I’m Sorry My Love Novel Chapter 2100 – 2101

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Chapter 2100

Pan Youming was stunned at the time: “Dad, you… what did you say?”

Pan Jianliang: “Don’t take the university entrance exam. This year, the family is tight and I can’t afford you.”

“Dad!” Pan Youming immediately burst into tears.

It stands to reason that he is an 18-year-old boy, it is really time for a boy to cry, but he can’t stand it.

Really can’t stand it.

Since he was a child, his parents’ love for him caused him to be separated, and he endured it.

His grandparents didn’t love him, he endured it.

He endured the cynicism of his three sisters.

He just thinks that one day he will be able to pass the exams, and then he will no longer depend on the family, and he will not inherit the family property. If one day he has made a name for himself outside, he will still come back to honor his parents.

So he worked hard and studied hard.

This is his only way out.

But, on this one way out, Dad didn’t even let him read it?

Pan Jianliang sighed: “In our small county, look at whose children are as old as you, and still let the family study for their own use? Your three sisters have all gone to work in the spinning mill, so it is hard for them to save their own dowry money. , can’t you go to college for you?”

“Dad!” Pan Youming’s voice couldn’t contain his anger: “Grandpa and grandma have hundreds of thousands of dollars in private housing. These hundreds of thousands of dollars can buy several apartments in our county.

Don’t ask me how I know.

I didn’t eavesdrop on me. When my grandmother was chatting with the neighbors last time, she boasted about it. Every granddaughter in the family gets married, and she will marry a house.

Forget it, it’s grandma’s private money.

But the front of our house!

There are so many facade rooms, and each one has a monthly income of more than 1,000, and the monthly income of four or five facade rooms is also 4,000 or 5,000.

And the venue where you sell sand.

How much money do you make with a truckload of sand?

Can we find a second family richer than us in the entire Huaizhong County vegetable market? dad?

Are you telling me that I need my sisters to pay for my tuition for college? “

It was the nineties.

The domestic general economy is not so developed.

Even if there are occasionally developed cities, it is Nancheng and such big cities. In the 1990s, a small county town in the mainland, who can have a few storefronts and a monthly income of tens of thousands of dollars, can really be in a radius of dozens of miles. wealthy households.

But such a wealthy household is unwilling to send a college student to school?

Pan Youming is not a fool.

He is eighteen years old.

An eighteen-year-old high school student, his mind is already extremely mature, he is shaking, even his mind is more advanced and more thoughtful than his father.

Seeing such a son, Pan Jianliang hesitated for a long time.

“Dad! Tell me why you don’t want to use me?” Pan Youming stared at Pan Jianliang.

Pan Jianliang did not answer.

How is he going to answer?

This was a joint discussion among a family of four.

There is only one boy at home.

Moreover, the boy knew too early that he was not his biological son. If the boy was admitted to the university, he had a good time, stayed outside, and would not come back in the future.

Who will take care of the four old people?

At that time, in the Huaizhong area, most of the areas were elderly people who were older, and their sons were in charge.

As long as the daughter is married off, she is someone else’s family, and when she comes back, she is a relative.

This is what it means to raise children to prevent old age.

The son is going to throw the ‘old pot’ for his parents. If this son is gone, who will throw the old pot for him in the future?

Wasn’t he adopting this son for nothing?

He has been raised for seventeen or eighteen years in vain and let him run away like this?

“You, if you go to college, you won’t come back in the future! What about us, me and your mother?” Pan Jianliang hesitantly said what he was thinking.

Chapter 2101

Pan Youming: “…”

After a long while, he asked coldly, “Dad? Am I your and mom’s biological son?”

“Why not! You are guessing again! Who is your suspicious temperament!”

“Shouldn’t I be following you? You don’t have any doubts!” ”‹”‹Pan Youming became annoyed and began to reply to his father.

Father: “You! You will talk back!”

“If your biological son is admitted to university, will you delay his future!”

“Of course not!” Pan Jianliang blurted out.

Pan Youming smiled: “Haha!”

He smiled with tears: “You still said that I am your own?”

Pan Jianliang: “The wings are hard, aren’t they! If you think about me, you know you’ve contradicted me. Don’t give me all these things! In any case, it was me and your mother who raised you, from the moment you were born. Raise you up! The grace of raising is greater than life!

Is it easy for us to pull you so big?

We feed you because we are old and you honor us and serve us. If you are admitted to university and leave, and you will not come back to this place from now on, who will we rely on! “

Pan Youming wanted to say viciously, “It depends on your three daughters!”

But he didn’t say it.

He knew it was too hurtful.

After all, the parents who raised me gave me food and let me go to school. No matter what I did, I couldn’t be so disobedient to my parents.

What about the biological parents?

He gave birth to himself but did not raise it, but sold it.

Thinking about his biological parents, Pan Youming felt that adoptive parents were just a little selfish, but people are not bad.

An 18-year-old boy can only spend that summer with infinite envy and sadness.

He watched helplessly as other students with lower grades than him were admitted to college.

I watched helplessly as people ushered in new hope.

And he could only stay by his parents’ side.

Working odd jobs on the street every day.

When his parents were busy with their business, he helped a group of parents on the sand field. A year later, his college dreams seemed to be smoothed out.

In fact, only Pan Youming knows that he studies hard every night.

He never set himself back a day.

He was just waiting for an opportunity.

Waiting for an opportunity to influence my parents.

He hopes to move his parents through his filial piety to his grandparents, his obedience to his parents, and his dedication to his family, and to let them know that even if he passes the university entrance exam,

He is still their son.

Leaves fall back to their roots.

He will come back eventually.

He even thought about it, he wanted to take two majors.

One is the Normal University.

One is the medical profession.

He hopes to return to this county after completing his studies in the future, either as a teacher to teach and educate people, or as a doctor to treat and save people.

Over the course of a year, although he did heavy work every day, he turned himself into a nineteen-year-old man.

But his studies did not fail at all.

As the college entrance examination is approaching again, Pan Youming wants to tell his parents that he wants to take the college entrance examination.

He mustered up his courage and came to the outside of his parents’ room. When he was about to knock on the door before he knocked, he heard voices inside the door.

“You said, we are going to be demolished here soon. How should we divide the six facade rooms?” This was the mother’s voice.

“What’s the difference between the six rooms? Panpan two rooms, change two rooms, Youyou two rooms. The three sisters don’t have two rooms, it’s fair.” Pan Jianliang said in a very normal tone.

Mother thought for a while, then smiled: “Oh…that’s fair.”

Outside, Pan Youming with his hands on the door: “…”

Punished by His Love Novel alternative…

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