I’m Sorry My Love Novel Chapter 2142 – 2143

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Chapter 2142

Pan Youming vaguely saw that he and that man were gradually merging.

gradually merged.

However, there was a voice in his ear: “Live well, how good it is to live, take care of them for me, my brother, my sister-in-law, my niece, and…”

“Take care of them for me, that’s my concern…”

“Take care of them for me…”

“Take care of them for me…”

The voice was getting weaker and fainter.

“What’s your name, you said your surname is Pan, what’s your name?”

“Hao… Hao Yang… Call me Hao Yang, I’m… the fourth child of the Pan family…”

The voice gradually disappeared.

Hao Yang? The fourth child of the Pan family?

Pan Youming suddenly smiled bitterly.

He is also the fourth eldest of the Pan family.

He is also a child adopted by the Pan family.

He also needs affection.

How similar are they?


They are the same person.

He is him.

He is him.

Pan Youming’s chaotic mind gradually came to his senses.

When he woke up, he suddenly felt that it was an illusion just now, and it was a group of chaotic hallucinations caused by his brain disease.

Like now, he suddenly can’t see himself.

What about yourself who was lying flat on the flat bed just now?

Where have you been?

Why can’t I see it?

Where are you now?

Does he not know where he is? He suddenly felt sleepy and tired, and he felt that he had no strength.

Even, he felt that she was about to lose consciousness.

Is he dead?

he does not want!

He doesn’t want to die!

He wants to live well and live well!

Not for anyone, but only for myself.

He still has people who care about him, his mentor, his college classmates, and a big city like Nancheng, waiting for him to display his medical skills.

He doesn’t want to die.

He wants to live!

He felt the scorching heat, he didn’t want to be sent into the furnace and turned into ashes.

Pan Youming struggled desperately, struggling desperately, he desperately shouted: “Help, help, help…”

He used all his strength.

He thought his voice was loud.

However, his voice was small, only he could hear it, and no one around him could hear it.

Then he struggled desperately, struggled desperately.

He wanted to raise his hand and wave it to prove that he was still alive.

But no matter how hard he struggled, he couldn’t lift his hand.

He didn’t want to give up, so he struggled again and again to raise his hand, to wave his hand. Done.

But he still persisted.

Finally, someone suddenly said in surprise: “Wait a minute! Wait a minute! Wait a minute! I seem to see Dr. Pan’s hand moving!”

Everyone was startled.

Several people stumbled backwards reflexively.

Then, everyone looked at the corpse that was about to be pushed into the furnace, and the hand spread beside it was indeed moving.

It’s just that the range of movement is very small, only one finger is moving so weakly that you can’t even see it if you don’t look carefully.

Everyone held their breath and looked at the hands.

After a long time, the finger moved again.

“Move, move, move! I see it! Doctor Pan’s fingers are moving.”

“I saw it too!”

“Oh, great, Dr. Pan is not dead!”

“He’s still alive!”

Chapter 2143

“Quick! Quickly send the hospital to the rescue! Quickly!”

The struggling Pan Youming was so tired that he had no strength at all. He almost gave up. He didn’t want to struggle anymore. He felt that no matter how hard he struggled, he couldn’t break free from the net of death, but just when he was about to give up, he I heard a loud noise from a far away place.

The voice came near and far.

That voice seemed to be absent.

However, Pan Youming was sure that it was not the voice of one person, but the voice of several people, and there were surprises in that voice.

It was a human voice.

Pan Youming’s body seemed to be injected with strength again.

Immediately afterwards, someone saw that his finger movements were very large this time.

Extra large.

Instead, the two fingers were bent.

Someone cried in surprise: “Doctor Pan is really alive…”

Pan Youming heard this voice.

Although it was far away, he heard it.

There were bursts of surprises in his heart, and all kinds of excitement appeared in his mind.

He wants to live.

must live.

It was as if he had someone he cared about.

How much does he want to see, see, those relatives?

Is that true?

Or, was he dreaming?

He was still struggling, fighting the web of death, he had to break through.

In a burst of super explosion, Pan Youming was pushed back to the hospital from the side of the big stove in the crematorium.

It’s a miracle.

But, it doesn’t count.

Because of his surgery, no one had given me much attention at first, and the nerves in the brain were originally complex and unimaginable, and there were many uncertain factors.

Perhaps, when the operation was just completed, some of his brain nerves had not fully recovered, and an event process was needed.

Everyone thought that when his heart stopped beating, he was dead.

But slowly, slowly, his brain recovered again.

There is also a heartbeat.

This means that, in fact, the operation was successful.

There are too many unpredictable unknowns in medicine.

All in all, it was a surprise.

The whole hospital was excited about it, and Pan Youming’s tutor was even more excited and burst into tears: “This child, this child should not have died, how good this child is.”

After close discussion between Pan Youming’s mentor and several experts, everyone unanimously decided to issue a medical statement for Pan Youming that he was unable to pay criminal responsibility. Moreover, Pan Youming’s mentor personally explained Pan Youming’s situation to the police.

The police are also paying attention.

They visited Pan Youming’s living environment when he was a child, his classmates in elementary, middle, and high school, his neighbors, and even his university.

The police found that no one said that Pan Youming was bad in all the unannounced and unannounced visits.

Childhood playmates say that Pan Youming is smart, eager to learn, helpful, optimistic and tolerant.

Many girls in junior high school have a crush on him because of his sense of responsibility.

Not to mention Pan Youming’s neighbors, many elderly people shed tears when they mentioned Pan Youming: “This child has a hard life…”

There are also patients who have been treated by Pan Youming, and some of them even kneel down to petition for Pan Youming.

There are also those patients in the provincial hospital, as well as the neighbors that Pan Youming got along with during the years he lived in the provincial capital.

No one said that Pan Youming was bad.

But for Tian Ningning, many people felt that Pan Youming was really suffering for marrying such a woman.

Women don’t do any work, but just play the eldest temperament blindly.

In the end, she had to hide it from her husband, like asking her husband to help her raise wild children born to other men.

That’s not all, the man in front came back and said he would take the women and children away, so he took them away.

Is there still a king in the world!

Who can keep calm when faced with such a thing?

At the end of the visit, coupled with the statement issued by the hospital, in the end, Pan Youming was found not guilty.

At that time, Pan Youming had not woken up.

Pan Youming opened his eyes slowly one morning after half a month.

He felt like he had fought a long battle, and finally, he won the war, and he broke the net of death.

He woke up.

very tired.

However, he is very happy.

He murmured very weakly: “I… I am, where is it?”

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