here.

Suzi’s tone was very anxious: “Yan Ya, how are you, have you calmed down? This is…”

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