I’m Sorry My Love Novel Chapter 2256 – 2257

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Chapter 2256

Some questions, Pan Jianliang’s parents really can’t answer.

The old couple’s faces were all red and white.

Red as blood when red.

When it is white, it is as white as white paper.

Pan Youming looked up at the sky, sighed and laughed several times.

Then he said again: “It wasn’t until I grew up in high school, when I was about to take the university exam, that you didn’t let me take the university exam, for fear that after I was admitted to university, I would fly away and never come back, I finally understood.

I’m not Your own sons.

You bought me for one purpose only, and that is to allow me to retire for you.

Because in our local area, there are no sons in the family, and people will be regarded as destitute. The

desperation is inferior to others.

You don’t want to feel bad for a child you bought back.

Your goal is to neither invest in this child nor let the money you spend go to waste, and earn back the money you spent to buy the baby at the same time. , let that baby grow up and take care of the old age of the four of

you! This is the best deal for you!

Isn’t it?”

“No…it’s not.” The old lady denied it. .

Her face was also getting redder.

The blushing was because the son said everything on their minds.

That’s exactly what the two of them thought.

They just don’t want to suffer.

I just want to make some money back.

But such calculations and thoughts were all spoken out by the son, which made the old couple feel a little overwhelmed.

Pan Jianliang opened his mouth several times, but couldn’t say a word.

Pan Youming continued: “Originally, these are all forgotten. After all, you are my adoptive parents after all.

Fortunately, I also grew up safely and went to medical school.

But, I came back to my hometown . What about the county seat?

You insult me ”‹”‹and attack me.

I open a clinic with my own house, and I have to pay the rent for my three sisters every month!

What does this make me feel?

Forget it!

I don’t care!

But that hospital is my career that I worked so hard for!

It was the career that I originally planned to fight for my whole life ! It was my hard work

, and through my own efforts, you didn’t help me, it was my own hard work and hard work! You and my sisters, you even want to keep them for yourself!

What do you mean the clinic is yours!

And I can only work for your family!

If I don’t agree, you will take me to the detention center.


Mom More than ten years ago, I was also taken into the detention center by a few of your Pan family .

Do you remember?

Just like you are now.

You can’t stand it after only one day in the detention center. But

don’t forget Yes, I was in the detention center for fifteen days!

When I came out of the detention center, I had become a street rat in a small county town.

Let me ask, if we were your own son, would you treat your own son like this?

Forget about my son.

Even your daughter, are you willing to treat it like this?

Have you ever seen you treat your son like this in this world?

You never regarded me as your son, but only as your blood bag?

Is it true that you want to suck my blood for the rest of your life, and while sucking my blood, I have to give you both old age and death?

If it weren’t for the shit I did in the provincial capital, maybe you guys are still complacent.

The most successful business you have invested in in your life is the little baby boy that you spent thousands of dollars to buy.

Only a few thousand dollars!

Chapter 2257

You have not raised money since you were young.

He didn’t pay for his studies.

But you can get from him a lifetime of inexhaustible wealth.

Not only that, but you four elderly people have also settled in the latter half of their lives.

Not only will you benefit, but even your three daughters will be able to squander this inexhaustible wealth.

Isn’t it! “

Pan Youming has never confessed these words to his adoptive parents like this. But

today, since we have to make a complete decision.

Since we have completely cut off contact from now on,

we have to say it completely!” Since I’m a child of your Pan family, I don’t plan to care about it anymore. I have a little advantage and I’m very optimistic. As long as the world gives me a little smile, I can become a sun. Later, I had Tian Ningning, and I went to the provincial capital for development.

I thought it would be a great future for me.

But, I didn’t expect that Tian Ningning was the woman who hurt me even more.

At that time, when I was desperate, and when I needed my family the most, what did you do?

During the four years of my marriage with Tian Ningning, the property you looted from Tian’s family and me was tens of millions!

One billion!

My life with Tian Ningning could have had a good development.

Even though she hid a lot of things from me, she didn’t have any feelings for me.

But, the reason why Tian Ningning and her father don’t treat me like a human being, and why they call me a phoenix man, isn’t it because you have looted tens of millions of people’s property in four years!

Money you looted.

Never thought to give me a point!

Is this how you treat your son?

Even if you don’t give me a penny!

I have always been very light on money.

However, I later fell out with Tian Ningning. When I was forced into a corner, when I held a knife to treat Tian Ningning, that was also the time when I needed family comfort the most. At that time, my heart broke down.

At that time, as long as my family could reach out and give me a hand, I would not have done such a thing.

However, as my family.

As a family member who ripped tens of millions from me, what did you do to me at that time?

Sever ties with me publicly!

When I was arrested, not only did you not comfort me, but you also scolded me, listing all kinds of trumped-up crimes in front of the police. Even I was detained in the small county detention center in my hometown for half a month, and you all reported it. to the police!

Is this what you are supposed to do as parents?

Just ask, if I were your biological son, what would you do?

When I was in a coma in the provincial capital, what did you think of me at the time?



Let me ask, four years ago, when I died in the provincial capital, what did you think of me?

If I guess wrong, you would have expected me to be sentenced to death at that time, right? “

Pan Jianliang’s parents looked at Pan Youming in embarrassment.

Pan Youming sneered lightly.


It’s what he said.

He knew that they had such a mentality at the time.

“So, you understand, when my mentor woke me up and petitioned for me, so that I finally got out of the sea of ”‹”‹misery, why did I not contact you again, but chose to study abroad?

Because at that time, I had already made up my mind. In this life, I will never contact you again. In this

life, I will never contact your Pan family again. In

my life, there will be no adoptive parents and Three older sisters!

So please leave.

Don’t bother me again in the future.

If there is a future, my biological parents will take your two elders to court with the paternity test certificate, and let you sit in jail!

Now, please let me If you don’t let it go, the people in

the detention center will have a way to get you out of the way.” With all that said

, Pan Youming didn’t look at the second elder of the Pan family again, and turned around to pull the car door.

Pan Jianliang suddenly howled loudly behind him: “Mingming, we… are desperate.”

Punished by His Love Novel alternative…

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