I’m Sorry My Love Novel Chapter 2346 – 2347

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Chapter 2346

She looked at the three brothers of the Shu family very firmly: “Although I should call you big brother, second brother, third brother , but I have to tell you, you are really disgusting!

The three brothers have not returned to China once in a few years. The

old man, you have not taken care of it!

Family, you have not taken care of it!

Why do you have the right to be bossy here How old is it now, and what are you

talking about?

Boss Shu, don’t tell me, you came from ancient times!

If that’s the case, go back to your ancient times!”

“You. ……” The old Shu family was so arrogant that he couldn’t breathe for a long time: “Ming Zhen, what kind of daughter-in-law are you married to! Can this daughter-in-law have it!”

“Why not?” Galia said nothing. Compromised.

She came to Darius, raised her wrist and wrapped Darius’s arm: “Azhen and I are on good terms, our relationship foundation is very good, and I also tell you that the matchmaker between me and Azhen is Suzi .

I First of all, I was friends with Suzi, and I only met A Zhen.

Also, I am just a commoner. I have a poor house in four corners, one is poor and the other is white.

But no matter how poor I am!

I also know that my little aunt is Grandpa’s biological daughter!

There are no direct descendants or concubines!

My little aunt’s mother is also the great noble of your entire Shu family!

Since my little aunt is the direct daughter of your Shu family, she has the right to inherit!

Shu Mingxia, even if you talk about it like a hype!

Before the law, you are a fart too!

And ah!

Are you going to call the police over and question the little aunt about those things?


If the cross-examination is clear, the little aunt is innocent, not only innocent, but also of great merit. I ask Shu Mingxia, do you want to kowtow to the little aunt and plead guilty! “

Shu Mingxia: “You…”

He was unable to match what Galia said, so he looked at Darius angrily: “Azhen! This is the good wife you found, a virtue! Suzi introduced it?

All one virtue!

As for the affairs of our Shu family, how could she, a young daughter-in-law who just entered the house, have the right to take care of these things?

Ah Zhen, you…


I only understand now that Suzi and Alyce are cancerous!

They entered our Shu house, and they really infiltrated slowly.

I finally understand now that they are the first to attack you, Ah Zhen.

Capturing your heart with a woman first, you are comforting your parents, and finally your grandpa.

Ah Zhen, what have you done when your three brothers were not in the country for more than ten years? Did you destroy this family? “

“Enough!” Shu Ming looked at his eldest brother with red eyes. The

eldest brother was roared by Shu Ming, and he didn’t dare to speak

. “Darius asked a very practical question.

Shu Mingxia nodded: “Of course! “

“Then let’s rest for now!” Shu Ming Zhenqiang suppressed the anger in his heart and said, “You can’t let grandpa’s corpse stay here, let’s do grandpa’s funeral first. After the funeral, let’s talk about other things.”

Shu Mingxia: “… ..”

There is nothing wrong with the fourth brother’s decision.

Shu Mingxia couldn’t say anything. After a while, he said, “Alright.”

Then he looked at Suzi and Alyce: “Then how do you deal with these two women?”

Chapter 2347

“Dispose of Disposal!” Darius finally broke out: “You know how to dispose of them! Why should we dispose of them!”

After all, Darius didn’t wait for the three older brothers to say anything, then looked at Suzi and Alyce and said: “Little aunt, cousin, it really made you laugh, you see this is making trouble, I’m very sorry for you, but now , Grandpa’s corpse can’t be parked here, or…”

“Let’s go back first.” Still Alyce gave in.

She suddenly thought about it.

Right when my father died.

Don’t care about anything, one more relative in life is one relative.

Just like now, it is not bad to have brothers, sisters-in-law, and nephews.

For the sake of this youngest nephew, for the sake of his brother and sister-in-law, Alyce had to give in a step, it was no big deal.

“When the old man goes to the crematorium, I will go there and send him the last ride. When the old man is in mourning, I will come again. It’s alright, Azhen, if you need anything, you can call Suzi again.” Alyce comforted Darius in turn. .

Darius nodded: “Little aunt, thank you.”

“Let’s go.”

Yu Bi, she and Suzi left together.

“Wait for me.” Galia also followed, she hugged Alyce’s arm: “Little aunt, I’ll go back with you.”

Then when she turned around, Galia looked at Darius again: “Azhen, you are in charge Grandpa’s funeral, I’m responsible for comforting the little aunt, I can’t let the little aunt suffer such a senseless feeling in the Shu family.”

After speaking, Galia looked at the three Shu Ming Xia brothers with incomparably powerful eyes.

“You…” Shu Ming was angry, looking at Galia with wide eyes.

Shu Ming was shocked and didn’t say anything, he nodded: “Alright, we’ll call if anything happens.”


Alyce took Suzi and Galia, and the three left the Shu house together.

This farce is tantamount to a temporary end.

After exiting the door of Shu’s house, Alyce burst into tears.

She looked at her daughter: “I don’t have a father anymore?”

Suzi comforted his mother: “Mom, you still have me, and the only three of them, you have relatives.”

“Actually, he has been in the past few years . They care about me very much, and have been loving me silently all the time, in fact, they are already pious atonement.” Alyce regretted extremely.

“Mom, don’t be sad.” Suzi comforted his mother.

“Little aunt, let’s go home first.” Galia also comforted Alyce.

Alyce shook his head: “You two go back first, I’ll kneel here for a while, the one who died was my biological father, who gave me life, although he treated me badly, he repented for so many years in his later years. As a biological daughter, Filial piety for him is my due. I will kneel here until it gets dark and then go back.”

She always wanted to do her part in filial piety.

Suzi is also not good at comforting his mother.

She thought that if she didn’t let her mother kneel here to be filial to her grandfather, maybe her mother would regret it for the rest of her life.

For the rest of my life after that, I can’t let go.

“Okay mom, listen to you.” Suzi said, “I will come to pick you up with Shaoqin in the evening.”

Arron has an important meeting in the company today.

Originally, he was going to visit the old man with him, but he couldn’t go away. Until now, Arron didn’t know that the old man had left the world forever.

On the way back, Galia was driving, and Suzi called Arron: “Old man, passed away.” There

was a long silence on the other end of the phone.

After a long time, Arron said: “I’ll deal with it as soon as possible, and I’ll come over immediately.”

“No need for Shaoqin.” Suzi said: “The three sons above the Shu family are back, they will arrange the funeral, we We’ll come and pick up my mother at night, that’s fine.”

At that end, Arron was a little surprised.

After all, the Fu family and the Shu family are inextricably linked.

The two have been friends for generations.

Mr. Shu is someone who has helped Shanna.

It was Suzi’s grandfather again. In any case, Arron planned to stay beside the old man’s funeral.

“What happened?” Arron asked.

Punished by His Love Novel alternative…

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