I’m Sorry My Love Novel Chapter 2226 – 2227

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Chapter 2226

After hugging the police, the three Pan sisters looked at Suzi, Rayna and Alyce with certainty.

There are also two children around Rayna. The children are only three years old. They don’t know anything and can’t tell the difference between good and bad. However, when the two children saw three half-old women here with their noses and eyes raised, they also Fear.

One of the two children is snuggling in Rayna’s arms, and the other is snuggling in Suzi’s arms.

In the eyes of the three sisters of the Pan family, this situation made them even more proud.

“Tell you guys, do something bad, you have to

cheat! You have to cheat!

You swindlers think that our younger brother has no relatives in Nancheng and is soft-hearted, so they closed up. Come to deceive him, I tell you! If I don’t take you group of people today, we are not the Pan family!

And you two children, I even suspect that these two children around you are kidnapped, right? Kidnapping a


You guys are a capital crime!” Pan Gaicai scolded Suzimin, Qingrong and Alyce in a very righteous tone.

There are three people who really committed capital crimes.

As soon as Pan Kaigai’s voice fell, a layer of surprise appeared on the face of the third child, Pan Youyou.

She took the eldest sister to the corner and started murmuring in a low voice: “Eldest sister, how good-looking do you see the two children? It’s not as good as us…” The

eldest sister Pan Panpan asked puzzledly: “Why, you Want to adopt these two children? You are in your 40s, what are you adopting them for? And they are two boys again, so the burden will be heavy in the future, you will be fine when you are idle!”

Pan Youyou immediately said: “Eldest sister, you forgot that the wife of Yin Jiangshan, the richest man in real estate development in our county, is the same age as me, and I am a classmate. Their husband and wife now have a family property of more than one billion, but each child, the first one. When our classmates got together a while ago, I kind of mentioned that Yin Jiangshan’s wife said that she wants to adopt a child, not just one.

If this is a pair of twins for them to adopt, wouldn’t they be happy?”

Pan Panpan beat Pan Youyou. Let’s go: “At this juncture, don’t stop this matter, it’s none of our business to adopt or not, we just want to bring this most troublesome group to justice, so that our little brother can see who is around him. We

have to let the younger brother know.

We! We are his closest relatives, he doesn’t want to get rid of us!

Our ultimate goal is to let our children settle down in Nancheng, preferably in Nancheng Medical College. , In this case, our next generation will be Nancheng people!

Nancheng people!

Our younger brother is 37 or 8 years old, and he has not yet had a child or a family. In the future, don’t let him marry and have children, just look at our three sisters It’s not bad if we have had a child! My

parents adopted my younger brother back then, and they wanted my younger brother to serve us! Isn’t it

good now?

Oh, little girl, now we don’t care what kind of child is not a child. Let’s take care of the

younger brother’s affairs first . Say it again!”

After speaking, Pan Panpan was about to leave.

“Eldest sister!” Pan Youyou grabbed Pan Panpan: “eldest sister, you forgot how rich and powerful the Yin family is in our county. If we give these two children to them for adoption, they will just thank us for our cramps. , if there are no accidents, it can be in seven figures!

For a seven-figure remuneration, our three families have an average share of three or four million for each family, isn’t it sweet?”

Pan Panpan: “…Little girl, if you don’t tell me, I’ll forget about it. I’ll do as you say. When the police arrive, we’ll have to do a good job in front of the police!”

” Alright, big sister!” Pan Youyou raised her eyebrows and smiled.

The two sisters came to SuziRayna and Alyce again.

“Wait! The police will be here soon!” Pan Panpan said in a determined tone.

Suzi: “Okay.”

Chapter 2227

“Aren’t you afraid?” Pan Panpan asked again.

“I’m afraid.” Suzi said.

“Yo, do you still know how to be afraid?” Pan Panpan asked sarcastically.

Suzi told the truth: “Of course, who isn’t afraid? Don’t you?”

“What am I afraid of?” Pan Panpan smiled and said, “I didn’t commit a crime!”

After a while, she asked Suzi, “I know I don’t know, gathering a crowd to commit crimes, defrauding, entrapment, including kidnapping young children, and punishing several crimes together, what kind of crime are you committing?”

Suzi shook his head: “I don’t know.”

Pan Panpan immediately laughed wildly: “Let me tell you. Right! It is possible that you are all capital punishment! Do you understand capital punishment! A group of legal illiterates! They can even go to places like Nancheng to cheat, but there are really people like you who can find someone like my brother.”

“Excuse me, let’s run now. , is it too late?” Suzi asked.

“Run?” Pan Panpan laughed wildly again: “Do you think you can run? With so many onlookers, didn’t you hear the sirens getting closer and closer? Let me tell you the truth, you have been caught The police are surrounded, but you don’t know it!

Now I have a way to reduce your charges.

Would you like to hear it?”

Suzi immediately looked away from his surprised eyes: “Tell me?”

“Take the people around you. When the two children are handed over, we will intercede with the police.” Pan Panpan stated his purpose.

“Fuck you!” Rayna immediately frowned.

She picked up her two children with both hands, and looked at the three sisters of the Pan family angrily: “If you dare to touch my children, I will drink your blood!”

Pan Youyou immediately sneered: “Look at these gangsters, You are so sturdy in broad daylight! But you are also a grasshopper after the autumn. It’s not just the police who will come today.

The richest man in Nancheng, the largest group company in Nancheng, Mr. Fu of the Fu Group will also come.

Today, it’s hard for you to fly out even if you cut your teeth!” As

soon as Pan Youyou’s voice fell, the police car had already arrived.

I don’t know why it’s so coincidental.

Now the police are called out to the few people in the hospital.

At first sight, the three sisters of the Pan family and Suzimin showed their respect, but they were heroic when they were in the hospital, but now they are Alyce.

The policeman frowned and asked, “What the hell is going on? You two groups of people fought in the hospital and ended up here!”

Pan Gaaigai immediately stepped forward and pointed at Suzimin and Alyce: “They are a crime. When the gang was in the hospital, our sisters couldn’t find their old nest, so we followed them all the way! After following here, we finally found the old nest. This criminal gang consists of men and women, and they cooperate with each other.

They are specially designed to catch those The rich daughter, the young master of the Fu family, and the successful people.

By the way, they took it along and kidnapped children!”

One of the policemen looked at Suzi and Rayna with a serious look, and asked, “You?”

Suzi asked Said : “Do you see what we look like?”

“Since someone reported you, come with us first! If you are found innocent, you will naturally be released!” After that, the police asked Suzimin to show Alyce a few people. to the car.

Several people did not resist.

It’s the same wherever it is handled.

Especially Suzi, if he went to the police station, the man named Tong Jianan who was pursuing his mother had to follow him, which would save trouble.

When Suzi was about to follow him into the car, a very old voice suddenly came from not far away: “I see who would dare to take my daughter away!”

Punished by His Love Novel alternative…

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