I’m Sorry My Love Novel Chapter 2388 – 2389

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Chapter 2388

Yiyun is crying.

She was a year or two older than Darius, and she played with Darius when she was a child. However, when Yi Yun went abroad with her parents, Darius was still young, and he had no impression of Yi Yun.

The reason why I know Yi Yun and see Yi Yun know each other is because my parents and grandfather have talked to him.

Furthermore, when the three older brothers transmitted the photos, they would occasionally see Yi Yun and her parents.

In fact, after growing up, Darius went abroad for a while every year, but it happened that she never met Yi Yun every time. She was either going to school or going out to summer camps, winter camps, and bonfire parties with foreign children. Don’t be too comfortable living.

It’s just a big lady.

On the contrary, he lived a more free and easy life than Darius, the down-to-earth young son of the Shu family.

Such a free and easy girl, Darius, the little family owner, has nothing to worry about her, so that for so many years, he has completely forgotten about this three-generation domestic servant named Yi Yun.

But he never thought that at this moment, Yi Yun jumped directly into his arms.

It was really embarrassing for Darius.

“Sister Yiyun.” Darius forcibly pulled Yiyun away: “Let’s go home first.”

Yiyun nodded: “Yeah.”

After speaking, she still held Darius’s arm.

Darius ripped apart several times.

Yi Yun said with a smile: “Ming Zhen, you, why are you not open at all? We are siblings. Look at foreign countries, foreign understandings are all hugs. If I climb your arm, you will be shy?”

Darius His tone was very sparse: “This is not abroad, this is domestic.”

His tone was not very pleasant.

I was really angry.

I really don’t understand. When you return to China, you will return to China. It’s not that the huge Shu family can’t live with you. How can you go to Arron’s company to make trouble as soon as you return to China.

You really know how to choose!

Can Quannan City still find a second man like Arron?

What’s on your mind, it’s obvious!

Darius hated those women with bad intentions the most.

Why is it always at Shu’s house?

There are always some close relatives of the Shu family.

This really answers that sentence, the more unjustified, the more you like to show off?


After he threw away Yi Yun several times, Yi Yun also stopped clinging to him, so Darius walked quickly alone to get the car.

Behind him, three brothers, Shu Ming, Shannag, Tian, ”‹”‹Shu Ming, and Lei, looked at Yi Yun in unison.

Three people surrounded Yi Yun.

Yi Yun felt a little guilty: “Big brother, second brother, third brother, you… didn’t you say… let me come back to introduce me to a boyfriend? You also told me that the family background is prominent and that Nancheng is second to none. Social elite.

Although I have left Nancheng since I was a child, I know a thing or two about Nancheng.

I think about it, and now the most prominent person in Nancheng is only Arron.

Other prominent tasks, such as Kraig , he is not in Nancheng, but in Kyoto.

There is no one else in Nancheng.

Since there is only Arron, of course, I will first go to see what he looks like. I only heard that he is an illegitimate child before, who knows what kind of virtue he is, whether he is a ghost or a human.

I got off the plane and took a peek at it.

Whoever knew it was… scolded by a shrewd woman who called herself the young mistress of the Shu family.

That woman is so young, how could she be the young mistress of the Shu family?

The eldest sister-in-law, the second sister-in-law, the third sister-in-law, are all abroad.

it is good!

Even if she is the young mistress of the Shu family, how could she be so affectionate with Arron and even deliver dumplings to Arron in person, which looks like an improper relationship!

She is obviously seducing Arron!

Chapter 2389

I want to vomit blood!

In the end, they even joined Arron and asked the security guard to blast me out, and after blasting me out, they sent me to the police station!

Is there any reason for this!

Big brother, second brother! Third brother!

Who is that woman!

Have you asked Arron yet?

Also, what does Arron mean? I flew back from abroad in good faith!

Specially for a blind date with him! “

Yi Yun said that she was very aggrieved, very self-intoxicated, and very arrogant.

She didn’t think it was rude to break into Arron’s company unilaterally. She didn’t even ask at all, is Arron married?”

She has a deep-rooted belief that she is a Kochi woman who has returned from abroad. She

also has the aura of the Shu family.

Such a sea turtle, such a woman with advanced Western thinking, is so beautiful that the whole Nancheng can’t find it How many?

In her current identity, Arron should be flattered to be a nameless man like Arron, who is said to have never been buried in her ancestral grave until her mother died

? It was over .

However, Shu Mingxia slapped him fiercely.

This slap was not seen by Darius. If Darius saw it, no matter how much he bothered Yi Yun, he couldn’t let his own brother beat him.

It’s a pity that Darius went to pick up the car and could not see Yi Yun being beaten.

Yi Yun touched her hot cheap, tears came out of her eyes, she looked at Shu Mingxia in disbelief: “Big brother, you beat me?”

“Damn ****!” Shu Mingxia was annoyed: “Who is your big brother! Idiot!”

Shu Mingtian and Shu Minglei also scolded Yiyun in unison: “Idiot!” After the words fell ,

Shu Minglei was still not relieved, and he added another sentence: “Nympho! ****!”

Thoroughly injured, she cried and asked extremely aggrieved: “You are my brothers, what did I do wrong and you want to scold your sister like this?”

Shu Mingxia was almost dizzy.

What a dead housemaid!


“You think you’re a real phoenix! It’s just that our Shu family treated you so well that you mistakenly thought you were the eldest lady of the Shu family? You even called the three of us one by one! Our surname is Shu! It’s Shu! The three young masters of the family!

How about you!

Your surname is Yi!

Your grandfather, your parents, including you, are all the domestic servants of the Shu family!

It is the Shu family who cares for you and treats you well, so they treat your family so kindly!

You yourself You really think of yourself as the eldest young lady! I can sneak a

peek at Arron! You dead nympho

, do you know that Arron has long been married and has three children!” Shu Mingxia scolded Yiyun with incomparable disgust.

What a dead thing with more than enough success!

Mud can’t support the wall!

A woman’s home is a woman’s home!

Yi Yun’s tears disappeared immediately, she asked in panic: “What, what are you talking about, Arron is already married and had children? Then you asked me to have a blind date with him, he is already married and had children, how could Nancheng deserve it? *** my man?”

Shu Mingxia: “…”

Really convinced this dead maid!

He ignored it, raised his hand and picked up Yi Yun’s ear: “Idiot! Which of your ears heard that we are going to introduce you to Arron as your boyfriend, and you are crazy enough to go to Arron’s company to find death!”

Yi Yun was reprimanded by several elder brothers. She had long since lost her arrogance, and instead asked shyly, “Then there are other sons and brothers in Nancheng who are worthy of me?”

“Yes!” Shu Mingxia said angrily. : “My fourth brother! Also your brother Mingzhen!”

Punished by His Love Novel alternative…

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