I’m Sorry My Love Novel Chapter 2372 – 2373

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Chapter 2372

“Darius, listen to me! You’d better kill these three chops yourself! Otherwise, we will stop Let’s be together!” Galia, who was pulled away by Christopher, roared and said to Darius.

She didn’t want to ask about the Shu family, but she was really in a hurry.

How can there be such a person in this world?

In the past few days, she has also learned about the situation of the three brothers of the Shu family. These three brothers have always behaved well and have not done anything bad for so many years abroad.

But why did the three brothers never let Suzi and the little aunt go, even if they had to make an inch?

To put it bluntly, it is bullying.

Bully the soft and fear the hard!

Moreover, these three people deeply believed that the little aunt was inferior to them.

I just wanted to flatten the little aunt and round it again.

Later, it was found that the little aunt and Suzi did not give in so easily, and they also encountered Arron, a tough stubble.

The deep-rooted concept of despising illegitimate children for decades has exploded in an all-around way.

What’s wrong with illegitimate children?

Even if there is a fault, the fault is also in the parents of the illegitimate child, what does this have to do with the illegitimate child himself!

Is the illegitimate child not a victim?


Whether it’s Aunt Shanna or the mother of the little aunt, which one came to be the mistress by herself?

Aunt Xia was used from the very beginning, and in the end, the family who was used was ruined!

And the little aunt’s mother was forced by Mr. Shu in order to save people.

They are all poor women!

Passive giving birth to a child, will the child follow the shame for a lifetime?

What bullshit is this!

This is clearly the shameless behavior of the powerful family!

And decades have passed, and the crimes committed by their ancestors have come to them, and they still regard it as a show-off!

Really he is too much!

Galia lives in a commoner’s home.

She has never been in contact with the powerful since she was a child, but she has always lived happily, her father loves her, and her mother loves her.

Even the uncle and aunt love her very much.

Although the family is not rich, she is also a proper little princess.

Dad and uncle have always behaved well and respected women. They would never be regarded as respectful like Mr. Shu!

Not even like Fu Zhengxiong, even women use it!

Therefore, Galia was not used to bullying women and men who looked down on others.

What’s more, these three men not only bullied women, they not only looked down on people, but they even planned to kidnap one after another!

“You three bastards! You are going to jail! If you kidnap someone, you are going to jail! Aren’t you noble! Aren’t you polite? Since you are noble, you are polite, and you are civilized! Then you have to know that you made a mistake. I’m going to go to jail! Shit!” Galiadu had been dragged out far away, and she was still scolding.

Nonstop cursing!

It wasn’t until Christopher dragged Galia to a place where no one was around that Christopher said angrily to Galia: “Galia! Why don’t you listen to your brother so much! That’s the grievance of their noble family, whether to let them go or to let them go. It’s up to Fourth Master Fu to kill them all!

It’s not easy for us to participate!

Don’t you want to go down with Ming Zhen?

Ming Zhen hurts you so much! “

“Brother! Galia cried.

She looked at Christopher with tears in her eyes: “It is because of this that I have to stand out.”

I know that with Mr. Fu’s temper, fifteen years ago, he would definitely have killed him, but now it’s different!

Fu Sishao chased and killed his three older brothers, that was because three older brothers were the first to attack, and they had already driven Fu Sishao to a dead end. If he didn’t kill the three of them.

Chapter 2373

Then the dead is Fu Sishao.

He has no choice!

Brother, you have been with Fourth Young Master Fu for so many years, don’t you understand this truth!

Do you really think Fu Sishao is the kind of beast who kills without blinking an eye? “

Christopher was silent: “…”

After a long while, he said with emotion: “Sister, do you know why my brother is willing to be with the fourth master for so many years?” In fact, it is for this reason that the outside world is rumored to be ruthless and heartless, and he has never defended it.

But, who knows how cruel his three brothers were to him back then?

If he doesn’t resist, he and the old lady will die without a place to be buried!

This is the cruelty of the rich family.

Who would have known that Fourth Master Fu, when he was in the most difficult time, even contributed money and efforts to comfort the old, weak, sick, and disabled in the Fu Group?

You all thought that Fourth Master Fu had installed his own forces in the Fu Group ahead of time.

But they never knew that those old, weak, sick, and disabled people would be eliminated by Fu’s family if they had no use value. It was the Fourth Master Fu who gave them a ray of warmth.

Later, the senior executives of the Fu Group saw that Fourth Master Fu was a conscientious person.

They truly admire Fourth Master Fu!

Few people in this world can understand Fourth Master, and everyone thinks that he is cold and ruthless.

Younger sister, you are very rare. You deserve to be my younger sister if you think of Fu Fourth Master like that. “

Galia smiled embarrassedly: “Brother, how can I not see it? He is so dedicated and responsible to Suzi. Suzi has been away from Nancheng for six years, and he has been looking for a full six years. Which man in this world is How can

such a man be really cold and heartless?”

Christopher was extremely relieved: “I always thought my sister was a silly girl, but I didn’t expect my sister to be so smart. Your analysis is right, Fourth Master Fu. , is really not a heartless person, those are all appearances, he is too lazy to explain.”

Galia couldn’t help worrying: “So brother, do you know why I came out to accuse the three brothers of the Shu family at this time?”

Galia Kuan was stunned for a moment: “Why?”

“First of all, Fourth Master Fu is not a ruthless person, but I also know that Fourth Master Fu is definitely not a good-hearted person. If, I mean if, there is no such thing as a When it comes to Alyce’s little aunt, Fourth Master Fu is definitely going to kill this three offal.

But brother, now there is a little aunt. The little

aunt is the aunt of their four brothers.

She is the sister of my father-in-law and mother-in-law.

My aunt and my parents-in-law just reconciled. The little aunt has been displaced all her life, and she has never been able to return home. She just returned home. The love that my parents-in-law loved her little aunt is not fake, and the little aunt will weigh it in her heart

. Without the love of my in-laws and my mother-in-law for my little aunt, there is also A Zhen.

For so many years, A Zhen has always been filial to my little aunt, just like a son.

Brother, have you ever thought that maybe my in-laws and mother-in-law’s pleas are useless, Maybe A Zhen’s intercession is useless.

But what if the little aunt asks for mercy?”

Christopher: “…”

“If the little aunt asks for mercy, Fourth Master Fu will be very embarrassed. He can’t refuse my little aunt. Only the three brothers can be let go.

However, are they just letting them run rampant like this for nothing!

Even the three children are not spared?

Brother, did you know that if any of the three children had an accident, it would kill Suzi.

Brother, I didn’t want to be involved in the Shu family’s affairs. Like you said, it’s not my turn to participate in this matter.

But if things really develop like this, if I don’t come out to make trouble for this scene, no one will come out to make trouble, I’m a friend of Suzi!

This time, I have to come forward! “

Christopher put his arms around Galia: “My sister is right! Let’s go, brother, go with you! “The

two brothers and sisters turned around and ruined the scene. Before they got to the front, they were stunned.

As Galia guessed, at this moment, Alyce was looking at Arron with great difficulty: “Shaoqin, son… ..

Punished by His Love Novel alternative…

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