I’m Sorry My Love Novel Chapter 2214 – 2215

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Chapter 2214

The day when the Pan family members first came to Nancheng Hospital, it happened to be Pan Youming’s emergency visit.

The family pretended to be the patient and the patient’s family members to inquire about Dr. Pan.

The doctor who visited the doctor at that time didn’t have time to pay attention to them because he was too busy. A well-meaning patient next to him heard someone asking about Dr. Pan, and the patient immediately became enthusiastic.

“Are you talking about the new Dr. Pan?” the patient asked Pan Jianliang.

Pan Jian nodded his head: “Well, I heard that Dr. Pan is very skilled in medicine.”

“That’s right, although Dr. Pan is young, he has just returned from overseas. He has top-notch knife skills and is extremely skilled in medicine. Let me tell you, my old woman. This is a very difficult operation, and several doctors are afraid to perform the surgery, but Dr. Pan favors the surgeon.” The patient’s grateful voice was introduced by Pan Jianliang.

After the introduction, I didn’t forget to ask Pan Jianliang, “You are also here to see a doctor?”

Pan Jianliang shook his head and said mysteriously, “Our daughter is also a doctor, and she has a crush on Dr. Pan. I want to come over to inquire about the situation.” The

patient’s family Immediately smiled and said: “Oh, you really asked me this. Dr. Pan has high medical skills, good character, gentle and graceful, and is good everywhere, but there is one thing, Dr. Pan, both parents died

. The closest he went was his mentor.

But don’t worry, even though Dr. Pan died of both parents, he did a good job in the housework. If your daughter gets married in the future, he won’t suffer.

You know how I Do you know that his housework is good?

He can cook.

When my old woman just finished the operation, once Dr. Pan brought the old duck soup that he boiled from home and gave it to my old woman to drink. Oh, that duck soup is fresh and tender.

The taste is very good, I thought he bought it and wanted to give him money, but he said he cooked it himself.

stayed up all night.

It is said that duck soup is cool, and it is good for the old woman’s tumor.

What a caring person.

Although he is a returnee doctor, he has no pretence at all and is very approachable. He often gets along with our patients.

Not to mention our patients, even the cleaners and nurses in this hospital treat them very well.

What a rare good man. “

This is when they first came to the hospital to inquire about Pan Youming, a patient’s family told the Pan family about Dr. Pan in detail. The

patient was very grateful to Dr. Pan, and also heard that Dr. Pan had just arrived, his parents died and he was single.

But , the patient knew about the news from half a month ago. In

just half a month, Dr. Pan not only had a father and a mother, but also a person he loved.

His lover is in this hospital, working as a doctor. An ordinary nurse. The

patient didn’t know it.

So, the Pan family got the news that Pan Youming is still alone and has a house in Nancheng.

It is said that the house in Nancheng is a large flat in the city center specially allocated for him by the hospital. It means that there are many spacious and bright houses. It also means that the Pan family can live in the big

flat , and it is not impossible for the Pan family to move to Nancheng in the future. Hurry up and wait for Pan Youming in the hospital.

Instead, they sent Pan Panpan and his wife. They came to the hospital for the second time. They were very sincere and very excited and said to the doctor on duty: “Oh, my father’s illness was cured by Dr. Pan, my father is grateful. I have been crying all the time. Let us be grateful to Dr. Pan.

This is the purple-skinned peanut and purple-skinned garlic grown in our hometown.

There are also some authentic local products. I must give it to Dr. Pan in person. Dr.

Pan does not want it.

That doctor Ah, can you please tell me about Dr. Pan’s residential area, we don’t go into his house, we just leave these local products at the doorman of the area. Let’s go.

Chapter 2215

Please give us a chance to repay. “

Big sister and brother-in-law of the Pan family don’t see through the extravagance, but she is very realistic in acting, and she looks really grateful.

The doctor felt that it was nothing to tell the community, but not the residential address. Question.

The doctor knew that Pan Youming’s community was a high-end community, and no outsiders could enter. However

, the doctor could never have imagined how wonderful

the Pan family was.

The sisters really went to apply for a takeaway delivery

person to take orders from that high-end community. Nowadays, there are a lot of takeaway orders. The three sisters got their wish and entered the community as takeaways.

And they found Pan Youming’s place accurately . The

Pan family really had two brushes.

That day, when the three sisters entered the Pan family and saw a whole room of the Pan family, old and young, all dressed casually, the three Pan family members immediately thought of the patient’s family and said Yes , Pan Youming is very approachable.

The approachable Pan Youming must have brought all his new colleagues in the hospital to his home,

thinking that he has a limited foundation and not many friends here.

He was born in a rural area, and he is associated with the patient’s words. , The Pan family are all extremely smart. They guessed that the people Pan Youming brought into the house must be ordinary guests.

Not only ordinary, but also of poor quality. They

could beat people at the door of the house.

What else, pretending to be Pan Youming’s mother?

At that time, the three sisters of the Pan family were frightened.

Afterwards, the more the three sisters thought about it, the more angry they became.

This must be because Pan Youming told his friends about family affairs, so the old woman pretended to be Pan Youming’s real mother to attack her adoptive parents and several sisters.

What a white-eyed wolf!

After the three sisters came back, they complained in the hotel where they were staying.

“No! We are the younger brother’s family! He is doing well now and has settled in Nancheng. The hospital attaches so much importance to him, it’s like throwing our family away. It’s not that easy!” Pan Panpan said first.

She is selfish.

Her son’s academic performance is not very good. If she wants to have a relationship with her younger brother, it would be better if she brought her son’s household registration to Nancheng.

The second sister Pan Gaigai also thought of this: “Eldest sister, since the child’s uncle has settled in the largest city in China and is a hot doctor in the hospital, let’s get our children to Nancheng.

Little brother . Don’t you like children?

He can live on a flat floor, and my younger brother is single. I guess that since the woman surnamed Tian did that to her, my younger brother has also given up the idea of ”‹”‹getting married. In the

future, our children will be His child is gone.

Let him give him the hukou of Nancheng.”

Pan Gai Gai expressed his plan.

As soon as he finished speaking, Pan Youyou opened his mouth: “The most important thing is to drive away the group of friends around my younger brother, and to make friends also have to make some useful ones, those who climb the Internet, look at what kind of friends he makes! The old and the weak are sick. Remnant, everything!

No, I have to drive him away!”

Just after the three sisters finished speaking, their father Pan Jianliang said, “I think we will go to find Mingming at home, he will not see us, and there is a possibility that the security guards will drive us away, and we will go to the hospital. There are

many people in the hospital, and the public In this case, Mingming wants to hide, but he can’t.”

Pan Jianliang’s words reminded the Pan family at once.

So, the Pan family came to Nancheng Hospital collectively again today.

They’re planning, it’s going to be earth-shattering.

Punished by His Love Novel alternative…

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