I’m Sorry My Love Novel Chapter 2316 – 2317

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Chapter 2316

Tong Jianan looked back and saw that it was Mr. Shu.

He was frightened, and a urge to urinate almost came out.

“Old, old man, you…Hello, I…” Tong Jianan was so frightened that he didn’t know what to say.

At that moment, he even thought he might die.

Because, behind Mr. Shu, there were two bodyguards who were five big and three thick.

At first glance, the bodyguard looks like five big three rough, very professional.

If Mr. Shu sees through his purpose, he will not only go to jail.

He will be cut to pieces.

At that time, you will not get a penny, and your life will be gone.

He looked at Mr. Shu carefully.

But Mr. Shu’s face was cold and cruel: “listen to my daughter’s friend, do you want to be my daughter’s boyfriend?”

Tong Jianan nodded and shook his head again.

Nodding again, shaking his head again.

It took him a while to regain a little composure.

He concluded that the old man would not notice anything, because the old man could not enter Alyce’s house, and Alyce never communicated with the old man, so in this regard, the old man could also be a guess.

Guess his relationship with Alyce.

Guess who he is.

This damn little Yang!

It must be Xiao Yang who ruined Tong Jianan wantonly in front of Mr. Shu.

Otherwise, Mr. Shu just looked at Alyce and Tong Jianan from a distance, and would never hit him without Alyce’s consent.

“Old, old man, you, listen to me. After you listen to me, if you want to beat me, deal with me, or kill me, you can do whatever you want. Do you think this is okay?” Tong Jianan is extremely sincere looking at Mr. Shu.

He gave it up.

Anyway, it’s a dead end.

Better to give it a try.

“Speak!” Mr. Shu only said one word!

“I don’t know what the surnamed Yang said to you, but I have to tell you that I didn’t approach Miss Shu on my own initiative!” Tong Jianan said loudly.

Mr. Shu raised his head and glanced at Tong Jianan.

Tong Jianan continued: “Master, you have a bad relationship with your daughter. You have to admit it.

Do you know how lonely your daughter is?

She lives in the hospital and no one knows it for a day or two.

I am us . The company’s salesman, I came forward to contact her for business, but I couldn’t find her. I asked her to know that she was in the hospital.

She was the only one at the time.

Did I arrange for her to be injected into the hospital in advance?”

Mr. Shu: “…”

“I took care of her out of humanitarianism. She thanked me and invited me to have a meal.

Only then did she tell me that her refrigerator, all kinds of electrical appliances, old and old, What should be repaired. There is

no man at home!

Yes, she has a father, but she is not close to you!

She also has a daughter.

But now her daughter has three children, her daughter also has a job, and her daughter is too busy!

She can endure anything, and people endure it!

I just took it along and helped her fix it!

What did i do wrong! “

Master Shu sighed: “You did not do anything wrong. “

“Yes! I just did nothing wrong! Tong Jianan became more and more assertive.

He spoke with plausibility: “I have never approached Miss Shu proactively, but Miss Shu has a good personality and temperament. We envy and attract each other, and we encourage each other.”

I encourage her to live a good life.

She encouraged me to start my own business.

We’ve always treated each other like a guest, and we’ve never done anything nasty! “

Master Shu suddenly sneered: “I didn’t do it, then why did you come to my daughter’s house so early today!” That morning a few days ago, I knocked on the door, and you were there!

You explain to me clearly!



I tell you!

Don’t be the only one who ignores me as a father, and you think my daughter is a lonely woman here, so bullying!

My daughter ignores me and doesn’t recognize me as a father.

Chapter 2317

But I!

Never give up protecting my daughter!

With me here watching, you can never hurt my daughter! “

“I didn’t!” I really don’t! Tong Jianan was anxious.

“I swear!” I have never offended your daughter, the reason why I showed up at your daughter’s house so early that day was not that I was here for the night.

But your daughter has a friend who quarreled with her husband.

That woman stayed with your daughter at night, and I came here in the morning to bring breakfast to the two women!

And the breakfast was ordered by your daughter!

Because your daughter doesn’t have time to make breakfast, she keeps comforting that woman!

But I never thought that the woman was a poisonous snake.

Your daughter comforts her like that, takes her in, and treats her well.

Where does it end?

That woman actually took a fancy to me and wanted me to have *** with her!

She also owes your daughter two thousand dollars!

Now missing! “The

old man Shu is a little incredible: “It turns out… there is such a thing? “

“Of course!” Tong Jianan said angrily.

He did it on purpose.

He knew that he couldn’t just be soft.

He had to be tough, so that Mr. Shu could feel that he was wronged.

Sure enough, after saying that the old man pondered for a while, his voice softened: “Boy! Listen to me! This time, I may be blaming you wrong!

I hope you don’t say something bad about me to my daughter!”

“I I know, you and your daughter have a bad relationship, but it’s a matter between your father and daughter, and I won’t be involved!” Tong Jianan said.

“That’s good!” Mr. Shu snorted coldly: “But…”

He has more to say.

“But you also listen to me! My daughter is in her fifties. She has been wandering all her life. She never found true love when she was young, not to mention now. What you said is

indeed plausible. But

The reliability is also very strong.

However, people are separated from each other.

Who can know what you are thinking? “

Tong Jianan suddenly shuddered.

Mr. Shu continued: “As the saying goes, a long time sees people’s hearts. This is true.

My relationship with my daughter is not good.

However, to protect her from harm, I, as a father, can still do it!

Listen to me, boy.

Anyway, my daughter is in her fifties, and she hasn’t met a good man for so many years. Since it’s already so late, it won’t be two or three years later.

If you can Treat my daughter like a day for three years . I

can satisfy her every day.

I agree with you and my daughter to marry!

As long as you can ensure that my daughter can live a happy life with a quilt, my old man will not treat you badly! “

Tong Jianan’s eyes All lit up.

What does the old man mean by this?

Are you admitting him?

It seems not.

The old man is an old fox, smarter than the average person.

He is investigating him.

As long as he has any disqualification, the old man can make him go to pieces.

For a time, Tong Jianan was both excited and had a feeling that it was difficult to ride a tiger.

He was really moved by what the old man said.

Being the son-in-law of Mr. Shu, and living with Alyce for a lifetime, the glory and wealth that one can get is definitely no less than that from cheating.

He doesn’t need to grow old with Alyce.

As long as Alyce forces him to divorce him in three to five years, he will get a lot of money.

He immediately nodded like a chicken pecking rice: “Don’t worry, old man, I will definitely meet your satisfaction, not because of your threats.

I am forAlyce.

I will show you, I will definitely be able to putAlyce . Take good care of it.”

“Don’t try to break her heart!” The old man said extremely domineering!

Punished by His Love Novel alternative…

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