I’m Sorry My Love Novel Chapter 2340 – 2341

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Chapter 2340

Alyce does not give in: “Yes, I am my father’s daughter, and you are already the next generation, you It’s an outsider!”

Shu Mingxia: “…”

He looked back at his parents.

The parents groaned and did not speak.

“Dad! I remember grandma telling us from a young age that grandpa raised a fox spirit outside. Grandpa has actually changed his mind, but that fox spirit is always pestering this grandfather.

My grandma!

My grandma used to be in such good health, Why did she die at the age of sixty!

My grandmother was so mad at that woman!

That woman is really haunted! My grandfather told her clearly that he would not want her or let her in!

But what about that woman? She


my grandfather all my life!

I finally stalked my grandma to death!

Now it’s better, that woman is gone, her daughter has come up again, and she continues to pester our Shu Jiaai, He even took all my grandfather’s property!

Dad, does our Shu family owe her?


It’s her, she and her mother, who owe our Shu family!”

Shu Mingxia said plausibly.

The old man Shu on the bed coughed.

The old man’s face was flushed, but he couldn’t say a word for a long time.

After holding it for a long time, seeing that Shu Mingxia had stopped, the old man raised his withered hand and shouted, “A-Xia, stop arguing, A-Xia… Your aunt and your sister are right.

They… ….

They never pestered grandpa.

You… your little grandma, she is a good woman.

Although she has an incurable disease, she has always been positive. Her paintings are very artistic, She is a woman who loves herself very much. Her life is pure, indifferent, and very comfortable. When she was

young, she was ill and weak, and she taught many friends abroad.

Her paintings, the paintings that illustrate the sufferings of the world, It is an authentic work that many people are hard to find.

Grandpa has twenty paintings by your little grandmother, each of which is worth more than one million.

There is one painting that is estimated to be worth tens of millions in the world.

Although she is not a world-famous writer , but her paintings are very powerful.

Your little grandma is a very talented person.

Her talent is grandpa…”

When he said this, Mr. Shu stopped crying and told.

In his old cry, there is endless remorse.

That repentance seemed to recount that no matter how much he cried, such a fresh life would never come back.

Everything is his fault.

Moreover, this mistake can never be made up again.

After crying for a while, Mr. Shu continued to say: “It’s grandpa, grandpa ruined her, grandpa ruined her life, but grandpa still refuses to admit it.

Grandpa always thought she was sticking to me.

She died . Beg Bailai.

Grandpa also transmitted this idea to your next generation invisibly.

Grandpa’s sin is too great.

Eh…” The

old man was out of breath.

After he finished speaking, he raised his hand and shouted, “You guys, come here. All come. “

Grandpa…” Shu Mingxia ran over and shouted.

“Grandpa!” “Darius also looked at his grandpa very distressed.

“Dad!” Dad, are you all right? “Darius’s father knelt down in front of the old father all of a sudden, weeping in tears.

“You… Today I will be in front of all of you, boss, A Xia, your second and third brothers are all still alive.” If not, you represent them.

Today I live again in front of all of you.

Your grandfather, I am sorry for Alyce’s mother.

Chapter 2341

Sorry Alyce.

Suzi is right, since your aunt was born, I have never done my father’s duty to her.

Don’t say that Alyce’s mother is right, even if Alyce’s mother is wrong, the child is innocent.

Alyce is innocent.

But as a father, I would rather keep other people’s children at home as treasures and love them like a princess, but treat Alyce like trash and ignore her. Even disgusting.

As a father, I have caused irreparable harm and shadow to her childhood psychology.

Even if I die a hundred times as a father, I still have no face in my ancestors and Alyce’s mother.

I always think about it.

If I go underground, my grandparents will ask me: “Why do you treat your own flesh and blood like this, without raising it, are you still a father?

People like you will lose all the face of our Shu family. It’s gone.

You don’t even support your own daughter, and you trample on her everywhere. You’re not even worthy of being a human being!

Don’t go down to the ground.

Our Shu family doesn’t accept you!”

When he said this, the old man looked desperate .

A bleak face.

He wiped away his tears and continued: “I’m really afraid that I will go to hell, I will go into a frying pan. But it’s useless to be afraid. What I have done, I must bear it myself.

No matter if I go to the oil pan or go to Knife Mountain in the future, I should get it.

Now, I just want to tell you clearly.

The allowance that I have not used up in my life, the near future, the objects left by my ancestors, and the twenty paintings left by Alyce’s mother here are all owned by Alyce.

Ming Zhen, Ming Xia.

Your father has given up the inheritance.

I all belong to your aunt.

You really don’t have the right to ask! After some words ,

Shu Mingxia was speechless.

He looked at his father, his mother, and his fourth brother Darius angrily.

But neither of his parents had any opinion.

“Dad! Shu Mingxia shouted.

Shu Mingxia’s father said, “Mingxia! Your grandfather’s property is actually not much, adding up to more than one billion. Even legally speaking, you have your aunt’s company.

What’s more, your grandfather did not fulfill his duty of support to your aunt.

Not even a little caring.

The harm done to your aunt can’t be used money and energy at all.

What’s more, there is also money to compensate your little grandma.

And the relics left by your little grandma should all belong to your little aunt.

Our Shu family’s company property, father’s property, and Ah Zhen’s property are our great assets.

Why do you have to fight with your little aunt?

She is your little aunt, your relative. “

“No! I won’t admit she’s my little aunt! “Shu Mingxia looked at Alyce and smiled coldly.

What the family said, for him who lived abroad all the year round, he just felt that the whole family was bewitched by Alyce’s mother and daughter, and he went crazy.

“Alyce! Suzi! Don’t try to succeed with me here!”

“You…Mingxia! You are too much!” Old Man Shu raised his arm and pointed at Shu Mingxia weakly. His face was getting redder.

The red became the color of pig liver.

The old man stared at his eldest grandson with such anger.

Looking at it for a long time, there is a lot of anger in that expression.

But there is a lot of helplessness.

His eldest grandson, he sent him abroad with all his efforts, received the best education, and gave the eldest grandson endless wealth to start a business abroad, which is why the eldest grandson is now in a foreign country.

The eldest grandson’s horizons are broadened, and he also has a lot of Western ideas.

But why can’t even a relative be tolerated?

Old Master Shu couldn’t figure it out until he died.

The old man’s hand suddenly drooped down, and he died without closing his eyes.

“Dad…” The son who was kneeling in front of the window suddenly burst into tears.

Alyce couldn’t help but knelt down: “Dad…”

Punished by His Love Novel alternative…

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