I’m Sorry My Love Novel Chapter 2084 – 2085

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Chapter 2084

Shen Weiyi and Pan Mingsai outside the door were stunned.

Immediately afterwards, they heard Rayna say reluctantly, “Got it!”

Shen Weiyi and Pan Mingsai entered the hall one after the other.

The hall was full of people.

It’s all your family.

Rayna sat in it, a little restrained.

“Sister Qingrong?” Pan Mingsai shouted.

Immediately afterwards, Shen Weiyi shouted, “Aunt Rayna, Aunt Shanshan, here we come!”

Seeing Shen Weiwei and Pan Mingsai coming together, the Jun family was shocked.

Especially Kraig.

He stood up abruptly and asked straightly, “The only one! You, why are you here? Who sent you here? Where are your parents?”

Shen Weiyi smiled calmly: “My parents are in Nancheng.”

“Then how did you come here?” Dalia also stood up immediately and looked at Shen Weiyi.

“I took the plane myself.”

Dalia + Kraig: “…”

In their surprise, Shen Weiyi had already come to Rayna and asked, “Auntie Rayna, did you do something wrong again?”

Rayna immediately grimaced at Shen Weiyi.

Shen Weiwei knew Rayna’s temperament, and he would make some small mistakes from time to time. Jun’s family has a big business, and it’s not a bad thing to occasionally beat Rayna.

Besides, Shen is the only child, and it is not easy to ask adults.

Therefore, Shen Weiyi didn’t say anything.

She only looked at Kraig and Dalia and said, “I have no one to play in Nancheng. Aunt Galia and my cousin have gone abroad. Sister Ming Sai is intern in Kyoto again. You are all in Kyoto, so I came here. .”

She said it easily.

But it scared Dalia and Kraig.

Kraig had a sullen face: “Shen Weiyi! You are getting more and more courageous! You came to Kyoto by plane alone, what do you say if you encounter something on the way! No way! You have to go back to me!”

Shen Weiyi: “…”

“You have no right to ask me! Humph!” Shen Weiyi pouted and resisted Kraig.

She just came, and she wanted to have a good time.

Unexpectedly, when he first came here, he was scolded by Uncle Jun.

“Okay, okay, the only one here, fortunately there is no danger, let’s quickly call Suzi and Shaoqin to report safety, you let her play today, and you won’t be able to fly back tomorrow afternoon. She goes to school at night.” Dalia came out to smooth things out.

Kraig glared at Shen Weiyi angrily: “Next time you’re so bold, I’ll beat you up!”

“Humph!” Shen Weiyi was not afraid!

Because of her arrival, the atmosphere of Jun’s family was much better, everyone was talking and laughing, and Shen Weiwei was having fun with a few younger brothers.

Here, Pan Mingsai took advantage of his free time to give Yingzi new clothes.

“Sister Yingzi, you can try it when you go home later to see if it fits. I think it should fit.” Pan Mingsai said.

Yingzi looked at Pan Mingsai very gratefully: “Sai Sai, if you don’t have money, don’t buy me clothes. I have a salary every month, and Mr. Jun and his wife pay me a lot.”

“You buy it for me. I only buy it for you once in a while. You must accept it. This is my internship salary, which I earned myself.” Pan Mingsai said proudly.

“Okay!” Yingzi smiled gently.

The two are like family.

“Yingzi.” Kraig shouted.

“Mr. Jun?” Yingzi asked respectfully.

Kraig and Dalia are good-looking couples. Although Yingzi is Dalia’s personal bodyguard, Dalia has always regarded Yingzi as her younger sister, and Zhang Luo introduced her to someone, wanting to give her a stable home.

The heroic purple heart is grateful to Dalia and Kraig.

Chapter 2085

“Tomorrow afternoon, the only time you go back to Nancheng, you go to see her off. Give her to her parents in person.” Kraig said.

“No need.” Shen Weiyi said.

“You have to be heroic to send you back!”

