I’m Sorry My Love Novel Chapter 2354 – 2355

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Chapter 2354

“Hello? Feng Group? I want to cooperate with you, in Nancheng…what ? No, you guys, your company has already had in-depth cooperation with the Fu Group. You have always been relying on the supply of raw materials to the Fu Group. If you don’t supply him, it will break his supply chain… ..what, he can also import raw materials from Southeast Asia… that’s fine.”

“Hey, Lao Guo, I’m Mingxia, I’m back in China, you know my company is very big abroad, The assets are tens of billions, so what? I want to rectify the business circle of Nancheng. Our Shu family…you…what are you talking about, what happened to our Shu family? Our Shu family has never Relying on the Fu family!

Not even Arron! Just


“Hey, Mr. Zhu…oh, you…you came to my grandfather’s funeral for the sake of Mr. Fu. Go ?

Let President Fu die!”

Shu Ming was so angry that he almost threw his phone away.

how can that be!

Just an illegitimate child!

When they were young, they didn’t want to see this illegitimate child! Remembering the website

, I didn’t expect that thirty years later, this illegitimate child is the symbol of Nancheng. In Nancheng, Arron can shake his feet when he stomps.

Shu Mingxia and the other two brothers looked at this situation and felt extremely resentful in their hearts.

However, they were helpless.

I could only watch the people who came to offer condolences, wave after wave.

Even if they nodded and bowed to greet these people, these people still ignored the three brothers.

On the contrary, when these people saw Arron, they couldn’t help but praise him.

“Mr. Fu is generous, it’s not easy for Mr. Fu to take time out of his busy schedule to preside over the Shu family’s funeral. Mr. Shu has a cousin like you, and it’s worth it in this life!

” Arron nodded slightly to all the people who came.

He doesn’t want anything else.

I just want my mother-in-law and wife to be filial to the deceased old man, and I just want to repay the kindness of Mr. Shu for saving his mother back then.

For these, he had to calm down the Shu family.

As for how the three brothers Shu Ming, Shanna, Tian, ”‹”‹Shu Ming and Lei hated him in the future, that would be a matter of the future.

He, Arron, has never been afraid of anyone.

He was not afraid when he was young, and now he is in his prime, he is even less afraid.

It’s just that I’m sure to be busy these days.

He has to do everything by himself, and he has to take care of the company. Arron, who is busy, only goes home in the middle of the night every day.

Fortunately, my daughter Shen Wei has grown up.

The thirteen-year-old girl already knows how to take care of her family and her two younger brothers.

Both mother and grandmother were filial piety to Grandpa Tai, and Shen Weiyi did his homework without complaint while taking care of his two younger brothers.

In the dead of night, Shen Weiyi, who had finished his homework, was still coaxing his two younger brothers to sleep in the children’s room. Arron, who came home late at night, couldn’t help but feel distressed when he saw this scene.

The only one had fallen asleep in front of his brother’s bed.

Arron wanted to take his daughter back to her bedroom, but Shen Weiyi woke up.

“Dad, isn’t it very hard for my mother and my grandmother to kneel on the ground?” Shen Weiyi asked.

Arron nodded: “Well. It’s very hard.”

“Mom’s health is not very good, and grandma’s health is not very good. They always kneel, I will feel distressed.” Shen Weiyi said, his eyes were red.

Arron put his daughter in his arms: “Mom and grandma will be fine. As long as my little princess studies hard every day, mom and grandma will be very happy.”

Shen Weiyi nodded: “I know dad.”

“Go to sleep . Right.” Arron said.

“Good night, Dad.” The thirteen-year-old child is very sensible.

After having a good night with her father, she lay alone in her princess room, but couldn’t fall asleep for a long time.

The next day happened to be Sunday, and the two younger brothers were brought by Aunt Tian and Grandma Li at home. She didn’t have to worry at all. The thirteen-year-old girl went out alone.

Growing up, she has only been to the Shu family’s mansion once, but has not yet entered.

Chapter 2355

It was also many years ago.

But the little girl’s memory is very good. She took the bus, changed the subway, and after getting off the subway, took a long taxi again, and finally came to the outside of the Shu family’s wealthy compound at the foot of the mountain.

At first Shen Weiyi wasn’t sure if she came from Grandpa Tai’s house.

After all, there are quite a few families in Nancheng with the surname Shu Ming, but when Shen Weiyi saw the white cloth hanging outside the gate of Shu’s house and the obituary, Shen Weiyi was sure that this must be Grandpa Tai’s house.

Outside, a lot of cars were parked in darkness.

I called my mother before, and I heard from my mother that Grandpa Tai went to cremation today. He saw so many cars and so many people walked in. Grandpa Tai’s ashes should be back, right?

Shen Weiyi didn’t actually care about this, she didn’t have any affection for Grandpa Tai.

She only cares about her mother and grandma.

I heard that grandma’s knee hurt.

When he thought of his grandmother, Shen Weiyi’s distressed eye circles were all red.

The little girl was crying and chirping, her eyes wandering around as she watched all the guests in black walking in, and she followed to the gate.


it’s wired?

Why are there three people kneeling at the gate?

Are these three people watching the door?

Shen Weiyi came to the three uncles who were kneeling outside the gate, all looking depressed, and asked politely, “Excuse me, uncle, are you the guard of the Shu family?

Doormen also need to kneel down for the dead? “A

thirteen-year-old girl, when she has a strong desire for knowledge in the main room. When

she sees something new, she wants to know about it, and then increase her knowledge.

Including funerals.

“Who are you!” Shu Mingxia glanced angrily at the half

-old child who suddenly appeared. “Whose child, go go go go!” Don’t watch the fun here! Shu Mingtian followed him.

Shu Minglei had the worst temper. He said one word directly: “Go away!” “


Shen Weiyi immediately put on his hips!

“My grandfather passed away, this is a funeral!” Do you know that death is great? There is a funeral at home, and the whole family is very strict! Are the three of you janitors ruining the family style like this?

Thanks to my uncle Mingzhen, my uncle and grandpa gave you jobs back!

Is this how you corrupt the family customs of the people who pay you wages!

Believe it or not, I’ll take a picture of you now and post it online! “

Speaking, Shen Weiyi deliberately took out her mobile phone from her backpack.

In fact, she just wanted to scare the three gatekeepers so that they wouldn’t be so arrogant. How can they

not give people a chance at all?

As long as the three of them After admitting her mistake and correcting it, she won’t spread people online.

But she never thought about it, one of the uncles suddenly looked at her and asked, “You, what did you say? What do you call the dead? “

“Humph!” It was my grandfather who died! “Shen Wei said very seriously.

Shu Mingxia: “…”

He and the other two brothers glanced at each other, tacit understanding of each other.

This is a great opportunity given by God!

Usually, Arron has always been like a door god, standing inside the door, just now when the ashes of the old father Shu are invited back, Arron is busy in front of the mourning hall.

He must not know yet, his daughter is here!

“Children, our three uncles are not the gatekeepers, we are your relatives.” Shu Mingxia immediately got up and came to Shen Weiyi.

Punished by His Love Novel alternative…

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