I’m Sorry My Love Novel Chapter 2282 – 2283

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Chapter 2282

Galia listened inexplicably, she blurted out: “Aunt, what are you talking about, let me a divorce?”

At the other end, Alyce said quite sadly: “Well, when I think of my unfortunate marriage, I think it’s boring for a woman to get married!”

Galia: “…”

She has always been afraid of marriage.

Haven’t married Darius until now.

Anyway, Darius didn’t rush her.

Whatever happened to the two of them, she has also moved into the Shu family as the daughter-in-law of the Shu family, the only thing is that she is not married.

But why did my aunt repeatedly emphasize that she should divorce her?

How strange.

When Galia was about to ask something, Alyce hurriedly said, “I’m hanging up.”

He immediately hung up the phone.

Galia looked at Suzi: “Auntie is so strange.”

Suzi was stunned for a moment.

There was a bad feeling in her heart. She didn’t have the heart to have a picnic outside, and immediately got up and said, “No, I have to go to my mother’s place to have a look.”

Galia and Rayna also stood up.

The two have already started to pack their things.

Rayna said as he packed up, “Let’s hurry up, don’t you have something to do with Auntie, hurry up!” The

three people and the children packed up the tableware much faster.

An hour and a half later, Suzi and Galia Rayna arrived at the small courtyard where Alyce lived.

Suzi quickly knocked on the door as soon as he got out of the car, shouting anxiously, “Mom, mom, mom!”

No one answered in the hospital.




Galiamin and the children shouted together outside the door.

The courtyard was still silent.

Suzi took out his mobile phone and called his mother.

On that end, the phone rang all the time, but no one answered.

Suzi became more and more anxious.

She made a phone call to the unlocking company, and after showing her ID card to the unlocking company, she asked the unlocking company to open the courtyard door.

The yard is empty.

Mom wasn’t in the yard at all.

When I entered the house, everything was clean.

Mother is not at home.

Where can I go?

Suzi was anxious to get rid of the sweat on his forehead.

She spoke with a cry: “I, Mom, it’s my fault… it’s my fault, I… I shouldn’t ignore you for a week, I shouldn’t, Mom…you, you will be fine, Mom…”

After she finished speaking, she was already crying.

It’s that she doesn’t care enough about her mother.

If the mother has three strengths and two weaknesses, how can she be called Suzi?

She can’t accept this happening.

She was so frightened that her legs softened and she fell to the ground.

It was Shen Weiyi, who was 1.6 meters tall, who supported his mother.

“Mom, don’t be afraid, don’t be so worried, I think grandma should be fine, at least she is safe for now, because Aunt Galia called her an hour ago, and she can still get through, it means she is still fine, Right, mom?” Shen Weiwei looked at his mom calmly and comforted her.

While comforting, she supported Suzi and let her sit on the sofa first.

Suzi looked at his twelve-year-old daughter with tears in his eyes: “The only thing you said is right, the only one you said, you say you say, you say it quickly.”

Shen Weiyi glanced around and went into his grandma’s bedroom to have a look. Only then did he come out and say, “I looked at my grandmother’s house inside and out, and there was no sign of a man living there, not at all.

Chapter 2283

This shows that grandma did not take the man at home for the night again.

Grandma is a very clean woman. “

“You child!” Don’t tell me if you have or not, tell me your grandma, where is your grandma! “Suzi was anxious and wanted to beat Shen Weiyi.

In fact, she has always been a calm person. It’s

just that when she encounters her mother’s problems, even a calm Suzi will become restless.

If something happens to her mother, she will Really, I will live in guilt all my life.

Blame her for not caring enough about my mother.

Blame her!

Shen Weiyi took a long sigh, rolled his eyes for a while, and murmured: “Galia Auntie and Uncle Ming Zhen are obviously not married yet, but grandma and Aunt Galia emphasized twice that she should get divorced, which is obviously very abrupt and unexpected.

What did grandma mean by saying this, it must have caught our attention.

This shows that she should be in a dangerous situation now. “

Your grandma is in danger, your grandma is in danger, no, I can’t put your grandma in danger.” Before Shen Weiyi could finish speaking, Suzi rushed out.

“Mom!” “Shen Weiyi stopped Suzi.

” Calm down, mom, calm down! You can’t save grandma like this. At this time, the 12-year-old daughter is calmer than her mother in her early thirties.

Suzi cried and looked at the only one in tears: “That’s my mother. “The

only nodded: “I know mother, you calm down first, you listen to me. “

Suzi nodded quickly and forced himself to calm down: “You say, you say.”

“Mom, we have to call the police first, Aunt Rayna, you call the police.” Shen Weiyi said to his mother, calling Rayna.

Rayna quickly called the police.

Shen Weiyi continued: “I think grandma’s phone call must be a hint, what is the hint?

Why did grandma talk about divorce? What else did

she say?

Her marriage was unhappy back

then? Grandma’s so-called unhappy marriage was mine. Outside… Jarod?”

Shen Weiyi looked up at Suzi.

Suzi nodded: “It’s him!”

“Could it be that grandma is at Jarod’s house?” Shen Weiyi asked.

Suzi slowly calmed down: “Impossible, Jarod’s three family members are all in the detention center, and they can’t get out at all. The Lin family’s house, because of Jarod’s debt relationship, has long been seized by the court, so she has no reason to go. There, even if someone kidnaps her, it’s unlikely to go there.”

“That’s…” Shen Weiyi pinched his chin and thought.

Suddenly, her eyes lit up: “Mom! You forgot, grandma still has a place to live, a vegetable garden in the suburbs!”

“Yes! Why didn’t I think of it!” Suzi’s eyes also lit up.

My mother knew Jarod at the farmhouse in the vegetable garden and then married Jarod.

Suzi rushed out immediately, and while rushing, he said loudly to a few people behind him: “My mother must be in that place, and I guess it’s the vegetable garden where the kidnappers went after she was kidnapped. Come to the vegetable garden with me. , By the way, Qingrong, have you called the police…”

Rayna, who came out from behind, said as he ran, “I reported it, I called the police, and I haven’t hung up the phone yet.”

“Tell the police and tell them to hurry up to my mother’s vegetable garden in the suburbs…” As Suzi spoke, he had come to his car.

The children followed and got into the car one after another.

Galia and Darius also drove a car behind.

The two cars were like arrows and wanted to gallop outside the city.

In just an hour, Suzi came to the periphery of his mother’s vegetable field in the suburbs.

Before she stopped, she had already seen several police cars surrounded by her mother’s vegetable garden.

What happened to mother?

Why so much movement?

Suzi’s heart felt cold.

Don’t let anything happen to your mother, don’t!


When the car stopped, Suzi immediately rushed in front of a policeman, her voice stuck in her throat: “Police, policeman, I…what’s the matter with my mother?”

Punished by His Love Novel alternative…

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