“Mr. Jun, it’s not really necessary. I’m going back to Nancheng for an internship tomorrow.” Pan Mingsai said.

“That doesn’t work either! You are both children, I’m not at ease!” Kraig said firmly.

Shen Weiwei and Pan Mingsai looked at each other and stuck out their tongues. Shen Weiwei said, “Well, just in time to take Aunt Yingzi to Nancheng to play, my mother misses Aunt Yingzi too.”

“It’s almost!” Kraig’s tone softened a lot.

And bought tickets for Shen Weiyi and Pan Mingsai on the spot.

Next, Shen Weiyi and Pan Mingsai played with the children for a while in Jun’s old house, and after taking some time out, Shen Weiyi asked Rayna, “Aunt Rayna, is your mother-in-law very picky about you? ?”

Rayna looked at Shen Weiyi in a soothing tone: “Aunt Rayna is fine, children don’t ask these things, look, your Aunt Shanshan is my aunt,

And sister Yingzi is also with me, I’m fine. “

After being married for three years, Rayna has learned a lot.

She has learned tolerance, patience, and how to get along with this big family.

People are also mature.

Seeing Rayna like this, Shen Weiyi was also relieved a lot.

“Tell your mother, I’m fine.” Rayna said.

“Got it!” Shen Weiyi said with a smile, “Then I went shopping with Sister Mingsai?”

She came to Kyoto by herself this time, specifically to find the title contest. Shen Weiyi liked to go shopping with Pan Mingsai on the street, eat snacks, and buy some small things.

Who says two people of the same age have a common fourth uncle?

Rayna nodded: “Go.”

For the rest of the time, Yingzi accompanied Shen Weiyi and Pan Mingsai to stroll around some old streets in Kyoto.

“Only, what university do you want to go to? What major do you want?” Pan Mingsai asked.

Shen Weiyi thought for a while: “Well…architecture? My mother is architecture, do I like it? I don’t know, but I prefer to travel. Maybe I will choose geography and study geography.”

Twelve-year-old Shen Weiwei felt that after studying geography, he could travel all over the world in the future.

“Do you support me? Sister Mingsai.” Shen Weiyi asked.

“Of course!” Pan Mingsai said gently.

“During my internship in Kyoto, did you miss Uncle Joan?” Shen Weiyi asked.

Pan Mingsai’s little face suddenly turned red.

But she nodded immediately: “I think.”

“Go back, go see my Uncle Joan first?” Shen Weiyi asked again.

“That’s not possible.” Pan Mingsai said sternly: “I have to go back to Nancheng Hospital first, and report to the tutor first. After the work is done, I will go to see her.”

Pan Mingsai has always been diligent and eager to learn. Even if she thinks of Joan again, she will finish her work seriously first.

The next afternoon, Pan Mingsai, Shen Weiyi and Yingzi returned to Nancheng by plane.

After getting off the plane, Pan Mingsai went straight to Nancheng Hospital.

And Yingzi and Shen Weiyi returned to Weiyi’s home together.

This was specially arranged by Kraig for Yingzi, and Yingzi must be sent home safely.

Along the way, the only one who talked and laughed with Yingzi: “Aunt Yingzi, do you think Uncle Jun is making too much of a fuss? My mother doesn’t worry about me, Uncle Jun is so worried about me, but Aunt Yingzi, you haven’t been to Nancheng for a long time. , I just took this opportunity to play in Nancheng.”

Yingzi nodded: “Yes, I haven’t been here for several months.

In a few days, it will be your fourth uncle’s death anniversary. I just happened to go to the cemetery to see your fourth uncle. “

“Aunt Yingzi…” Shen Weiyi didn’t know how to comfort Yingzi, when Yingzi’s cell phone suddenly rang.

She picked it up and connected: “Hey, Sai Sai, what’s the matter?”

At the other end, Pan Mingsai said excitedly, “Fourth uncle, I… I saw my fourth uncle.”

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