I’m Sorry My Love Novel Chapter 2362 – 2363

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Chapter 2362

Suzi suddenly burst into tears.

She cried and laughed: “the only, the only, the only? Is it you, my baby, my mother’s heart, my mother’s sweet confection, woo woo woo, baby, where are you, hurry up and tell mom, where are you? , hurry up, my baby woo woo…”

Suzi was almost crazy.

In less than 24 hours, her tortured heart felt like it had been fried ten thousand times in a frying pan.

She had already thought about all kinds of bad things in her mind.

When it was very ridiculous, she actually prayed ten thousand times in her heart.

If the only one can not come back, then please God bless, must make the only death less painful.



She had already prayed so in her heart. Remembering the URL

, she hardly expected that the only thing she could come back.

The only good thing?

Is there any body that was ruined by those three chops?

If that’s the case, then she, Suzi, will become a devil!

will become the devil!

From then on, she would rather fall into hell and spend the rest of her life tormenting the three Shu brothers.

She’s going to use the most vicious method in the world and use it all up!

To torture the three brothers of the Shu family.

As long as she doesn’t die!

She wouldn’t let the three Shu brothers die, she would torture them alive!

“Suzi, calm down, don’t talk for now, let the only one say it.” After all, it is a man who is calmer than a woman when it comes to major events. Arron, who was sitting beside the bed and hugged Suzi, reminded Suzi.

Suzi nodded immediately: “Yi, you say baby, you say.” At

the other end, Shen Weiyi’s slightly childish, slightly girlish voice came from Qing Lingling: “Mom, I’m fine, I’m fine. I’m just hungry, I haven’t eaten for a day, and I’m extremely hungry.”

“Okay, okay, mom knows you’re hungry, where are you, mom will pick you up?” Tears fell from Suzi’s tears.

“I’m at the door of No. 3 Middle School.” Shen Weiyi said.

“Why are you at the door of No. 3 Middle School?” Suzi didn’t understand, but after she asked, she said directly, “Where are you waiting, baby, mom will come and pick you up right away.”

Hang up the phone without waiting Suzi got out of bed, and Arron had already called.

He had already exhausted the entire Nancheng siege. There were people from Arron in every corner of Nancheng. He made a phone call, and the brothers who were on standby near No. 3 Middle School immediately went to the gate of No. 3 Middle School.

Forty minutes later, the only one was taken to the ward where Suzi was.

Everyone held their breath and watched Shen Weiyi arrive.

When the little girl appeared in the ward, everyone was stunned.

Clothes and everything are well on the body, just the face, like a nigger.

On that dark face, there were two big, smart eyes, and a smile flashed on her face, looking at her father and her mother.

look at grandma.

“The only one… woo woo.” Suzi burst into tears.

Crying is especially sad.

The cry shocked the entire ward.

Anyone who heard this voice felt compassion.

“My baby, my heart, you are my mother’s life, woohoo, my baby.” Suzi hugged the only one, and held the one tightly in his arms.

Le’s only breathless.

“Mom, I just had enough to eat, you strangle me, me, everything I eat in my stomach is going to spit out, Mom…” Shen Weiyi shouted to his mother.

Suzi then let go of the only one.

She tried her best to calm herself, but she still asked Shen Weiyi in a trembling tone: “Yi Wei, tell mom, tell mom, her, are there any… … bullying you?”

Shen Weiyi smiled.

Chapter 2363

She is thirteen years old.

know everything.

Even, he knows more than Suzi.

“Mom, what do you mean by bullying?”

Suzi cried and shook his head.

He kept saying, “No, Mom, don’t do that.”

Shen Weiyi comforted her mother in turn: “Mom, if it’s really like that, how can you still see me? I will definitely fight against them to the death. , I will bite them and kill them. So, if that’s the case, the final situation is that they are dead, and so am I.

But mom, look, I’m back now. “

Suzi’s eyes suddenly lit up . : “Really baby?”

Shen Weiyi nodded: “Of course it is true.”

Suzi’s mood instantly relaxed, she took her daughter’s hands: “Tell mother, you, how did you escape? “

Suzi.” At this time, Arron stopped Suzi: “Let’s check the only body first to see if there is any injury. If there is, it must be treated as soon as possible.”

At this time, men are better than women . Much calmer.

Arron also has hatred in his heart!

Even more hated than Suzi!

But he also knew that he had to ask the doctor to check first, after all, his daughter survived.

Suzi nodded immediately.

The doctor took the only one for a full body check.

Suzi and Arron were waiting outside, in a very stalemate.

At this time, Darius and his parents also came outside the examination room.

“Fourth Brother Fu, I heard that the only one is back, is the child all right?” Darius looked at Arron and Suzi with a look of guilt.

The parents behind him kept rubbing their hands, and said with sincerity, “It’s good to come back, it’s good to have the child back.” The

parents looked at Darius again and kept winking at Darius.

Shu Ming had a solemn expression on his face.

“Ming Zhen!” Father called Shu Ming Zhen softly.

Darius seemed to have made up his mind, and said to Arron, “Fourth brother, look, the only one has returned now, the best outcome is that the child is fine, you can see if you can put your brother in place. Our defenses are all over, even if we…even if it’s punishment, we…have to give…retrieve my three brothers first, right?

We… …..Fourth brother.

Our Shu family and Fu family have been good friends from generation to generation, and have a friendship of one or two hundred years.

From the generations before us, they have helped and supported each other. Only then can we have the Fu family and the Shu family. Our common prosperity and prosperity.

Fourth brother, look…”

Darius didn’t want to say these words.

However, his parents begged him tens of thousands of times at home.

It’s their son after all.

Three relatives.

Can’t they just send the old father away, and then watch the three sons die in Huangquan?

And the only one in the Shu family who has the best relationship with the Fu family, with the little aunt, and with Suzi is Darius.

Those were Darius’s three brothers.

He could only bite the bullet and beg Arron.

Arron looked at Darius calmly, and his voice was calm: “Now your Shu family can at least have a single seedling of you to keep for your parents to die. If you say another word in front of me, your Shu family will be extinct. !”

Darius: “…”

“Go away!” Arron just said one word flatly.

At this moment, the door of the examination room opened.

Arron and Suzi rushed to the doctor at the same time, and asked in unison: “Doctor, is my child okay?” The

doctor smiled: “The child is all bruised on the outside of the skin, but the ankle is a little sprained. I asked her, she It was twisted on a big truck.”

Punished by His Love Novel alternative…

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